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2017 Kakao group for PS in SK

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Hi everyone! I will be going to Korea in November 17 for DES. Please add me to the kakao group. My ID is Elena49
Edit: @AmyLe327 I'll be going around the same time as you. I was thinking of going the week of Thanksgiving break because I heard December was peak season since Korean students are off school during that month.
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Hi I'm also going to Seoul in early June next week. I hope to meet new people too from this related forum.

Will be kind if you can add me in KakaoTalk id: mizunose

I'm open to chatting, lunch, dinner and shopping in Seoul while going for nose revision. See you guys soon!
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Hi All,
I have never posted anything in the past but would love to meet new people!
I will be heading to Seoul this September to correct my nose and would like to hear about others experiences. If I can be added to the group chat, that would be great. My KakaoTalk ID: shineestar.

Thank you! ^^
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I added you
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Hi, are you in Seoul already? I'm staying around Gangnam area :smile: if you have kakao talk add me pls , ckiyo
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Hey everyone! I posted this in another thread, but i thought it might be helpful here as well.

Not sure how far along you are on your journey, but maybe I can help. I'm Korean, born in the States aka a gyopo (교포). My family works with plastic surgery clinics in Seoul so maybe I can give a few pointers.

1) Don't just look at Apgujeong for plastic surgery clinics. Although Apgujeong might have the most, it's not necessarily the best. I also recommend looking at places around Gangnam Station. Easy to find... just look for Gangnam on Line 2 for subway. If you're using a taxi, say "Gangnam-Yeok."

2) Depending on what types of surgery you're having, it won't be necessary to have someone accompany you. If you're getting something simple like double eye-lid surgery or rhinoplasty, you should be fine. Most of the time, they'll use a local rather than general anesthesia. Quite a few clinics will have their private transportation to take you back to your hotel/airbnb/etc. If you are getting surgery that is a bit more extensive/intensive, then I recommend having someone with you.

3) When you do your consultation, don't be afraid to ask as many questions. This is your face/body/peace of mind. Good plastic surgery clinics WILL NOT pressure you into getting surgery. Good one's understand this is a really big deal, especially if you're a foreigner.

4) Because summer time is coming up in a few weeks, definitely try to set up appointments/consultations asap. You aren't just going to be dealing with Korean patients trying to get surgery, but those from Japan, mainland China (a lot), Mongolia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia... list goes on.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them for you. Have fun in Korea and enjoy your experience!!!!
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Hi everyone! I am in korea right now (15june2017) and im wondering if anyone in this forum is here as well?? I am having problems with the result of power v from tlps... can anyone help me / any suggestion where to do a good power v / acculift?
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I'm going either late aug or September for 2 weeks, I want to mainly do rhino and thinking of facial contouring(but probably wont do it). Planning to say 10-14 days, and the clinics I want to consult are: April31, Item, Banobagi and DA. If anyone is planning on going at the same time and haven't book accommodations yet let me know and we can maybe split an Airbnb or just be friends and hang out when we are there :smile:

Btw I'm leaving from the USA to SK
My KKTalk ID is mellowpomelo
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Please do more research about DA. Many complain and bad review especially rhinoplasty. And thier OP care are suck.
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