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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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I look forward to your update! I am debating between a few clinics too
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've also just done my rhinoplasty at GNG a few days ago. I really recommend this clinic if aftercare plays a big roles in which clinic you will decide. I've consulted with quite a few clinics and if I'm just comparing aftercare services, GNG wins this one.
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I've just returned yesterday from my time in seoul having done primary rhino. had my surgery done at GNG and theres not one thing i can fault. i'm post-op day 8 at the moment and will post a fairly detailed account of my experience from researching to narrowing down the clinics, to the selection process, to the consult, to the procedure, after care and recovery.

Will require some time as i'd just returned and need to put some time and thought into constructing my review.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Back with my review. - Part 1

I must stress that this is based on my personal experience and I'm still swollen!

I've wanted to change my nose since forever. From a very young age friends and family members would tease me about my big nose yet follow up with "don't ever change your nose because your nose is what will make you prosper in the future!"

Chinese fortune tellers would tell me that a big nose is a good nose and that’s what I had. A big, wide, round and fleshy nose which I’d absolutely detested. I was always advised against altering the nose in fear of changing my fate but being brought up in Australia, I’m not strong on the superstition front. I also believe that our fate/destiny is set when we’re born so no amount of “changes” to facial features would have any sort of impact on our fate.


It wasn’t til January of this year that I’d decided to look into rhinoplasty. In the early days of my research (quite frankly I think out of impulse) I had contacted JW Beauty, MVP Plastic Surgery and DA Clinic to enquire on the cost and recommended procedure.

DA were the snobbiest – they said hi and that was it.

MVP and JW both responded fairly quickly with their prices and recommended procedures (i.e: what to do with nose).

I don’t know why or how, but I settled on MVP really quickly. Organised my tickets (but not paid) and was set to go in March 2017.

Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to cancel my plans – a blessing in disguise!

Months went on and the thought of getting rhinoplasty played on my mind so much. So I dug a little deeper in my research and by chance I came across a thread that had mentioned “GNG Hospital.”

Naturally I researched as much as I could. GNG being somewhat new to the forum was not as popular or widely discussed about in purseforum (as compared to the likes of April 31, JW Beauty). Looked up GNG’s Instagram, blog and website and knew immediately that I wanted to have my procedure done there.



1. They’re ENT specialists – I liked that one doctor specialises in their field unlike doctors in other clinics who are jack of all trades but master in none.

2. They don’t just focus on aesthetics but functionality as well. Nothing is worst than having the nose of your dreams but you’re breathing like darth vader forever.

3. The fact that the surgeon performing on you is a specialist in their area means the risk of you getting a botched job greatly reduces!

4. For major surgeries like rhinoplasty, facial contouring, face lifts etc, you can request GNG to record the procedure being performed. This eliminates the chances for shadow/ghost doctors performing your surgery.

Shadow/ghost doctors are a big issue in Korea so having this added feature put my mind at ease.

You will need to request this option 2 weeks before your surgery.

5. They do a full medical examination before your surgery and wait for results to come back before actually getting you on the operating table. From a video I saw on youtube, one patient had her blood drawn while she was on the operating theatre….. er… isn’t that too late?

6. After care services means a lot – it’s not just pay for your surgery, get the work done and see ya later, there’s a lot more to that. Stay overnight (one or two nights) at the hospital with the nurses monitoring your recovery, administering pain killers, anti biotics etc.

The consultant will be in touch with you constantly over the recovery period to ensure you’re going well.

7. Although GNG isn’t widely talked about in forums, all the reviews I came across were positive only with the exception of one about a Dr. Choi (how true this one is I have no idea).

8. All the noses I saw on their website/Instagram/blog appealed to me!

Let’s not forget these clinics/hospitals will put up their best work and GNG were consistent – there are pages and pages of nice noses that greatly appealed to me. They don’t look overdone.

I got in touch with GNG’s consultant (Hazel) straightaway.

Hazel was prompt with her replies and very patient. The one thing I appreciated the most was Hazel telling me the top 3 rhinoplasty surgeons of GNG. That put my mind at ease cos no other clinics/hospital I’d conversed with ever did that (they’ll tell you they’re all good which is unhelpful imo).

Based on my pictures Hazel also suggested Dr. Hong (top 3) as he’s an excellent rhino surgeon who’s great with reductions. She followed up with a consented picture of a patient who’s previous nose was like mine (but twice as big) with a follow up picture of the patient and his new nose at 2 months post-op. THE RESULT WAS AMAZING IT BLEW ME AWAY.

I had initially chosen to consult with Dr. Seong as he’s greatly spoken about in forums.

