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Post Before & After Transformations!

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My friend before and after nose and des LOL before she was kind of iffy about opening her photos, but she said she doesn't care anymore so just wanted to share. Maybe its not as flashy as all the other photos but its real photos without any photoshop or whatever (makeup, yes). Her results are amazing in person too even though she only had surgery less than two months ago
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WOW that's really impressive. her nose is like mine. where did she do it? were her eyes and nose done at the same place? my friend did her eyes and they were pretty swollen even after the second month mark
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Thank you for being so thoughtful :smile: Yeah, I have too many pics too haha! Mostly from DA and Braun because I like them most.

I haven't heard of Gyalumhan, is it a small clinic? What do they specialise in?

I love the transformation so much! Is dolly the Cooki style? Been looking at them :biggrin:
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Wow she looks good! Do you mind if I ask what clinic? Congratulations to her :smile:
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She did it at GNG Hospital a couple of months ago. we were pretty worried in the beginning cause she looked pretty messed up at first, but after time past she started looking reeeaaally good! she's only 2 months post op. im highly considering them too. actually, im pretty sold hahaha
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Hmm they're leaning towards this style yeah
I'd recommend them if you want to get a dolly face without spending too much in big clinics
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What is their kakao id or email id? :smile: do fhey have english translator?
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I really like her results too! How long did it take for them to show? :smile:

You post really good pictures, where is this from? :biggrin:

Thanks. I don't mind waiting a bit longer if I have to spend more because face last me for life haha. But I do like the dolly style, like a LOT. I have a big square face though like Olivia Wilde so hopefully it will be possible.


You can find email on the site. They speak English :smile:
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