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GNG Plastic Surgery Hospital Reviews

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Hi threewhitefeathers, well as I said in one of my later posts, I've recovered well and have no issues with my current nose. Dr Seong was my doctor btw in case u didn't see my later posts, not Dr Hong.
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Thanks Carmen for your reply ! I will keep this noted as I'm trying to decide on a great surgeon. ❤️
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I would love to get the name and contact information for the translator you used. thanks!!!
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I dont think theyre sponsored
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  • 2 weeks later...
I put down a deposit for Dr. Hong. There was a really cute girl there that did nose by him and her before was really similar to my current. I ended up pushing my surgery date tho cause of school. Anyone else gonna be in Seoul around Sept?! :smile:
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Depends when you and i are gonna go! I was thinking sept or oct but dont have a specific date yet.
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For those who want to see more reviews from GNG. There is one girl in this blog just pm me this link, she claimed that these are from GNG. I am not sure cause I am unable to read their language, tried to use google translate, but it's quite hard to understand..

What you guys think? Can anyone send me additional reviews via pm or answer post, would be very appreciated!

From what I heard they don't have many reviews online, so it's hard for us to make a decision. At least they should have used 'Facebook's live'.
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Hi everyone! I don't know why I never came across this forum but I've been keeping everyone up to date and posting about my experience with GNG on other forums if you want to go back and take a look at those pages...BUT as an update I am 2 weeks post op with GNG for FC. Keep in mind as I am only two weeks I am not fully healed and still have swelling but so far I'm really loving the results. Surprisingly I had no pain throughout my recovering time here in Korea..which the doctors were surprised about lol. I had a few dull like tooth aches? But that was about it as far as pain. After taking the bandages off it took quite a while but the swelling has now definitely gone down noticeably I am no longer a chipmunk

As for GNG itself I'm SO glad I came across them when I did. For those of you who haven't seen my posts over the years on here I spent about 3 years researching and shortlisting and researching even more trying to find my 'perfect' doctor/clinic..and it just so happens a few months back I came across GNG. They surprisingly have no bad reviews that I could find-probably due to them being relatively new but they're also highly recommended by locals plus their work is really something. Everyone from Dr. Choi to the nurses that came in every hour or so making sure I was drinking enough water (after surgery I really wasn't drinking as much water as I should have been) but they made sure that I was walking around drinking plenty of water so I could heal faster and of course my translator Hazel. Can't thank her enough either. She answered any question I had even on her days off and gave me her personal KakaoTalk to make sure I could always get ahold of her. I truly can't thank them all enough.

Just a heads up and this may not be for everyone but if you're getting FC and not too happy with your nose beforehand I would also recommended getting a rhinoplasty at the same time. I love my FC results but I did notice that as of right now I wish I got a rhinoplasty as well because my nose kind of doesn't fit my face anymore if that makes sense? I do plan on going back in the fall though to GNG for a rhinoplasty! :smile:

If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me and I'd be glad to answer any of them. I will also come back and update you guys for any other major changes most likely my 1-3 and 6 month marks
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Yes she did surgery with GNG! I saw her in the books when I went as well plus she has a YouTube channel
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Hi white dandelion -

I too am looking at gng for a revision and am also looking for a drastic but natural change. Did you end up booking with gng ? I would love to hear about your experience.
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Hi everyone, I'm also interested in revision rhinoplasty and ptosis correction and fc. Been seeing a lot of good reviews about them here. Does anyone here had a jaw reduction surgery done with them? How long it takes for the jaw to fully recover? Please advise.. planning to go to korea December.
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Hi when did you have your surgery? Did you already have it? Also is that the result in your profile photo?
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