Considering I wouldn’t be in Seoul for long (8 days max) I needed to decide on a doctor. I requested for more pictures of patients who’d got their noses done by Dr. Hong.

I was satisfied with what I saw. Paid my deposit, booked my consult and procedure with Dr. Hong.

Even after having paid my deposit I was still communicating with Hazel up to the day of my arrival into Seoul. From time to time I would bombard Hazel with questions of all kinds, because you know, you get nervous.

She is seriously the most genuine, caring and patient consultant you’ll ever meet. She deserves a gold medal and pay rise for her attention to detail and services.
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PART 2 -

Consultation Day:

Had a full medical examination done – blood drawn, CT scan, some monitoring of the heart thingy, pee’d in a cup.

Met first with the medical consultant (Min Seo?) and she was a delightful one. She told me what I’d needed to do with my nose – raise the bridge with silicone, project the tip with cartilage (with septal if enough, or with ear/donated cartilage) and reduce the alars.

She crunched some numbers and I had to bargain hahah! Of course… bargaining is ok. You don’t want to low ball them too hard, like come on guys, they need to get paid too! Don’t forget you get approx.. 8% tax back at the airport as well.

Within 10 mins of agreeing on the price I met with Dr. Hong. Min Seo told me to relax and not be afraid of Dr. Hong (because he’s soft spoken and doesn’t say much).

Min Seo was right – Dr. Hong doesn’t say much, he is definitely a man of few words, doesn’t sugar coat, is straightforward and tells you what you don’t want to hear.

EXACTLY the kind of surgeon you should look for.

If its worth mentioning, I went in to see Dr. Hong with multiple pictures of the kind of straight noses I liked plus a list of questions (about 20) that I’d compiled for months ensuring I covered everything I needed to know.

Originally I was adamant that I’d go for no-plant rhinoplasty as I didn’t want to risk being one of the unlucky ones and suffer an infection plus, hubby didn’t like the idea of an implant.

After addressing all my questions Dr. Hong told me that no-plant rhino would not achieve the kind of look I was after (ie a straight defined bridge) and assured me that silicone would last forever (god forbid the infection) just like the no-plant.

After prodding at my nose several times and getting a good feel of it, he told me that my nose is really bulbous with fleshy tip and thick skin and there are its limitations. No alar-plasty necessary as an implant plus projection of the tip will “mould” and give the look of a much slimmer refined nose. He would

If in the future I feel that I still want to reduce the size of my alars, it’s a simple procedure and he will do it but for now he didn’t think it was required at all.

I liked that he took his time to analyse me between CT scan and feeling my nose, was honest, not greedy/hungry to sell me extra procedures I didn’t need.

Our consult was done and I was due back to the hospital the next day ready for surgery.

Surgery day

Hazel organised a taxi to pick me up at 8.30AM at the expense of the hospital. Arrived and met with Julia (the other English translator) who took me to see Dr. Hong once more. Min Seo was also there (taking notes). Dr. Hong went over what we’d discussed (being the surgery plan) and it was re-stipulated that he would be doing:

- bridge with silicone (3.5mm)
- tip plasty with either of septal/ear/donated cartilage
- osteotomy
- alar plasty would be a last minute call if he thinks that I would benefit from it.

Got into the surgery room and the last I remember was being given the gas and told to take deep breaths.

Woke up while in the recovery room still very groggy and in a dream like nauseated state. Was brought to do de-swelling treatments in the oxygen tank and the next thing I remember is being brought up to my ward/room and resting.

Felt no pain just a super dry mouth and throat. I was very lucky not to have had any pain in my throat from the tube being put down.

After about an hour I was finally able to drink water. Several hours later I was served pumpkin porridge (which is sweet) but had no appetite and felt no hunger at all despite having fasted the night before.

Nurses came in throughout the night to top up pain killers/antibiotics via the IV drip. I fell in and out of sleep and it didn’t seem too bad as there was a diffuser/humidifier. I kept a bottle of water next to me to take sips when i was thirsty.

At about 5am the nurse came and took me for another round of de-swelling via the oxygen tank.

At about 11am I was discharged and went back to the hotel where I struggled a little bit because of the pillows – you need to sleep high enough so your head is above your heart. But the pillows at the hotel (Gangnam Family Hotel) were too soft and collapsed the moment you laid your head on it.

It sucked for me from post op day 2 til post op day 6 – the packing and silastics stop you from breathing through your nose so you’re forced to breathe through your mouth. And being in a dry hotel with the aircon (and even with the windows opened) my mouth would dry out. I was constantly PARCHED and my tongue dried out like a prune. So a tip…. Bring your own humidifier/diffuser if you can to avoid this.

