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Two Jaw Surgery / The Face Dental / So Far

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Hi Everyone

So as you know I came out to Korea a month ago and have consulted with many clinics.

I went to JK, JW, I.d, Fresh, The Line, and April 31.

I was originally planned to do surgery with JK but decided that I really need to correct my bite. I came across The Face Dental after some nice reviews on here and some searching online.

I have three consults so far, and had all my scans taken etc, and a surgical plan discussed. But I am still scared as I'm on my own here. I'm caucasian so I understand most if not all his surgeries are on asian faces.

On the other hand I have found Dr Lee to be really nice. He has explained everything as honestly as I think he could, and hasn't been pushy with regards to my decision, and he has answered all my questions without it feeling rushed like in other clinics.

I would really appreciate anyone who has been to The Face Dental to reach out to me to discuss their experiences good or bad, or anyone who has done 2 jaw surgery.

My surgical plan is to correct my overbite, moving my lower jaw forward, then widening and moving my upper jaw. I think I am also having a T-Oesteotomy /Genioplasty to narrow my chin slightly.

Feel free to add me on Kakao at : Krizzobizzle

Thanks everyone I'll keep you all posted.
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You will be on a liquid diet for around 3-4 weeks. Most clinics will mention this. So buy some fruit juice and stuffs before surgery. First two-three days will really be uncomfortable. Please do take care of yourself. Prepare yourself mentally. If clinic doesn't provide you ice bags, buy atleast two for your face. Also buy some straws for having the juice. Arnica ointment and other stuffs. Buy them all beforehand. All the best :smile:
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Ok I'm scared:smile:
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Thanks for sharing your experience - I'm also Caucasian, shortlisting TFD and seeking Vline or two-jaw so very interested in how you find everything. One question, did Dr. Lee mention whether he ever does two jaw without ties? I find the whole "wired shut" thing very intimidating!

Thanks again!
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Hi. Dr Lee is the nicest person I have met in terms of his patience and time. Everyone else has seemed kind of busy.

I'm not doing this with braces so I presume it will be without ties.

I'll either do it on this trip or come back later in the year when someone can come with me. I'm terrified in all honesty but hey. Cx
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  • 2 weeks later...
I also have a consultation booked in the middle of May at TFD! Keep us updated, please~!
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I am also curious about EU dental and how good they are... can't seem to find many reviews on them.
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Hi krizzobizzle!

I've been looking into at The Face Dental aswell, as I want to do a SARPE surgery to widen my upper jaw. Is this the same procedure you were discussing?

I'm curious about the orthodontist work though as you will need to expand it and possibly wear braces. I have porcelain veneers which my local dentist said was tricky but i refuse to give up as I hate my narrow smile and want that lovely wide arch (Julia Roberts kind of smile)

I wonder if Dr Lee has experience in soft tissue aswell or just bone, did you discuss that?

I'm Caucasian too btw :smile:
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