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Scar gels, prep before heading for surgery and food to avoid?

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I hope all of you will be able to share with me any scar gels that is good and can be bought in Singapore :smile:

Also, is there anything I have to take note before heading for surgery in another country and most importantly!!! What food to avoid after surgery.

Is there anyone that did both des and ba together?

Thank you!!!
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Plenty of recovery creams or gels are available in Korea, I have no idea about Singapore sorry :sad:
Yeah you gotta make sure you have everything you need, be consistent with the recovery routine, avoid food that could trigger any bloating and flare up you inflammation, go to the deswelling care clinics offer, taking care of your swelling... lots of things you can do to reduce as much as you can uncomfortable feeling :smile:
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I used contractubex
It's very good
90% of my scarring healed perfectly fine
The 10% not really because I was too lazy to put it on three times a days after the surgery for 6 months
It was basically my fault ☹️
They also sell it in korea and in the philippines
It's made in Germany and it it's really helpful
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah do avoid soy sauce... Not only it can affect your scars but it will make you swell like crazy... Because it contains so much sodium (salt), so it will make your inflammation worse, make your face bloated and worsen overall swelling
So yeah, no soy sauce for the first few days, or first week depending on your surgery
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Haha you can still have korean food with no dressing, could still work
Food in restaurants can easily be salty, but if you avoid sauce and dressing, it's really healthy.
The healthier you eat, the better it is for your recovery
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