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Jaw Reduction Surgery - In Seoul for 10 days (Jan 19- 29)

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Hi all,

I went to Seoul for a face-to-face consultation with the doctors for 4 clinics in Oct 2016 (tfd, cinderella, DA, cbk) and I finally have chosen a clinic for the operation. Let me know if anyone is around Seoul at the moment =)
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I have taken cbk and tfd into account and my final take is tfd. Just done final consultation today and surgery is scheduled coming Saturday.
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Thanks. I have my surgery earlier like 6 hours ago. I got a swollen face and could not sleep. Not due to pain but just sleepless. Maybe I have sleep too my h throughout the day. Will keep u updated on the recovery.
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It's my first night. Hope that my swollen could go away asap. I stayed near the clinic so it's totally fine to walk to the clinic if there's anything. I stayed in the clinic tonight tho.
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It's my first day of my post-op (surgery happened 14 hours ago).

The most difficult moment is the first 4 hours after the surgery. The nurses don't allow me to sleep or to take even a short nap for the first 4 hours as I have to breathe out the anesthetic gas with deep breathes. Tons of blood coming out from my mouth. I felt so unhappy and I have a short moment that I wanna suicide with the attached pain. Tears dropping out spontaneously and I just blamed myself being so dumb by having such surgery. I just don't wanna recall this terrible moment.

Nonetheless, pains started to go away after 4 hours with the effect of the anesthesia leaving my body as the painkillers started to work well. And finally I can sleep.

Terrible moments happened as I cannot sleep well =( I got stuffed nose and sore throat as the tubes go through my nose and my throat during the surgery and it kinda hurt a bit of the tissues. I got running nose and some yellowish fluids come out of my nose the entire night but it's manageable.

My first night has finally passed and hope that my swollen face can go away asap.

I forgot to mention that I am coming to seoul alone without any accompany. I am so glad that I bumped into 2 chinese mainlanders in the clinic and they cheered me up after the surgery when they see me in deep pain. One of them are a chinese korean translator who came with another patient. Gratefully, he helped me to translate all my words to the nurses. He even cheered me up and asked for tissue paper and food for me without asking everything in return.
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Not the same. Mine is like just jaw. Bone shaving in the jaw area and I didn't touch my chin. This is my phone after a 13 hours surgery
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Does jaw reduction give appearance of smaller face? That is similar to chin reduction yes? You look great!
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