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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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I just thought I would add to this thread a little more, as its been on my mind lately,...and it truly baffles me.

Its one of aesthetics, and the weird way in which they apply it.

GNG Hospital and many other places seem to think that obliterating the mandible angle and elongating the chin is somehow feminine, and isn't going to contribute to aging in 2-5 years after surgery or even before that.


Here is a very quick draft I did of one of their models on their page (left is current, right is morphed) Its not even done properly, but in my opinion serves to illustrate just how severe the removal of bone is. When you compare with the edit, I think the edit looks much better, more refined, more natural, more feminine, and would definately prevent ageing more.

The first image to to look like a huge chunk of jaw has been removed and the chin elongated like a goblet.


Is it just me or am I missing something?


Again another edit. Why in the hell, as a female would you want to elongate the face and make your face more masculine, and in the long run contribute to accelerated ageing?

The brainwashing comes partly from showing a girl without scrap of makeup prior to surgery....and then giving them a total 100 filter makeover after surgery to complete the illusion. There is absolutely no objectivity so therefore they think the after is the ideal, when really in reality it isn't, at all.

I would love to see them do the opposite. Post surgery take a picture of the girl with no makeup in the morning, and then show a picture of them before they had surgery in makeup and and a pretty dress.

And this isn't just about beauty, its providing a structure to your face for years and years to come, so your masseter muscle and other tissues don't slide down your face.

Attractive female faces usually always have a relatively short chin (not recessed or too short) with a nice angle to their jaws. Example below:


And its not just a Western thing. Look at Nana for example.


Different culture, same principle applied.

I spoke with the Face Dental about a revision, and to their credit, all of their pictures have no photoshop or at the very least a minimal amount compared to other clinics. No weird tricks used. Their doctor also consulted with me for longer (for free) than any of my pre surgical consults with GNG Hospital.

And this brings me back to the problem, for the most of Korean clinics, I think even their surgeons are brainwashed into thinking this is the ideal beauty standard. Because of that, they will disregard the patients opinion because their subconscious is telling them it should look a certain way. Its arrogance,..my opinion of beauty is right, I am the doctor.

I'm being honest with you. During consult with GNG I must have brought over 80 images of females with similar jaw angles and was looking for a subtle result. I made this so clear (it was my biggest fear). All the coordinators nodded their head with their fake smiles, made me feel comfortable, like they understood me. The doctor nodded, ....and then hours later decided **** it, I'll do the complete opposite of what I have been instructed to do crystal clear terms.

And then for them to tell me "the surgery was very much a success" and my face had "limitations" was just deceptive in the extreme. My jaw had nothing wrong with it.


I don't know if anyone agrees but I thought it important to share my opinion, because a lot of people are getting completely hoodwinked by filtered and un-objetive images, and it just goes unvetted the the clinics can be as devious and deceptive as they please to make money. The illusion of thisneeds to be shattered so people can make much more informed decisions.

It my opinion a lot of their ideals on aesthetics are completely skewed. My mistake was thinking they could apply their skills to a western face. The answer is they cant and I'm sure that applies to the majority of clinics.

I hope this helps people.
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Yea they refused with me too when I asked about revision or how to fix. Shows how unethical they are. I am not surprised one bit by what you just mentioned MissOrange.

They knew it would be too complex to correct after I Skyped them crying, so they wanted to nothing to do with it.

They are despicable.
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Anyone should watch this. Please go to places which don't photoshop their images. Otherwise you are being tricked.

GNG Hospital are one of the ones most guilty of this.

The GNG Hospital bait. Put a picture of a girl with no makeup on and bit of acne with a miserable face. Then compare that image with a filtered photo with a face full of makeup, and perfect hair , and at a completely different angle.

Wow really honest, well done. So much for objectivity.


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My chin was elongated from the surgeries I had there, though my mandible seems angular as before and quite unchanged (so far - still a bit swollen). It seems consistent with the style you've shown in the pictures. I've noticed it a lot lately when I practice smiling and opening my mouth in the mirror. I wanted a v-line and I think they thought just elongating my chin would be enough.
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Hi Everyone,

Has anyone recently done rhinoplasty with GNG or booked in for rhinoplasty at GNG? I’m definitely going to book a consult in sometime early next year. Would love to know about your PS journey.

I’d like to know how long I should spend in Korea? Is 2 weeks enough?

Also, feel free to privately message me or send me a message on Kakao.

Sent from my iPhone using PurseForum
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  • 3 weeks later...
I heard they have a lot of bad results recently and there were communication problems with the translators and patients.
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I had GNG on top of my list but not so sure anymore since it is so hard to communicate with them. I emailed them first and then a girl named Claire responded back with the quotations for revision rhinoplasty. After i sent my pictures which she asked for she disappeared and didn't bother to comment regarding my pictures I had sent. And then I tried to communicate with them through WhatsApp but it was also very hard to get responses from them. They don't answer to all my questions when they respond. Very frustrating ...
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Very hard to communicate with them. Frustrating and weird.
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There's many bad reviews coming out now so I would avoid GNG because one of my friend's cousin worked at GNG and she told me that the locals only really know them for their sleep center and their plastic surgery center is unheard of within the locals, so they don't actually have much local patients. Since they don't have much local patients, they're focusing their marketing to foreigners through the forum and through YouTube (like Valory). Mostly, they're putting up fake reviews and asking their foreigner patients to write reviews online by offering them huge discounts.

She also told me that although GNG's rhinoplasty specialists are good at functional surgery, they don't have experience in aesthetic surgery so for most of the results the nose looks big and masculine, which is okay for their male patients, but not so much for their female patients. Because of this they get a lot of complaints from their female patients that got rhinoplasty done there because the results don't look good. Just want to share what I found out because it seems that what we know about them is really different to what I heard.
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  • 5 weeks later...
GNG is putting up fake reviews and asking their foreigner patients to write reviews online by offering them huge discounts. Moreover they don't have much local patients, they're focusing their marketing to foreigners for money. People should know about it before they go
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I am planning to get a rhinoplasty and facial contouring but wasn't sure where to go in for consultation. I saw people fussing about GNG, what the heck is going on??
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