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PS Experience with DA (Daprs) - Eyes, nose, fat graft & BA

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Hi everyone! :P In February I had my surgery with DA. It is one month post-op now and I want to share my before & after results. I hope this sharing would help more people. All the comments are true from heart, it is what I experienced and I did not get paid for any of my words.




I had surgery for eyes, nose, face fat graft and breasts augmentation.

My surgeon for eyes is Dr. Jang. She is an amazing woman who is super confident in what she does. I was a bit startled at first because she's very straightforward (since we talked directly in English), but that actually makes me like her because that means she exactly knows what is best for me (even I had doubt at that time) and she is confident in her profession sense. She gave some clear analysis of my features and procedure suggestions. Before I was indecisive on whether I really need surgery for my eyes, after the consultation I feel I can trust her and it will turn out great with Dr. Jang's hands so I gave it a go :biggrin: During the surgery she was really calm and tried to comfort me even I was shivering like crazy at first (I was cold and anxious). I feel bad for her to have a patient like me :sad: but anyhow it went successful and I love how my eyes look now ♥️

Dr. Choi (Dr. Choi Hang Seok) did my revision rhinoplasty and fat graft. There are many complications with my nose and I'm so glad Dr. Choi fixed them all for me! He was very patient to understand what kind of nose I want and try his best to create the shape for me. Before my nose was a bit slanted, nose tip tilted to one side and protruding, my septum is deviated which made me suffer from nose block for looong time and I had to rely on nasal spray everyday when it gets really bad. Now I finally have a nose that both functions well and looks pretty! The shape of my nose tip is not finalized as I can see it's improving everyday. It's still a bit round looking from the front. It will take more time to heal :smile:
I also love the fat grafting results! The swelling kinda settle down now. Only when I look at my old pics I realized how tired I used to look lol It even helps to clear my uneven fat under my eyes. When I smile I used to have a weird fat crease undereye and now it's all smooth out ! That's unexpected and I'm happy enough just because of this hahaha

I had Dr. Koo for my breasts augmentation. My translator Emily told me he is really good at it and now I can tell he really does! I told Dr what kind of image and size I wanted to achieve, he decided the type of implant, the size and surgical method for me. He has a happy and relaxing personality which makes the consultation extra easy and smooth. There are lots of considerations in a breasts surgery and we really need to find the doctor that we feel comfortable with and trusted. I'm grateful that I've found him! I cannot be more satisfied with my results, it looks more and more natural and softer day after day. (The picture was taken one week ago and there's more improvement) I have textured round implants and I didn't know even round implants can have such a natural look! I've learnt it depends on the body, ( tear drop implants = natural ) is not definite. So even two people both uses tear drop implants, they could have different results! There are so much knowledge in this, so after all we have to trust our doctors' suggestions and their aesthetic sense.



Regarding pain, I experienced ZERO pain from all 3 surgeries and recovery (except the few needle pinching for injection at first.. but that shouldn't be count as pain?). I took medications as instructed and tried to go out for short walk everyday instead of laying down. It is better for deswelling :smile: Regular eating and sleeping also promote recovery. Tho first few nights were not very pleasant but that's how we went through!

The day before my surgery, I had a skin laser treatment for cleansing the pores. It was refreshing and there was a cute little bear to hug during the laser, that's superrr cute! ♥️ After my surgery, I revisited the clinic 3 times for wound cleansing & stitches removal and received deswelling treatment for 2 times. They can provide more treatment however I have to fly back on my 11th day post-op. Emily has been extremely helpful throughout the whole process, she is so sweet and speaks very fluent English. We keep in touch even after surgery and she'd reply my msg even outside her working time, I feel like she did too much extra for me :doh:

I have endless thanks for every staff and doctors I met in DA. It is the only clinic I went for consultation as I purely follow my gut feeling after research online, plus I have limited time in Seoul. So I just go for where I believe would make me safe, comfortable and suit my aesthetic taste :smile:

