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Going to Korea in early Jan for FC and revision rhino

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How was the consultation with View?
You hesitating between several clinics remind me of my expereince that I was trying to decide between View, Banobagi and Regen lol
I totally understand you are stressed out by their marketing tactic, but I decided my mind to have surgery at View after consultation within a day.
So I actually used their suggestion about discounted price, like I asked for more benefits like swelling care and botox for free because I came back to them and decided for surgery till the day they suggested. I might have seemed very mean to them, but they were very nice and they provided all the things I asked eventually.
How much did they quote you by the way? their price was not very low but also not very high comparing to other clinics where I visited.. just wondering if their price got changed thesedays.
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Thank you for your sharing! I'm thinking of having fc later this year and I also love a slightly angular jawline, my jawline now is very angular and look masculine. I'm still thinking about it, as I'm not sure if this is what the doctors good at (since most people go for v-line/ eggline), but hopefully I'll see after my visit to Seoul!
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Yes! The vline/ eggline is definitely the go to look here. I actually feel a bit nervous for asking for an angular jaw instead of the traditional look because the doctors are more experienced in the latter.

Hehe hopefully my experience later on will help you!
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Did View put you in a little room and surround you with 3 consultants pushing a zillion procedures on you? It's like the chief consultant who is Korean and can't speak English, and the English consultant translates and for some odd reason they put another English consultant in there doing nothing but stare at you sternly to pressure you into doing more procedures.

I still remember my consultation day. After the consultation and paying for everything, one of the consultants took me to McDonalds and ordered a fish burger meal for me. That was seriously weird. I'm not kidding, she actually took me to another clinic for X-ray and then to McDonalds.

Anyway I believe most clinics are the same when it comes to marketing tactics. It's part of their job.
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Ah I wish I was more decisive like you! It seems to me the more clinics I visit the more confused I get. Ah that's very smart of you! By swelling care do you mean deswelling injections?

I found the consultation with View pleasant as well. I think the name of my consultant was Rachel, she was really nice and super sweet, although I think her English isn't as good as it should be for a translator.

They don't charge a consultation fee which is good. I saw Dr Lee and Dr Kim for fc and rhino respectively. I was pretty much suggested to do the same thing as in Cooki. Dr Kim does the facial lipo as well as the nose. Again, to me the doctors both seemed to be confident in what they were doing. I wasn't pushed to do anything that I didn't want to by both the doctors and the consultants, which was a little unexpected because they did push for a lot of procedures during my online consultation with them.
Dr Lee said he won't be able to make my face exactly like the picture I showed him but he will try his best to make it similar. Dr Kim drew out his plan for my nose on a picture of my side profile. He was really detailed and looked like he had it all planned out.

In terms of the price, View actually turned out to be pretty reasonable. She went down to 17million krw. I didn't even bargain it down because it was already cheaper than Cooki.

Overall, View was again a pleasant experience. Now, I have an experience to compare Cooki with. The consultants at Cooki did say that they can absolutely make my face like the pic I showed them. This was even before seeing the doctor. I know some ppl will say they're being unrealistic but damn it sure makes me feel more confident that they would do a good job! It's prob a tactic of theirs but...

Also, Zach and the Chinese consultant both had surgeries done at Cooki and it looked pretty good. However, out of all 3 clinics that I visited today, the doctor here was probably the least involved. He was in a rush at the time tho. But then, Cookis aftercare sounds great, they get you to come in everyday for a quick checkup.

After View, I went to DA for a consultation. I will post that experience tomorrow.
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After consultation you have 3 consultants with you? Wow
And they took you to McDonald's haha it's strange but at least they're trying to be nice lol
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Which doctor are you talking about? By the way thank you so much momo for sharing, this is so helpful!! :smile:
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No they didn't, the room I was in was tiny it wouldn't have fit 3 consultants anyway haha. I think if they put 3 consultants in with me I def wouldn't be back.

Rachel my consultant was very sweet. I think she might be new to the pricing thing because she tried to come off as assertive but i thought it was a bit like dealing with a cute hamster hahaha.
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Pretty sure it was Dr Sung Mo Chung. I think there are only two doctors there who actually does the surgery.

No worries! I'm glad you found it helpful
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I'm not sure if Rachel is new or is the English name of one of the consultants who attended to me last year. Right now View kept on Kakao-ing me about new promotions and campaigns, and I'm confused as to who am I really speaking to. Anyway, I think it's the same small room they put us in, just that in my case unfortunately they had to squeeze in 3 consultants. I felt threatened and overwhelmed to be honest. It's like going to a beauty salon here in Singapore and have 3 sales consultant surrounding you in a small room to sign a $8000 package.

Thankfully everything turned out well and we took selfies in the end. I know they're following my posts on this forum closely, so I hope they don't ever do the 3 consultants thing again.
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went to MVP for consultation, most parts are pleasant.
the one who arranged my consultation even care about if i need to go to another consultation.

however, i don't like the bargainer, she asked me what my budget is, then give me the price exactly the same as my "budget",
felt like a foreigner rip-off so i didn't go there.
i don't think our budget should ever be asked as it shouldn't have huge impact on price.
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Yeah a lot of them will do this. What you should do is tell them a value that is lower than your budget. I've managed to shave off a cool 8million krw by doing this.
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