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Going to Korea in early Jan for FC and revision rhino

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Hi guys,

I've been wanting to do surgery in Korea for the longest time. Think I first started reading up on it on the cozycot forums in 2011 (my goodness time certainly flies) and have been lurking off and on since then. Finally, I have the time and the money to make it happen. And like so many before me, I am so excited but so nervous as well! I will be in Korea from Jan 1 - 15, so if anyone here is going them, let me know! I can PM you my kakao ID. This forum has been a gold mine in terms of PS info, I really wish I could understand Korean/ Chinese tho so I can read up on even more experiences.

A little about me: I was born with a very flat bulbous nose (lol). When I was about 16, I had my first nosejob. My nose was so flat before that while I didn't have the best result, it still was a good improvement from my previous nose! The surgeon didn't actually touch my tip at all, he did say something about my age and how it was still developing (?) So now, for my revision rhino, I really would like a high, defined and straight nose. Haha can't wait for when sunnies/ glasses would actually sit on my face properly even without nosepads!

I also have Asian cheekbones that sticks out, in the not so good way and also a protruding mouth/ weak chin. For my face shape, I definitely would like to do zygoma reduction. For my jawline however, instead of the traditional V-line shape, I much prefer a slightly more angular look that is still feminine. Much like lilymaymac on instagram.

My list: From reading up so many threads about which clinic to go to (and confusing myself a lot in the process because there isn't always consistently good reviews on any one clinic), I have finally shortlisted a few and will do consultations with them.

The Face Dental

I'm not sure if I will be game enough to do my surgery in a clinic that has not been talked heavily enough here, but if I do see/ or recommended a clinic over there that is obviously popular with the locals I will try to also consult with them. I actually tried to research on naver for clinics as well, but I didn't really get anywhere.

I will continue to update here once I actually do my consultations! I really hope I make the right decision as I want to avoid having to do more surgeries.
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Good luck!! It sounds like you're good at communicating exactly what you want, so I hope you'll find a great doctor who listens and can deliver. I think I read some cautions about Jayjun in a thread, but I'm sure you did a lot of research. I'll be finally going in the spring for vline revision, with a couple of those clinics on my list so can't wait to hear how it goes for you. Keep us updated and we're here if you have questions or need support!

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I'm also going to have revision rhinoplasty at View. There is clinic where I had botched eye and nose job on your list.
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Oh no! Sorry to hear that, fingers cross that View will be much better.

If you don't mind me asking, which clinic exactly was that where you did your eyes and nose?
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Good Luck on your journey to korea! I will be going next december for rhinoplasty! Are you looking for a dramatic change in your nose or a more subtle change
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Hey, can you DM me the clinic which botched your eyes and nose? I'm interested in the clinics on that list so it'd be awesome if you could share :smile:
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Thank you!

Def a dramatic change! I want a high nose straight nose bridge but I am so worried that the surgeon might make it too high (IMO a slight difference in height can make a huge difference between a fake looking nose and a natural high one). I really need to make sure I communicate that properly to the doctor :/
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I agree! The height of the nose is definitely important in telling whether the noes is fake! I am planning on going with MVP as I have seen dramatic changes in their noses and it still looks natural. Please keep us updated. Many people who go to korea and get surgery never finish their threads
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Yup definitely will keep you guys updated, I'll have plenty of time to do that when I'm recovering.
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Just an update, I'm in Seoul now. Kinda off topic but I've been having so much trouble trying to find a phone SIM card here. I get told by a local to go to this place only to get pointed somewhere else when I get there. So I'd advice you to buy it in the airport.

I thought I'd do a post after each consultation while it's still fresh in my mind.

I've just had a consultation with Cooki PS. I wasn't originally going to visit Cooki but I saw a couple good reviews on the soyoung forum so I thought I'd add it in. I just walked in and they were able to fit me in for a consultation straightaway. There were 3 Chinese girls who had fc done in the waiting room. When I left, 2 locals walked in. According to Zach, they have a mostly Chinese and local clientele. Zach the eng translator and a Chinese translator was assisting me. Zach just had eye and nose surgery the day before I think so it was a bit confronting to see him like that, not saying that I minded.

He took my X-rays and then we had a chat about what I would like to do. He came off as a friendly and honest person. After that the Chinese translator joined us to help with the doctor, because Zach's Korean isn't a 100%.

I showed them a picture of lilymaymac and they said it was achievable. I was suggested to do zygoma reduction, v line with sliding genioplasty (not touching the angle of my jaw but a slight shave at the front part of it) and revision rhino (ear + rib cartilage). After that the doctor joined us and pretty much said the same thing. He seemed friendly and confident, and drew on his computer his plan for surgery. He however had to leave earlier because he had a surgery to go to.

After bargaining with the consultants, all up the price came to 18million krw if I decide to do it by that day. The Chinese translator also threw in fillers for my laugh lines (which are pretty deep). They did charge me 100,000 krw for the consultation tho, which will be refunded if I do surgery with them.

Also, unfortunately due to their schedule, I won't be able to do both my nose and face at the same time. I'll have to wait a couple days after fc then do my rhino. It's a bit of a bummer because I start work start of Feb.

What I liked:

1) the price - I might be a little inexperienced because this is my first consultation but straight up the price already seemed cheaper than the other places I consulted. It probably could have gone done a little more but I'm an absolute noob in bargaining.

2) The surgeries that were suggested to me were about the same of what I've been suggested to do. I didn't feel like I was being pressured to do a million things. The Chinese consultant did suggest me I could do epi (?) with my eyes if I wanted to, but made it clear it was optional and when I declined it, she backed off straightaway.

3) The doctor was confident and sounded like he knew what he was doing. I showed him pictures of my ideal face and he was realistic about it. He mentioned my nose won't be exactly the same as hers because I have thicker skin .

Overall, Cooki has been a pleasant experience but I'll still consult other clinics before I make my decision.
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Thanks for sharing momo, Cooki is on my list too I heard lots of good thing about this clinic
Yes I heard this clinic is really popular because of reviews on soyoung, to be honest I like the results from girls who went to Cooki
Do you know if they have english consultants? Can't speak chinese >_<
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I can't speak Chinese either but Zach is the English translator there. But his Korean isn't perfect so he uses the Chinese translator to translate what the doctor says sometimes (he's from HK) and he then re translates it to me. Shouldn't be a problem!

I just had a consultation with View as well. Both View and Cooki are kinda doing that marketing tactic where "if you get back to us by today, you can have this special low price". Which kinda stresses me out because I don't want rush my decision but I want the low price too. Do you know of anyone who has this experience?
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