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Recommend me clinics for breast augmentation in Seoul

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Hi :smile:

I've been saving up money since 2015 for BA , and finally I think I have enough.
My mom's Korean, so I've been in Seoul for a week now at a relative's house and plan to stay until April.
Since I have some time to myself, I've been doing research myself on google and getting recommendations from my local Korean friend.

At first I was thinking teardrop implants, but I heard they look natural but feel a bit firm.
Since the feeling of the breasts is most important for me, I'm considering Motiva implants because from I've read, they feel very soft.
I know they're a bit costly, but my mom says I should get what I want so I won't regret anything after I undergo the surgery, and she said she'd help me out if I can't afford it.

So far, I've shortlisted to MD, Bong Bong, and TLPS.
But I want to gather more info in this forum and want to know if anyone has good recommendations.
If you had BA yourself, that would be best. Or your friend did it in Korea and the results are good, please tell me.
Also, if anyone is planning to have BA in next few months, please share your experience with me!
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Hi there, i've been to TL last year December and during the consultations and treatments i meet few people who had their breast done
they were from US and England and they told me doctor was super fantastic for consultation and he speaks fluent english,
I don;t remember the name of the doctor but their was only one doctor for the breast surgery!! should come up in their website! and one of girl i met,
she had motiva? and she said it feels so natural! she really loved her new breast!! I had really good experience with TL ,so i will like recommend you to get consultation with TL
when you get to korea!!! Good luck!!
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Thanks I'm glad that he speaks fluent english. Can you tell me what implants you've got and the price?
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I really want something similar to yours, but honestly have no idea where to go for it or what price to expect. I've contacted Hershe and got a quote of $11k USD for Motiva and that's already 20% off. Would you say that's a fair price for Motiva?
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I think the price for teardrop implants vary a lot between clinics, but after my consultations at several clinics, seems like Motiva has fixed price.
The quote I got is similar. The lowest was $10.5
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Hi! check up this video at this link:
It's Motiva's real review in Regen. I don't know Motiva's price because I use the Allergan in Regen. Maybe you also read my review :smile:
but I think Regen's Motiva also really good and smooth when I see that video.
I also heard that Banobagi's breast augmentation is well, but I haven't experienced in Banobagi, so I will share Regen's experience.
I wish it help you :biggrin:
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When are you planning to do it? I am having BA in mid may in seoul.
I heard that foreigners pay more than korean. Since you are korean, don't you pay cheaper ? My friends has teardrop quoted 7.7 million won.
Do you have kakao ?
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Hello, I'm surprised that Migo is rarely mentioned here. I've had a very good experience with them.

Abit of background: Had my first surgery in my home country ten years ago and the results were - Rippling, bad scarring, badly positioned implants and capsular contracture. My incision was on the inframmary line, which I would not have chosen if the doctor had told me there are other techniques available like axillary or areolar. I tend to scar horribly, and because I was flat chested, even with implants there were no over hanging deep breast folds to hide the scars. So incision on the breast crease was obviously not the best method for me, but I trusted that doctor.

It was utterly distressing for me. I lived with it for a few years until I went to Seoul to consult with a few surgeons and picked Dr Yoon from Migo. He corrected all the mistakes from the first surgery and gave me a pair of beautiful breasts. It was beyond my expectation because I was flat and had little to none breast tissue. He also did an excellent job on the scar revision into one fine line.

Unfortunately about two years later mild capsular contracture formed again in one of the breasts. I guess my body just hates implants. I went for another surgery despite the doctor's advice that recurrence of CC is high for me and that I should consider explantation until my body recovers. No surprise, after that it happened again.

I finally made peace with myself and had the implants removed last year. My body really hates me- my left breast developed bad internal scarring and a huge hard lump a few months later. So there I go again, another surgery last month. The clinic wanted to waive all fees except anaesthesia fee. After the surgery, Dr Yoon told me he will waive that as well. I wanted to cry. I was so bloody grateful. He also gave me the compression bra and a free tube of scar gel.

I truly hope I will heal with no more problems and that this will be the last operation on my chest. After ten years and numerous surgeries, I've never been more relieved to be back to flat.

Sorry to hijack your thread to tell my story, lookatlinda

The point I want to make is, throughout these years of multiple surgeries with Migo, Dr Yoon and his nurses and consultants have been so accomodating and kind and warm to me. I was just a patient with bloody lots of complications and corrective surgeries. On top of it all, their charges are very affordable. (A local surgeon quoted me USD8.5k for explantation- the same surgeon who did my breasts the first time. My response was Are You Kidding Me?)

Despite being thousand of miles away, they were always there for me via kaokao talk, patiently responding to all my messages whenever I panicked. And another sweet thing, because I'm terrified of being put to sleep, the consultant/translator would accompany me to the operating room, while I lie on the table, hold my hand to calm me down until the anaesthesia took effect.

I'm just so damn touched by the care Dr Yoon and his staff have showed me all these years, I'm compelled to write this. Migo is underrated. Do put them on your list of consideration.
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Wow this looks really really natural. Regen hasn't been on my list, but I'm definitely going to check it out.
The size and shape looks exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks so much
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Yes I have Kakao.
I'm half-Korean. My mom is Korean but Dad is Chinese.
Maybe that's why the quote I got when asking for teardrop (although not really considering to have teardrop) was quite costly.
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No need to apologize. I'm really sorry to hear your story but really glad that you are at peace now.
Your story made me almost want to re-think BA, but hey! You only live once. I've got to have the breast and clothes I've always wanted to have.

Migo seems to have very good service. Good service and aftercare is also an important factor for me, so I will add it to my list.
Thanks so much :smile:
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Yes, I've been to bong bong. They gave me really good consultation, giving me virtual before and after comparison for my breasts, which made my eyes pop! :P
Does your friend like her results?
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