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Deesse Plastic Surgery Clinic

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I just had surgery at Deesse on January. Their aftercare is relatively ehh...I needed the nurses attention after surgery when I was in the bed but there was no button for me to get their attention and no nurses were around. I never got to see the doctor after the surgery and the consultant kind of quit responding to me after the surgery unless it benefited them (using my photo for promotional purposes, getting other surgeries).
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What did you have done? :/ I am interested in their facial contouring
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Did you get any discount for allowing them you use your photos?
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Yes! My surgery went from 2,800,000 to 2,400,000. But in IRL they lowered the price even further without me bargaining
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Oh dear, is this the chinese consultant at dessee? I'm in touch with her and am going to consult there next month. What surgery did you have done?
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Do you mind if I ask what surgery you had at Dessee?
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In my opinion, the results did not fully meet my expectations. My surgery is not botched in no way, and I think it looks better than before the surgery, but it seems like such a slight change that no one really noticed the difference besides me (kind of okay with this though). I got a cupid bow for my lip ($2000) which was apparent after surgery when my lips were swelled, but after a month the cupid bow isn't apparent at all and seems like I paid for nothing. The cupid bow only shows when I make my lips in a certain way. In the end, I'm content with my results. Don't love it, don't hate it. Looks better than before, but results were kind of minimal.
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Oh no. That is one of the biggest things I want done (Cupid's Bow). I am not paying $2000 to not be able to notice the difference. That's a shame. Their Kakao consultant seemed very knowledgeable. I am very sorry for you to have gone through that. Have you contacted them?
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No haha I haven't contacted them purely because their response takes too slow and I don't really care much (I should contact them about it though). The lip surgery and cupid bow was done by Dr. Hong, he emphasized how natural the cupid bow would be. He was right though ahahhaha it's so natural I can't see it. I could only see it when my lips were swelled. I'll just hope my lips are still swelling and a difference can be seen within a few months :smile:
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Absolutely not. Contacted them about lips, as soon as they found out I was foreign, they wanted to charge me over 10 mill for lips. When I told them my korean friend got hers done for way cheaper, the consultant told me thats because the clinic gives out two different sets of prices (basically, one for foreigners and one for local) This is my opinion and it may be a unpopular one but I seriously can not tolerate clinics that do this. And before anyone says "oh, but the price is way cheaper if you get it done in Korea..." No

Deesse wanted to charge me 2 mill won for fillers. The logic is, why even get fillers done in Korea when Its much cheaper to not have to buy a plain ticket, book a hotel, only for the sake of a one time injection of filler to the lips for over a $1,000USD on the procedure alone. It is way cheaper to get it in the US.

I may sound rude or sassy or whatever but thats my two cents.
I got the convo between me and the Deesse consultant so if anyone wants a good laugh, PM me.

I know all clinics are not like this. There really are well and respected clinics in Korea for lip surgery. Deesse just isnt one of them
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  • 2 weeks later...
Can I ask which translator you were talking to? To be honest, I was talking to the translator and they gave me a reasonable price and when I came to consult they gave me an even cheaper price without me trying. It sounds unusual of them.
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