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Going to Korea in early Jan for FC and revision rhino

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thanks for sharing, i'm definitely interested in hearing more about your experience and the post-op care. how long did you end up staying in korea? good luck with your recovery, hope everything is going well :smile:
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Thanks for sharing your experiences. How are your results so far?

And from what you said Opera functions in a way whereby the doctor you consulted with is not the one who will ultimately operate on you. I'm worried if there could be some practising doctors in this case who will use the chance to 'test' their skills on the patients, as with some of the horror stories shared in other threads. Weren't you worried of the same thing?

Finally I see that you did not visit Jayjun in the end? Is there a particular reason why you forgo that clinic?
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Whoops, I must have missed your post. I stayed in korea for about two weeks. I did surgery a couple days after I arrived in korea though
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Initially I wanted to do a post about my results after about 2 months but now, I think I'll reserve my judgement on it till 6-7 months when I'm absolutely sure there is little to no swelling left. Unfortunately, I've turned out to be one of those people who heals extremely slow, despite taking vitamedica and sinnech.

If I were to be completely honest with you, atm I really don't look drastically different from before surgery. This is also something my friends has pointed out. I do have more of a chin now (had a weak chin before) but my cheekbone area is still very similar to before. I have done the CT scan after the surgery and my facial bones had a dramatic difference. But it's not translating to what I'm seeing in the mirror if that makes sense? I'm guessing my bones are not the problem now but the fat.

Also, my nose is also a bit of a concern. I showed the surgeon plenty of pictures of what I wanted and I know there are limitations as to what can be achieved as I do have thick skin, but I really expected more. He said he has put the highest silicon implant commercially available in my nose, but the height of my bridge isn't my problem. It's more of length of the tip and it's shape. Again, I know that swelling at the tip takes the longest to subside but I really don't see how it will be able to change.

I've shared my concerns with the translator who assisted me before. She and the doctor seems to think I look dramatically different from before which I'm not sure what to think.

The strangest thing is that she made it sound like the facial lipo that the doctor said he will do during the consultation was something he did out of generosity? But I don't think I'll be taken seriously till 6 months after surgery. I'm a bit miffed tbh but I'm going to wait till then before I get all worked up.

With regards to your concern on practicing doctors possibly operating on you, I told the consultants that I will only go with Opera if I also have a consultation with the doctor who is going to be operating on me to ensure he understands what I want. I had to wait a while as he was in surgery but I did meet with him. I also saw him right before surgery so I wasn't too worried.

I didn't end up going to JayJun because for me, I found it really hard to pick a clinic. The more clinics I visited the more confused I became.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Hello momo, thank you for sharing your story! I'm considering both DA and opera as well. I talked to Eujin/Sujin and i agree with you she is easily the most friendly online consultant that I've talked to..i hope that you get the result that you have been hoping for, i personally haven't done any surgeries so i cannot help regarding your worries. But hey we are here to vent and express what we hope to achieve. Stay positive and hopeful :smile:
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Thanks! Ah what procedures were you thinking of getting done? All the best in choosing the right clinic!
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey guys, feel free to add me on kakao, (ellebarim94). I'll be happy to share you some pics and you be the judge.

There is a slight improvement to my looks but I'm not too different from before surgery. From the outside. From the scan I did post surgery, my facial structure looks drastically different. Can't tell that from looking at me tho.

For my nose though, I'm kinda regretting now not going to a clinic that specialises in revision rhino.

I've talked to other members here and some said it is probably swelling. So, I'm waiting till June which will be 6 months post op before contacting Opera again.
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