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Korea plastic surgery journey Feb 2017

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Good to know! Thanks @kathy2406 I'm going in April so I'm happy I will still be able to get a tax refund. I read this in another thread but I heard that clinics can charge a credit card fee, is that on top of the credit card price? I know that they usually give you 2 prices, 1 for cash and 1 for credit card. Just wondering if it's a lot more money to pay on credit card vs cash.
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thanks @kathy2406 and @solarbeam! I did a consult like 4 years ago at Grand and I remember them offering 2 prices, cheaper price if I paid in cash. I didn't end up doing surgery then but now willing to take the plunge. I want to pay with credit card is because I don't get charged a foreign transaction fee. I'm going in April so will keep everyone posted!
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Hope u guys don't mind adding me as well? My ID is sssshake :smile: I'll be in Korea next week for rhino
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