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Feedback, Fat Graft on Forehead and Chin, Question About Nose Stretch Marks

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Hello, it's been 2 and a half years, Its been a lot of ups and downs, but TPF has helped me along the way. Lately many people have asked me about my fat graft experience. So here it is.

I would totally recommend this procedure if your forehead and chin are visibly receding but not too too bad. The result will be satisfactory and really balance out your profile, although it will swell your face to no ends immediately after the surgery.

However, if your profile looks fine then I won't even bother with fat graft. Fat requires a lot of skill to shape, and the amount and pattern of absorption is really beyond the control of the most skilled surgeons. For me, my forehead is visibly slanted side to side when I look up (L higher than R), and my chin, with the shrinking volume became a lump sitting on the center of my chin which is giving me the double chin look from many angles. Another thing is that because the injection to the chin is subcutaneous, the fat lump moves with the skin and not the mandible when I purse my lips or do other facial expressions.

But all the above mentioned are acceptable, for me. I do not at all plan to do anything about it. I mean who would ever compare your forehead looking from your chin up. The lumpy chin is bothering me, but what ever, maybe it will all absorb eventually so why bother.

What I am really worried about, are the stretched marks on the bridge of my nose. I mean to attach a proper image here but the camera on my phone just won't register my problem. I looks like stretched open skin like people who have excess fat on their bellies or thighs. Imagine smooth skin being stretched open where there are islands of intact skin separated by rivers of stretched thin purple red skin that's almost transparent.You will see a few horizontal thick lines of indentation, one of which has been pointed out with an arrow. In person it looks tender, purple and transparent.

I only very recently paid attention to it, but it must have been there for a while. My questions are the following:

1) Anyone who has experienced similar problems or who knows anyone who has experienced similar problems please contact me, DM or Kakao

2) Are stretched out skin normal after nose bridge augmentation? Will it likely escalator will it likely stay the same.

3) What would be your recommendations?

Anyways, I really wasn't expecting this, I was very happy looking normal and slightly pretty after my surgery and was ready to embark on my normal life. I am here to slowly easy my mood into fixing my nose again, so I really would appreciate all the peer support TPF has to offer. And I am here to help.

Courage my friends.
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Hey Vichy I actually had the same line appear at the top of my nose bridge after rhino. I hadn't connected it to stretch marks until I saw your pics.

What worked for me was using a dermaroller. It really helped to fill in the line but it's not entirely gone. I hope it works for you too!
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Thank you for your reply. I mean, those line doesn't bother me that much, as much as the fact that they appear kinda purple and transparent. How long have you been having these lines and since when did they appear? I am worried that they are signs of skin breakdown.
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I noticed it when I returned home 2 weeks after rhino. I wasn't sure if it was a past acne scar or not so didn't know it was a stretch mark.

But now it makes sense cuz after an implant the skin on the nose has to stretch to fit the implant :sad:.

I haven't gotten any additional lines so don't worry about skin breakdown. Now it's just trying to make it less obvious and the dermaroller or a chemical peel can help fill in the lines. Now the line is barely there and I have to look really hard for it:
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Well for me, its been 2 years since my surgery. I never paid that much attention to it before I really don't know how it will go from here, is it permanent, will it break down more. Anyways, guess I can just pray at this time and monitor. Thanks you for sharing, it helps.
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If you stay in Korea, I guess you could. I didn't
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