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hyalase to dissolve filler (Restylane and Perlane) ?

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Has anyone had it? my eyes look puffy from too much filler (and other reasons, but also the filler). It's been an year already but I can still feel it in my eyes and it's so annoying.
Also if anyone has had subcision under the eyes please let me know.
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You mean hyaluronidase? Yes, I have had it to dissolve hyaluronic acid filler. In 2 days the puffiness is gone.
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Thank you for your reply. hyalase is just a shortened version used sometimes.
Can you tell me where you got the injection? It seems some clinics are a bit weird about it / don't reply to my mails in detail etc.
I am looking for someone skilled in removing and injecting with filler...
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It was in Los Angeles -I can PM you the doctor if you are ever there. Not all doctors will do it but it was a simple injection.
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