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Only tipplasty

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I had only tip plasty using my ear cartilage, as I didn't want a drastic change on my nose at that time. However I'm planning to have rhino revision to fix my tip, also this time I want to get my nose bridge higher.
The result from previous surgery was not what I wanted, it was very very natural to an extent that there wasn't much difference compare to my nose before surgery..
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Oh :sad: if my nose tip is flat when I smile and I want it taller (but my bridge is okay), do you recommend getting implant and tip or just tip?
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but i know sometimes if you only do your tip, your bridge could look wider or whatever too. so thats why sometimes its best to do the whole thing so that they can make it so that its more balanced. Makes sense though cause if you just slim the tip, then maybe the bridge can look more wide and all. be sure to go to a surgeon you can count on!
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If you like how your bridge looks now then there is no reason to change it :smile: also consult different doctors to see if what you want in your mind can be achieved with only tip plasty. After all a pretty nose is also about proportion.

I want to get an implant now because I have a really flat nose. So everyone's case is different :smile:
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This is the first time I hear about this and I feel lucky my bridge didn't look wider after my surgery! However I agree to do research seriously and find the best doctor you like. I was very rush on my decision last time (since I didn't know there's online community like here to look for information), my tip now is slightly tilt to my right as it wasn't inserted nicely. So always take your time in making decisions :smile:
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does anyone know of any good places that specialize in nose? i feel like a lsot of the places specialize in des or fc. I was really looking into GNG or grand for doing nose cause theire ba pics look on point. Anyone else have any good places in mind >< I wanna just do tip plasty too, but I feel like doing the whole thing is better for balance anyway
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I too am planning on just getting my tip done. I have sent my photos to some clinics and they agree that from my photos it looks like my bridge is at a good height for my proportions but can't be sure until they see me in person. I am open to the though of an implant BUT it would take a lot for them to convince me to get it. I still want my nose just a little better, if that makes sense. lol :smile:. I have been quoted between 150-300 won. To me 300won seems too pricy for what I am asking for. Let me know your thoughts. Thank!
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agreed with the balance part. sometimes just doing the tip only can through the whole thing off baalnce. thats why its important to go to a specialized surgeon who can take the overall balance into consideration
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