I had my stitches, silastics and cast removed on post-op day 6 as I was flying back home that afternoon. Couldn’t have felt more liberating to be able to breathe through my nose again!!!!!

As I type this I am post-op day 17 and the swelling has gone down a lot (I put this down to my daily walks of about 2 – 3km). My husband made a passing comment the other night (post op day 13/14) that my nose looks less plastic now that the alars aren’t as swollen (ie looks less pinched, still pinched but not as bad as it was).

Post-rhinoplasty advices:

1. No heavy lifting for a whole month – for those gym goers who do weights (that’s me inclusive). I was worried about this as I have a 10 month old (now going on 11) in my sole care (we have no helpers in Australia) and it would cause a great inconvenience if I am forbidden to carry him from room to kitchen etc. Thank god, Dr. Hong gave me the all clear and said carrying my baby is fine but to be extra careful as a knock/hit in the face could cause the implant to shift.

2. Do not wear spectacles/sunglasses for a month – for me this is the greatest inconvenience haha. My eyes are constantly dry from wearing contact lenses!

3. Avoid spicy food for the first month – prevents sniffling

4. Avoid chewy foods – avoids too much mouth action! As our noses heal and the incision line heals, chewy foods can cause it to heal at a slower rate. You’ll know what im talking about when you go for rhino!

5. Light exercises are encouraged as long as you don’t get your heart rate up! Heart rate up = blood rushing to your nose tip causing excess swelling. So a brisk walk is great, window shopping is great. These aid swelling…

6. Eat well and drink plenty of water.

7. Avoid smoking and drinking.

8. Apply sunscreen and wear a cap if you’re bruised and still are bruised – this prevents pigmentation problems in the bruised areas.

9. I’m sure theres a few other advices but that’s all I can remember for now!

My overall experience at GNG went above and beyond my expectations and I cannot recommend them enough.

Super glad that I chose Dr. Hong. I'm told he's a perfectionist and he truly is. Why do I say that? Because the great skills of a surgeon is reflected not only on the end result but during recovery as well.

While I did experience bruising and swelling I am quite surprised it wasnt as terrible as I'd imagined it to be (if you look through Google you can see some unsightly examples).

You can barely see the incision line! It's relatively faint. I did not experience any pain of any level at all during my first 7 days post op. To this day I feel no pain or discomfort.

I really cannot praise him enough!

I'm forever grateful to Dr. Hong for turning my ugly nose into one that all my friends and family envy hohoho! And for making me look AND FEEL pretty!!

Last but not least…

My picture – before and after. The transformation is remarkable!!!!

Warning: You’ll become a little more obsessed with taking pictures of yourself post-rhino ahahha!

feel free to ask any questions :smile:
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You're kidding. That looks INCREDIBLE, and that's only post op day 17? I'm so happy for you, your nose looks so natural–it suits your face so well! I've been pretty hesitant with the recent flood of conversation regarding GNG because it's so sudden that I can't help feeling a bit skeptical. This is directly conflicting with my falling in love with GNG precisely because of everything I've researched and read. They seem to be exactly what I'm looking for, and your post only further convinced me that if I were do my nose at all, I'd have to do it at GNG. Ugh, the struggle...
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oops haha forgot to quote the message but you look stunning!
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Thank you! Yes the post-op pic was taken day 16/17!

While it might not look like its swollen i can assure you it still is especially parts of the nose leading up to the tip! the tip itself is still stiff/hard/numb as with my upper lip and i am told this will take the longest for the swelling to subside.

Hazel has also told me that recovery of the nose is like a rollercoaster ride for the first few months. It will look better one day and then worse the next. So one step forward, three steps back. and that's fine as the nose gets worse before it gets better.

Like you, i was skeptical of GNG at first because out of no where they just suddenly appeared as the go-to place for rhinoplasty. I also got a Korean friend of mine to look up Never for any possible negative reviews but she found none. So hard to believe right? Although none of the reviews she came across were about the actual results of the noses, all reviews she read talked highly of GNG's pre and post op services. It definitely pays to be more diligent in your research and would be of benefit if you know anyone thats Korean or can read Korean as this would help you greatly in making your decision.

I also going in touch with two people from this forum who'd gotten their rhino's done and i was convinced by their results, however, their noses were both performed by Dr. Seong and none by Dr. Hong. So it was a huge step for me to commit myself to Dr. Hong! haha.

Just send Hazel a message via Kakaotalk and ask her all the questions you have. also ask for pictures she can send you of patients with similar noses to yours so you can see for yourself if the outcome is what you envision your nose to be. (that's what i did).
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Thank you for your review! seems like GNG is famous for Rhino.
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