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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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Yes, I shared my results with you on Kakao :smile: I am still trying to get Purse Forum to change my name lol, and I would write my Kakao ID here but it also has part of my name in it (the ID starts with "A" and ends with "S," the beginning is similar to my Purse Forum name lol!).
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No its for every clinic not just Gng. If you want to join give me your kakao id.
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GNG really have lots of reviews and even reviews with sponsorship. But anyway now their bad reviews are gradually increasing. They don't even remember or bother to look at their patient before replying. How can they make such a careless insensitive mistake. It's hard to trust them...
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Listen MissOrange I am not anyone’s shill I live in usa trying to find my way to a safe and good clinic in Seoul with good result so far I have been on kakao for couple of weeks and have seen good result from Dr. Seong who does Carol’s nose and Dr. Hong who did Calliecat’s nose. I base on what I see with my own eyes not from what I heard. Besides I am not even sure myself who I will go with because I also considered vip because of rib cartilage, but seem like Dr. Lee from Vip doesn’t do DCF. Hopefully I made myself clear.
You sound more and more like an MVP promoter every post
@Sonya714 , just ignore her - most people who have been here for some time do that. With this type of person, don't feed them, don't give them the attention they need. I really hate those people who post reviews (good or bad) without evidence to support what they say. As you said, I only believe what I see, not what I heard from some random people. From Ashleylovesyou' s comment, someone who met Mia in person thought her nose looked really good - you never know who you can trust, but bashing a clinic enthusiastically to draw people to another clinic sounds more like a shill to me. I am glad that Mia stop talking to her - maybe she saw my message sometime ago warning her about that.
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Ha ha ha. So not true.
MissOrange is a UK doctor. Check out her videos on YouTube.
She was botched at DA and is now forever grateful to MVP for the results they have given her.
You will find good and bad reviews for all clinics so in the end you have to trust your gut instinct and go with who you feel comfortable with. I would go to GNG in a HEARTBEAT if they swear on a Bible that they will do their best to give me Valory’s nose and treat me they way they treated her, ie like the celebrity she is. I am printing her nose out as an example for my revision.
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Hi all, I'll be in Korea mid July and was thinking of doing my non surgical rhinoplasty at GNG. Can't seem to find much information about non surgical procedures online, could someone please add me to the Kakao talk as well? Thanks!
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Hey everyone! I meant to update with my recovery process etc but I never got a chance to while in Korea. I’m currently a little over 2 weeks post op rhinoplasty (Dr.Hong) and fat graft (Dr.Kim) with GNG.

Initially last year when I consulted with GNG for FC I actually consulted with Dr.Seong for rhino as well. Although I couldn’t get rhinoplasty at the time because of funds lol a year later after seeing rhinoplasty results from both Seong and Hong I decided to go with Dr.Hong. I felt really comfortable with him during the consultation and I just felt like he better understood what I wanted. I think if you want a natural nice result Dr.Seong would be your better option, but because my nose wasn’t really bulbous and I just wanted to lengthen my tip and get rid of my hump and make my nose more curved (this was all a bit more on the dramatic side) so I choose Dr.Hong.

As for the first couple of nights right after surgery I found the first night was actually worse for me than my FC. I didn’t feel any pain at all during my FC recovery but with rhino the first night not only was my throat super dry because you have to breathe out of your nose but I couldn’t sleep AT ALL because the pressure from the packing in my nose was giving me such a headache it was extremely uncomfortable. So much so I actually asked GNG if I could stay just one more night because I didn’t feel well and they were kind enough to let me stay a floor below the recovery room (for rhino you only stay at the hospital one night typically so the room I had they had to prepare for another patient) but I felt much better the second day even though I counted the hours down until the packing was removed lol

I didn’t feel really any pain at all from the packing removal and although I could breathe out of my nose you can’t really breathe all to well until the splint is removed. But once the packing was removed I was actually able to go and walk around Korea a bit with Carol and Maggie though we did most of our walking once the cast and splint was removed on day 7.

Fast forward to cast removal..nothing feels better than not having that cast or splint in anymore lol when the cast was removed my side profile was really nice however my nose was super swollen and bulbous at the tip and that lasted about 3/4 days after until I started seeing it slim up a bit. Now on day 15 I think the swelling has definitely gone down so the tip isn’t as bulbous anymore. Though I also have to admit I heal a lot faster than normal people do apparently so just like with my FC I was told I would see my final results much sooner than others would.

As for fat grafting I’m so so happy with how that turned out! It definitely gave my face a lot more dimension. Although my ps experience is now officially done I can 100% say I’m happy that I chose GNG both times for FC and rhino. If nothing else their aftercare is he best I’ve ever seen. From them letting me stay another night than I was suppose to down to getting cabs for me even if I wasn’t going to the hospital.

I know they’re slow to respond especially around peek time but I definitely think it’s worth it to wait for a response and if not you can always send them multiple messages.

I’ll update with photos at my one month mark!
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Hi CallieCat -

Congratulations on your successful surgeries :smile:

If you don't mind me asking, have you been given a discount from GNG for your reviews and also for allowing them to your before and after photos on their Instagram account ?
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Thank you! For my FC I was given a discount if I let them use my photos/videos on their social media but this time around for rhino I had a promotional insta price that I grabbed when they had that going on so I didn’t get any other discount other than the promotion but they still asked if they could use my photos this time around too and I said they could :smile:
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That's awesome ! Thank you so much for sharing with all of us here .... Your reviews and comments are really helpful
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