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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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I believe it's Dr. Son. He is no longer with GNG Hospital, and is longer on the webiste.
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hi @MissOrange. thanks for letting me know. actually i went back to read @mia1992’s thread and i guess from that specific post i wouldn’t have assumed that the results from dr seong are that bad, enough for it to warrant a blacklist. maybe you have more insight from speaking to her personally. but you’re right, i should definitely try to speak to more people privately about GNG. are you looking to do a revision as well?
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Haha maybe I’ll see you at the airport I’m arriving on the 19th as well
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what do you think of the fat graft?
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But why is Dr Seong so popular then? Can the experiences make him more skilled than those with certificates?
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From what I know Dr.Seong and Dr.Hong are ENT surgeons and I’m assuming the reason they’re so popular is because they not only focus on the aesthetics of the nose but functionality as well. Some plastic surgeons will give you your ideal nose without worrying about wether you can breathe properly etc. personally I like Dr.Hong’s rhinoplasty better than Dr.Seong (although if going for a revision I would say Dr.Seong). But I booked with Dr.Hong :smile:
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Do you think the fact that they are not board certified is important? Will it affect your decision?
I've been reading a lot on SoYeong and so far I read one negative review saying the nose is too big..
Where can I see Dr Hong's work other than SoYeong? Thanks
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Yes, doctors must be board certified. Otherwise you're gambling with how things will turn out in the end.
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Why do you say that you like Dr. Hong's work more than Dr. Seong? I am just curious, because GNG's before and after pictures don't indicate who did what. I assumed Dr. Seong would be better as he is the head doctor and an expert at revision.
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I watched their snap story a few times since they tend to show more on that then they do with their posts on Instagram and a few times they’ve showed patients getting their casts off and they’ll say which doctor did what-of the noses I saw on there I liked Dr.Hongs better than Dr.Seongs. It’s all really a personal preference but I felt Dr.Seong is more conservative.
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Oh okay, I'll watch their snap stories sometimes then. I kinda want a dramatic change, so maybe Dr Hong would be better. I would hate to spend thousands of dollars for my nose to look not that different. Thank you!
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No. If they're certified ENT surgeons who focus on plastic surgery/rhinoplasty then they're fully qualified to perform rhinoplasty, but this is absolutely contingent on their level of experience. Dr. Seong has more than 13 years of experience in revision rhinoplasty alone, from what Julia told me and that's worth more to me haha.

Don't get me wrong! You wouldn't want an ENT surgeon doing your rhinoplasty if it's not the center of their work (consider the volume of rhinoplasties that they do, and whether they have a decent aesthetic sense and experience with rhino) but in Dr. Seong and Dr. Hong's case, they couple their ENT experience WITH rhinoplasty at a plastic surgery clinic–I'd argue you're better off there than other places, especially if you have functional issues that need addressing as well. If you like their aesthetic sense then rest assured you'll be in safe hands, but it's all up to you. I have functional issues so I wouldn't think of going to a plastic surgeon who might give me nice results but make my breathing issues worse. Again, please do your own research and decide at your own discretion. This is just my opinion!
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i agree @csolare. the reason i intend to go with GNG for my primary rhino is because their doctors have years of ENT experience to back up the aesthetic component of a rhinoplasty. the fact that dr seong takes the more complicated revision cases also comforts me.

BUT i'm also making that decision based on my consultation with GNG last september & speaking to dr seong in person. i also consulted with dr choi, and he spent a long time making sure he understood what exactly i wanted for facial contouring. personally i think hazel is a fantastic translator, i never felt afraid that things were getting lost in translation.

it's always good to hear multiple opinions because at least it makes you think about the reasons behind your decision. but it's extremely important to make an informed decision based on your own research, looking at reviews on other forums (like misooda, realself, soyoung), speaking to people who have actually had surgery there. for me, my final in-person consultation and how comfortable dr seong makes me feel on that day itself will be the deciding factor. i've typed and printed out a long list of questions that i'd like him to answer. my advice would be, don't be afraid to walk out even if it means losing your surgery deposit if you're not confident with the clinic or doctor!

@HannahCc - you can ask gng on kakao to send you pics of b&as from the two doctors.
in the kk group chat we were talking about choosing between dr seong and dr hong. generally speaking, if you prefer a more dramatic nose consider dr hong. as for me, i'm looking for a very conservative/subtle result and so i'm going with dr seong. one thing you could do is ask to consult with both dr seong and dr hong when you're there.
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I can't insert quotes today, so I am COPYING Miss Orange's reply
"No I am not looking at revision now @maliboo. I am just in shock gng suggested I needed revision rhino for 18 million won! My nose is not a nose that needs $18,000 spent on it! What ever happened to surgeons saying your nose looks fine as it is just that, fine! ..."
Speaking of one's nose being "just fine", this poor bugger went to Bano and imo he went from hot to not. Yuck so manly to she-male tranny but I guess that's the look he wants. hot to not Bano.png
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