We all have different priorities and values in choosing a PS clinic/hospital. After all there is no 'best' ones because one best for her may not be best for me. It's more about trust, communication and research research research. It is good to know more about the surgery procedures/ possible complications that might happen so to build up a bridge between you and your doctor. Because plastic surgery isn't all about being pretty, there are also limitations/ health considerations. It'd be nice to be more knowledgeable on this so to build up more understanding, also to protect our own interests too. Anyways, I'm happy that I have found the Best for myself! And I wish all of you can find yours too :angel:
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Hi! Thank you for sharing your experience with DAPRS! I am interested in doing transconjunctival fat repositioning for my dark eye circles. May I know which doctor did your fat grafting and if it was done for your under eyes as well?
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Usually there'll be more things to consider in a revision rhinoplasty, I believe if they can do good job in a revision, they can do good in a primary too.
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Hii illray! Thank you! :biggrin: For me it took around 20 days to look the best. By 14 days I still look very chubby but if you meet someone new, they'll probably think it's your natural face.
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Dr. Choi Hang Seok did my fat graft. I didn't do it under my eyes tho, only at my forehead, temple, cheek, laugh lines and a bit in the chin.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey girl, you look great, congrats! What kind of sinus issues did you have before and do you feel like it's completely opened up your sinuses?
I'm having some sinus issues as well (often get sinusitis for a week after a cold and have to get decongestants from the doctors).
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It's only 2 months now and the fat seems staying pretty well, they said I can go back after 6 months for retouch if I need to. But I'll see until then! I looked at my old pics without make up and realised i used to look so tired.. now I'm glad I look a lot healthier. :smile:
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Thanks so much for your reply. Your transformation is great, i love your fatgrafting and BA.
For BA, did u choose incision through underarm? Will it leave any noticeable scar?
I havent had babies and Some people told me after breast-feeding, we ll have to go through revision and lifting? Did u happen to ask the consultant about that?
Thank you a lot! Im really keen to fly soon, just if my BA is gonna last 2 years (i plan to have kids in 2,3 years), then it works out to be expensive
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Thanks benignxx! :cool: I used to have both tonsillitis and sinusitis, when my tonsil was swollen it'd block my nasal. It became a vicious cycle and the situation never end. Since my left nasal passage was smaller due to my deviated septum, it was easily blocked (with blood when it was serious) and I could not breathe through the left nostril day and night, so i basically carry my nasal spray wherever I go :angel: it could last for weeks or even months. I took medicines but the situation would come back when I over-tired myself/ I caught a flu.

I can breathe with both nostrils now, no blockage since i recover from my surgery, and luckily tonsillitis has not come back to me :biggrin: Do you know what is the cause for your sinusitis? If it is caused by a deviated septum like mine, it can probably be fixed through a surgery:idea:

Hi pinky puppet! They suggested me to do second time Fat-grafting after 6 months only if I feel I need to. How long can the fat lasts depends a lot on the body, and the lifestyle (e.g. your diet) etc. after 6 months the fat will settle and i'll be able to see the final result. I read from other posts that if you do a second/third time fat-grafting top-up, the results can last longer and longer up to years.
and I had Allergan textured round implants. :smile:
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Thanks so much :heart: I had incision on my breast crease. I did not do it at my armpit since it's easier for doctor to insert through the inframammary fold, that means it'd be safer and easier for me too. Also I do a lot of exercises involving my arm and shoulders so I'd like to minimise the harm on those parts.
I did not ask doctor about that, however from my own research the sagging after breast-feeding varies from one to another. Some would sag more, some sagging would not be that noticeable. It is not a must to go for revision unless *touchwood* you really hate how your breasts look like after you give birth. If you can wait, of course it'd be great to do BA after childbirth so you don't have to worry all that much, plus you can fix the sagging all at once too.:angel:
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Oh wow! Congrats for you then! My case is not as serious, I usually get my nose blocked at night and I wake up and have trouble falling back asleep. During the day it's not that bad, I just feel like I always have phlegm at the back of my nose. :noworry: I do often get really bad sinusitis after colds. Hoping I can see an ENT in my home country soon and find out the cause haha.
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