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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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What is her name so.i.cant make.contact too
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I recently had surgery with GNG in late January and my honest experience from the consultation right up until now has been nothing short of a nightmare. I'll be posting pictures shortly along with messages and emails if I cant sort it out with the clinic soon enough. I'm so sad.
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Please do!! I am so sorry to hear this :sad:
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So sorry to hear this. Ouch from rave reviews to BEWARE GNG.
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I cant speak for other positive reviews obviously, only my own. I will just say,..be very realistic with regards to some, as they are all heavily filtered, have makeup a lot of the time, and not very objective.

I am currently trying to sort it out with the hospital hence why I haven't mentioned much. I'll keep you updated the next few days, this has been a nightmare. I am a private person so really didn't want to have to do this. I have a revision scheduled already later this year.
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I have multiple issues but I'll talk about the first one so I'm not bombarding everyone at once.

I have just been referred to a tmj/jaw specialist this week and I need another scan. It's been 4 months and I can't open my mouth beyond two fingers because of my right side. There is also a huge lump on the affected side when I open my mouth and it pulls to one side.

I showed my original scans from Gng to the doctor treating me, and he seems very concerned by the right side having screws very close to the condyle head which is basically the jaw hinge what opens your mouth. So I'll get a scan in 2 days time.

I have messaged Gng through whatsapp who told me tmj can't be caused by this procedure but I have found numerous cases with issues.


ill upload my scans etc when I explain my other issues in more detail as I'm a bit distressed at the moment.
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Oh I forgot to mention this is Zygoma and facial contouring.
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Hi I Ma planning for a rhino plasty and fc. Can I have the contact for the translator Thanks
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Man- is GNG that good of a hospital anymore? They were high on my list because of the raves (prob from promoters) and now I am seeing BAD reviews of GNG everywhere. Seriously, I don't even know what to believe anymore and it is BEYOND pathetic for these clinics to hire promoters on here. If you're gonna hire promoters, AT LEAST LIVE UP TO THE HYPE. How do these people sleep at night? Knowing they pretty much scammed a good number of people, charging them high prices for surgery, and f%@cking up their faces???
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Thank you MissOrange. I appreciate that so much:smile:)

My experience so far has been, that they are great when you think things are going right, but when things are going wrong, expect that glossy niceness to turn quickly to coldness and indifference at the fact that they are being disturbed and having to answer tough and specific questions.

This isn't the only problem by the way. I'll go into my other problems shortly. The clinic have offered me a paltry refund of just 4 million won (as long as I don't post any online reviews with my problems) I signed that hush contract because I desperately needed some cash because I couldn't work. I then waited for 2 weeks as they promised they had sent the refund. Take into account international payments can be made within an instant.

I then realised its probably more important to tell people my story, as its indicative of their type of behaviour. Essentially it is hush money and extremely underhand and unprofessional. When I say nightmare I don't play it down one bit.

You can DM me for more details I have all the emails and Whatsapp chats.
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Non surgical rhinoplasty? Do you mean filler?
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