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Has anyone recently had experience with either of these clinics or know anything about them. I am deciding between these two clinics in which I will have rhinoplasty done. I am looking to do Alar reduction, Lateral Osteomy, Short nose correction, Bridge, Tip, and hump reduction
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I remember reading pretty bad reviews about Mega before, not sure how theyre doing now. Sorry, wish I had more of an input >< What made you decide between these two surgeries tho?
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Thank you for your response! Since i have been on this forum I have seen a ton of good reviews about MVP's rhinoplasty and how good a clinic they are. What I noticed was that their results were natural but if you requested a big change they would do it.
And lately I have been doing a lot of research on Mega and I have heard some good things aside from the post that someone said a patient died.
When I KAKAO them they showed me really impressive before and afters that were not photo shopped
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Yes I am looking to do alar reduction, lateral osteomy, and bridge and tip. I am very nervous and I want my rhinoplasty to be go well
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Mega seems to be give a more natural nose than the pointy barbie-like type. Depends on the style you like! I know you can bargain with cash over there. It is always good to bring a picture of the nose you like as well. Good luck on your surgery! Hope you get really successful results!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Good luck to you.! Please update after you do your nose. Is yours a revision?
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I have been to MVP and they were more interested in getting very basic work done. They didn't agree to this and that, plus the Case Manager was a little scary (I'd noted in my own thread that the case manager asked me non treatment related questions, gossip but friendly). I just don't like them.

You should visit 3-4 clinics before making your decision. MVP & Pitangui was very conservative; TL is more open. You should include a consult from either MVP or Pitangui / before other clinics.. This way you can have a more conservative view on what to expect.
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That's the same feeling I had when I consulted with Dr Seo. He was rather conservative and was really reluctant when I wanted a parallel crease of 6-8mm (DES) instead he recommended for a 3mm height (just below my mono fold) which basically (over time) would amount to an invisible crease. Although he was patient and took the time to explain, it wasn't the result I'd preferred.
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Yes. It would however give most of the people looking for surgery a conservative opinion - the safest opinion.
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