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Going to get rhinoplasty in 5 days!

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Hi, I'm considering DES, epi, and primary rhinoplasty in Korea. Been lurking on threads for a while, this is my first post! Thank you for sharing your experience it has been extremely helpful to me :smile: I'm planning to travel to Korea either July of 2017 or 2018, and my top choices currently are MVP, DAPRS, Teuim (for eyes), JW, and now April31 after hearing your wonderful experience. Like you, I have a very bulbous nose with oily skin that also has a flat and droopy bridge. Can you possibly share with me your before & agrees over Kakao? I just made one called matchagelato if you can add me that would be great thank you:smile:
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Congratulations! I am so excited to read about your wonderful happy result.
I also have a deviated septum that needs fixing and I didn't know there are small silicone implants like 2mm.
I really don't want a high implant as my bridge is not low... so frightened that too much will need to be reduced to fit an implant there. Thank you for your post, it is really encouraging and destressing. lol
I am going for consultation in Mar. Please add me in Kakao: Featheric
I would like to find out more info from ya. Thank you so much! =D
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Hey guys sorry if I haven't responded. Just the post-operation swelling is getting to me now. Right when the cast and bandage was removed my nose looked amazing around day 9-11! Then on week 2 my nose tip started swelling up like my pre-op, so I'm feeling slightly anxious but I know it's fairly normal. The healing process is the worst part of the whole surgery because it's legit a rollercoaster. I'm going to be patient and wait until it has been a month. I hope my nose will look like what it did on day 11. My gut instinct is telling me that it'll be fine since I heard when you get your cast remove that's what you tip will look like. Now that its week 2 and half my tip is swollen (like it was pre-op), so I'm feeling ehhhhh about the situation. My nose keeps fluctuating, some days looks nice and most days looks swollen. I just have to be patient and wait AT least a month. I'll keep you guys update within a month. So I'm sorry if I haven't been responding.
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Thanks for remembering us even though you are going through stressful post op recovery period.
Don't worry yourself too much now. All the swelling will make your nose look big and uneven.
My primary was a Rib Rhino nose and you can imagine how big and swollen it was. It took 4 months to look more normal and settled. However, mine never looked nice even after the cast came off.... T_T so I am needing a revision.
I am sure you will recover faster too. Stay positive and take good care of yourself. Do be mindful of your nose!
I hit my nose while eating with a metal spoon post op and it bled... I freaked out. I don't think there was much damage but it was stressful. So be careful ya. ^L ^
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Thank you ^^ Im feeling a bit down because I feel like my nose is getting more and more swollen from day 12-17. And normally people tend to notice their nose swell down as days go on. I feel like the swelling could be reverse for me? I'm only on day post 17, I still wish the bulbous part of my nose decrease a bit. I also haven't been wearing makeup so maybe that could affect the way I feel (since I normally wear makeup everyday). On a positive note, Strangely after the surgery I've been feeling more confident to go bare face since my nose is straighten and its helping my skin tremendously. I'm hoping I'll find some progress in the next 2 weeks.

And it took you 4 months for your nose to settle? May I ask what was wrong with your nose pre-op and what happened to it from your primary rhinoplasty?
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There will be major swelling in the first month, so you can't judge your nose.
The swelling will only subside significantly by the 2nd month.
I have talked to another lady who had surgery with Dr Kim, she was very worried in the first month due to uneveness, etc, but she found dramatic changes in the 2nd month and is happy with the changes.
3-4th month, it will get more shapely, skin tightening up on the structure.
After that it will slow down a lot but changes still takes place.
This is a rough guide from my experience using Rib Cartilage.
I think for Ultra Soft Silicone implant, your healing will be faster than those using autologous material.
But we still have to take into account that you have corrected your deviated septum, so this will increase the healing time too. Hence, please be patient at least for the first 3 months and keep a positive attitude and look forward to a good result. Worrying excessively won't help and it could be for nothing. =D

I think it is true that when cast off, you can tell if it is done properly.
When my cast came off, I saw my nose was not built symmetrically, I can see the structure is wrong.
Of course the doctor told me it was swelling...
If you can see the structure is basically right, then I think you should be good.

Before surgery, my nose was deviated and my breathing was affected.
Until last year, I felt my breathing on my left was getting bad... so I contemplated Rhinoplasty. I wanted to correct it and at the same time straighten my nose. Turns out to be worst decision of my life. Now my breathing is slightly improved but my nose is worst than my orginal nose. Although originally deviated, it was not obvious unless in photos. I actually like my nose. Now, it is just wrong.... T_T
So if anyone is not unhappy with your nose, or actually like your nose, please don't do Rhino just to correct a deviated septum or something. The outcome is not just a small tweak, you might end up with a nose you can't accept. It is psychological too!! Like exchanging your favorite toy for something else you thought is better but.... realized you don't like it. haha

I am going for Consultation this Mar. I am hopeful and looking forward to it.
Let's stay strong and believe in goodness & heaven!!! We will be there!! ^L ^ !!
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Aw thank you! Yes today on day post 18, I can see my nose tip Slightly shrinking. So it makes me happy knowing the swelling is going in a normal process. I'm remaining patient and positive for the first 2 month recovery. I'm so sorry about your primary surgery! Dr. Kim is very known for his revision and I'm confident he will meet your satisfaction. Just make sure to show him a lot of pictures of what you desire and I'm sure he can replicate it (as long as its reasonable). I wish you the best for this March! Your surgery is coming soon ^^
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Hey guys I'm currently day post 20, almost to 3 weeks. I'm not sure if this was worth the money to be honest (since I paid a lot). I'm having a lot post-op depression after this. My profile bridge bump is coming back but that could be the swelling. My profile didn't look as good as day 10-12. Nose tip still looks as bulbous and identical as pre-operation nose. I'll wait until I reach the 1 month mark. I'm still hoping for the best and staying optimistic about the results. The recovery is no joke and sucks because I keep comparing my recovery to other people. I feel like I'm recovering very, very slow because I haven't seen any difference in my nose.
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Hang in there Lady! I fully understand your post op blues. It is stressful but you just have be patient for the result. I think it might be good that your nose is looking like your old nose now and not smaller, that means it will become smaller when the swelling comes down. If your nose looks ideal now, it will not be ideal when the swelling is gone. So stay positive ya. ^ ^
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Please stay positive! I have talked with people who had noses that didn't deswell until at LEAST 7 months post op. So hang in there! Swelling is different for everyone, and so many things can affect it.
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