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Which rhinoplasty surgeon is the best at GNG Hospital

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That's an excellent question. I am def gonna do my nose at GNG so I would like to know too cause the Eng rep asked me if I had a designated doc and then I realized I didn't. I was pretty dead on Dr. Seong since he is the owner, but there was a girl on here who did her nose with Dr. Son and her nose turned out amazing, I'll post the link below. but the Eng rep also told me that one of their workers recently had a her nose done by Dr. Hong, which also sold me too cause OF COURSE the workers would choose the best doctor, no? I cant decide :sad: Please share your ideas

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Thanks for posting, OP!! I was debating between a lot of diff clinics like Jw, Grand, and April 31, but I am really interested in GNG Hospital, cause someone i know from this forum (not josephine, but i love her result too) had their nose done there and it turned out really pretty and natural. I should have asked who her surgeon was, but I never did and I lost contact wt. I know they have about 5 rhinoplasty doctors but of those 5, they say the top 3 are Dr. Seong and Dr. Son and Dr. Hong.
I think the question of who among those three are the best is a question that has been on a lot of our minds.
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Josephine definitely had great results! Are you only doing rhino? Hopefully someone who has had their nose done here can put their opinion
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There were a few people on here who had surgery at GNG or had an appointment at GNG, hopefully they see this and share their experience or mention which doctor they chose :smile: I very much would like to know too
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Anyone??? :sad: I'm still equally stuck between Dr. Seong, Dr. Hong, and Dr. Son!
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Not sure if you can use this answer, but I was considering GNG too and asked the consultant who she would recommend for revision rhinoplasty. The consultant too told me that Dr. Seong, Dr. Hong and Dr. Son all are good. However she said that for revision, Dr. Seong would probably be the best. Since revision rhinoplasty is more complex than primary i would assume that dr. Seong is the best :smile:
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I posted about this in another thread, but yesterday I had a rhinoplasty with Dr. Son. Everything seems to have gone well post-op care has been great as well. I just need to wait for the swelling to go down now. Will keep you guys posted.
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  • 2 weeks later...
hey @BrokenNose5000, hope your recovery is going well and that you have been resting :smile: what kind of look did you ask for, a more dramatic or natural one? did you have to make a deposit in advance to secure a slot or book the surgery only after consulting? would love to hear how you are doing.
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Hey thanks! So I didn't want to make a really dramatic change so I asked for a more natural look. Dr. Son was able to give me a nice straight bridge (without using an implant) and lift my tip upwards so it's level with my alars. It's also less bulbous now.

It kinda feels like a I have a proper nose now :smile:

So I did book my surgery in advance by putting down a deposit before my consultation. I did that because I could only be in Korea for eight days. If you have more time, then I'm sure it would be okay to consult first.
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oh that sounds great :smile: i'm happy for you but also envious that you've already done it! i can't wait to do mine, likely at GNG too.

i guess it's been exactly two weeks since you did the procedure. how was the aftercare? has the swelling gone down, and does ur nose look more or less normal now? do you think it's natural enough such that your colleagues or friends might not notice? how did he do your nose bridge without an implant, was it with rib cartilege?

lol sorry for all the questions. and thank u :3
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Yeah, two weeks today! The aftercare was really good. They let you have three treatments to reduce swelling and enough medication to last two weeks (literally just took the last of them 10 minutes ago).

Apart from the scar under my columella (which you can see only from below) and some slight bruising on my bridge where the bones were broken I look almost normal. If any of my friends or workmates noticed they haven't said anything yet!

Oh and yeah, Dr. Son used only my ear cartilage like I asked. I'm sure implants are fine though, they seem to take a lot of care to prevent infection.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hm, I have an appointment with Dr. Seong but I saw a post saying his noses are quite natural? Does that mean he doesn't change as much? I have a short upturned asian nose and I feel like I would need quite a bit of change. Any recommendations for which doctor?
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