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Taiwan vs Korea for eye surgery

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Hiya! I was originally planning to go to Korea (JW or April31 to be specific) for epi, lateral, des and possibly ptosis but I met a girl who had it done in Taiwan a few years back and her results looked really good - also my mother speaks mandarin and works in medicine, so I figured maybe Taiwan would be better and i wouldn't need a translator - however, I do not know whether Taiwan or Korea is better ; thoughts, guys?
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I feel like overall as a country Korea is better, but I think you have to pay attention to detail and find a good clinic with a good plastic surgeon who has a lot of experience. Im sure there are a lot of good plastic surgery clinics too there that can be better than any in Korea. maybe consider going to the place you rfrined went since she had a good result? just my opinion :smile:
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I did my plastic surgery in Korea! Turned out great! Absolutely loving it. Don't know much about Taiwan. But I do know it's frustrating to find good clinics.
I just went through a agency that looked really professional. It was easy. They're called K-Doctors. I'll share a link, here you go. xD

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Thanks for the insight guys, obvs Korea is more reputable but Taiwan is supposedly where all the mainland Chinese celebs get their surgery done
Decisions decisions! I will research a bit more, although I can't read Chinese well
And there won't be much English online regarding Taiwan clinics (my mother has no time to research FOR Me lol)
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Hah,, even I am Singaporean and also in Singapore, there r many nice clinic as well,
i still decided got DES in Korea... I heard PS in Taiwan is good enough but if I wanna compare with other countries,,, no doubt I choose to do it in Korea,,, No matter in which country, there r also good and bad clinics, unfortunately, I just random chose GRAND clinic which I "thought" it's famous ( ´Д`)y━・~~ but I got a bad experience,,, not really means the result is bad,, hum... just heard and felt not really good... so 2nd of my nose and fat grafting, I went with DFK and did it in JW, if u also consider to do in Korea but afraid of language (even though the clinics have Chinese staff) at least, for me, I thought go with agency is helpful, u can also connect with DFK tho~ ([email protected]) (⌒▽⌒)
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