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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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Did you book ur appointment in december from now? Damn thats half a year but i guess thats good bc its really full during winter. Is that for surgery or just consult?
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Yeah, I've already put down the deposit for surgery as well. It's because I'm currently residing in America and planning to go back to Malaysia for holidays end of this year. That why I have to plan everything ahead.
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That's harsh but I guess if youre fine with that then go ahead. Most people prefer to consult in person before putting down a deposit for surgery, if you decide at the end that you dont want to do it there anymore it's extremely hard to get the money back. Most some can do after consistent claims is getting half the money back. lol
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According to translations from the pictures since they're in chinese, it says that the bone feels bumpy to touch, accompanied with loud noise when she opens her mouth and basically many parts are dislocated.
In the second pic it basically says the cheekbone has been damaged repeteadly and she could feel a gap/hole when touched. The ''bone line'' near the nasolabial gets bigger and bigger (?) that is also causing her pain that she cant sleep at night. Take note she said this happened after 5 MONTHS POST OP.
Her friend states that a lot of chinese patients are dissastified with Dr. Choi's facial contouring skills and that all the girls who went with this friend to GNG were not happy. They also photoshopped her friend's pictures to show people that her face is ok when people asked about it.
''Hospitals like DA, GNG, Cooki, Opera or Iwell are not good, they spent too many for advertisements in 新氧 app''
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oh my gosh, is this for real? Scare the s*#t out of me.
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Might look like that but u dont know how it felt like from the inside lol
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Just updating everyone as I am coming close to my one month post op mark! Idk about the negative review above ^ but all I can say is i am more than satisfied with my surgery and I'm not even completely healed yet Some of you who have been on this forum for a while know that I've conversed with you over the last 3 plus years as I've done my own research. Started with ID as my top clinic (yeah I know...that went away quickly) I've probably posted on every single PS in Korea thread on here since about 2013 XD most of you know as I researched my top clinics were TL, DA, View and EverM before I found out about GNG literally 3 months before going to Korea. I know how important this is for everyone going into surgery. It's a BIG thing especially FC and none of us want to have to go through revision or have a botched surgery. We all want to come out of it looking like we hope to in our heads. In 100% honesty after surgery I didn't look exactly like I thought I would when I had photoshopped my photos in the past to change my jaw line etc. at first after the 4th day when I took off my bandages I was extremely shocked. I kind of looked like a turtle? Idk how else to explain it but I didn't look anything at all like I had thought I would. And then a week went by and although swelling was going down I still didn't look anything like I thought I would but I definitely did look different. It wasn't until about week 2/3 that I really saw the changes and I'm SO incredibly happy with how it's turning out. I have all the feeling back in my face. Still have swelling but everyone I have Kakaoed thinks GNG is somehow magic because it looks like I'm like 2-3 months post op and not just one I definitely can still feel the swelling but everyone else can't seem to see it. I was told that with zygoma reduction you could feel a sort of clicking noice when opening your mouth idk if that's what the person above was talking about but I only felt that once and that was 3 days after surgery and I haven't felt that since. I have zero pain and although They recommended a liquid diet for one month I found I was eating softer foods around week 2 and I eat pretty much all foods now.

And the nurses were PHENOMENAL. When I tell you they were the sweetest people in the world I'm not exaggerating. I wasn't drinking enough water during my recovery in the hospital so they would come check on me every half hour to an hour and make sure I was drinking enough and they even walked with me when I wasn't walking enough. And they just made me feel really comfortable. The entire hospital did. Even Dr. Choi I think he was on a short break or something (he had a coffee) and wasn't on the normal floor but had saw me out of the corner of his eye,coffee in hand didn't need to check up on me at all because I was just there for my deswelling treatment and instead he came over and asked me how I was feeling and felt my face to check on everything and that's just a small thing but it really meant a lot to me to see he really cared about how I was doing and that my recovery was going well.

Even my consultant whenever she saw me at the hospital stopped to check up on and ask me how I was feeling. And always went out of her way to come say hi while I was there.

Also they give you your medication which is an uber plus because I had major anxiety thinking I had to go to a pharmacy to get the medication and thought I would get the wrong ones etc

Translators: Their translators are so nice as well! Especially Hazel I could literally give that woman the moon for all the things she did for me while I was in Korea. I don't speak Korean (very very limited at least) so I was always scared to try to get a taxi and I didn't even dare take the metro for fear of getting lost even though I hear it's the easiest thing in the world but she literally got me a taxi every morning and evening I had an appointment and so all I had to do was pay the money on the meter. And then I forgot her name but while Hazel was caring for another patient when I was getting ready to leave for korea I had another translator who I just happened to mention I had really liked the pumpkin juice so while I was in the deswelling treatment she went and got me a bunch of bottles just because she heard me mention it and I just thought that was really sweet.

GNG just made me feel extremely comfortable. I didn't even want to leave the hospital while I was there. And I can't stress that enough how important that was to me. As a foreigner in a country I had never been, didn't know anyone, didn't really know the language and so to feel comfortable and at home in a way was just an extremely nice feeling.

I wasn't going to add photos but I figured since I was so happy with my results and I told GNG that they could use my photos anyway i figured why not. Plus I know how much seeing other people's results helped me so the first photo is literally the day before surgery and the second photo is about 3 weeks after.

I don't know if you can really tell but I had a wide face and protruding zygomas from the front and side view. I also had a weak/receded chin because of my overbite. Normally I would need double jaw surgery but since I already had braces on and didn't want to go through all of that it was recommended that I have a slight sliding genioplasty and a small implant. Personally I think it came out really well no photoshop, no filters. In the first photo I have on zero makeup in the second photo I'm just wearing foundation. I mention this because idk what it was but the facial I got from GNG was incredible and cleared up my whole face and I'm convinced it's sorcery.

Another side note: No one ever mentioned it on here I don't think but after surgery your skin is SUPER oily and slightly flaky? Idk if it was just how my skin reacted because I've never had surgery and I don't really know how to describe it but it felt so oily and gross I couldn't wait till I could finally wash my face! And that facial they offer is DEFINITELY needed.

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Calliecat, you look beautiful. Congratulations on your outcome. Now that I see your pictures, I felt more confidence with GNG. I'll be having my surgery with them December. Thank you for your posting. That really relieves my worries.
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