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I have had breast implant in regen plastic surgery

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Have you gotten anything done at regen before? How is it there? Thank you
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Could you tell me what you know about Regen? I'm planning to go there in December to get surgery. Thanks!
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I underwent a zygoma reduction six months ago at Regen as I used to have a bumpy face line because of protruded cheekbones. My face looked super wide from the front and I did not like the symmetry. I actually got my nose and eyes done as well.
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I've read about the clinic on a couple of forums and the results were quite impressive, but most of them were breast augmentations and for double-eyelid. What was the surgery like?
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Well the total time I was under the knife was 1 hour. The prepration and for before and after took maybe 3 hours? They put me under general anesthesia . I had a specialist check my blood and had a few tests done for safety. The surgery was done in like a hospital-like operation room that had a UV rays sterilization system for germ-free ness. So the procedure I got was the full zygoma reduction. The doctor said they have two types, mini zygoma and full zygoma reduction but recommended the full procedure as my cheekbones protruted quite a bit. Before the side of my face would have another angle from my cheek to my chin which is what I didn't like. This procedure corrected that. Which is another reason why I had my work done at REGEN. Their surgeon for this procedure is Oh Myung June who's famous for performing it. Also before I got my consultation there, I went to a smaller scale clinic that was cheaper but they kept saying their was a risk I would have sagging skin (probably a cop to recommend another procedure to correct it). This was never mentioned at REGEN and as you can see from my pic there is 0 sagging. (Before, 2 months later, 2 days ago)
[​IMG]Before picture 1.jpgAfter Picture  8 weeks out.jpg170905_231116.jpg
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This is exactly what I'm looking for. My face is huge from left to right. What was the recovery like?
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Well it isn't a small surgery. My face was swollen but the pain wasn't too bad. I couldn't brush my teeth right after surgery and had to use mouthwash. I was on a porridge diet which actually tastes really good in Korea. Hot and spicy foods had to be avoided. After a couple of weeks, I was told to add a pillow so my upperbody was slightly upright to prevent swelling. I couldn't go to any spa or sauna for a month. 0 exercise 0 alcohol 0 cigarettes for a month. Here is a pic right after the surgery where you can see why i couldnt brush my teeth lol.
After Surgery 1 day.jpg
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Do you mind I ask where you are from? Your ethnicity I mean. How did you find out about that doctor while outside of Korea?
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I am ethnically vietnamese but I lived in the U.S. my whole life. I am always watching korean dramas and shows. Let me in show is very addicting. I saw a person who had a few procedures have a similar face to mine before the surgery and when I saw her results i think i decided right then and there.
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i really appreciate you telling me all that. Thank you so much.
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Hi, would you recommend regen? How's their post op care and hygiene? Thank you
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Oh Wow! Love your B&A Photos!! Congrats!!
Wow! Love your B&A photos! Congrats!! :biggrin: When did you have surgery done? How was your recovery? Are you experiencing any side effects or problems so far??
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You look amazing! Did you undergo fat grafting too? I was wondering if you experienced any numbness or change in ability in eating, smiling etc? Did major swelling go away in a month?
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