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mandible reduction and skin sagging

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Hi what are the odds of skin sagging/ double chins worsening after mandible reduction? What about for reduction genioplasty? I'm skinny but my fat likes to float around my face so I already almost have a double chin.

I'm not talking about v-line or zygoma reduction. Id like to undergo mandible reduction but I dont think I will if it'll make my double chin a lot worse. Besides, it's so expensive.

Also, for simply rhinoplasty, is there anything they can put in thats flexible? I heard that when you get rhinoplasty (augmentation) you cant push the tip of your nose up.

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Oh.... really? Though I imagine you still wouldnt be able to push up your nose with other materials? :S
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=o Thats good that it's never bothered you. Before going in, did you think it would bother you or did you not consider it much?
Idk I think it would bother me that I cant push the tip up. Though it's not something I ever really do lol... idk it would still bother me knowing that my nose is stuck in place and not flexible. xD

Can you feel the implant?
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Can't say I know much about thread lift. But I heard that problems persist even after skin tightening. :sad:
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lol in honesty, probably not to get any surgery done and to learn to accept yourself as you are. But I know thats not the answer anyone wants to hear -- including me.
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Factors include:
Age + skin condition
Amount of bone removed
Amount of fat (Fatty tissue under jaw will weigh down skin)

I've seen before and afters where the double chin has worsened because it has become more visible in the case of v-line, like their previous heavy square jaw was hiding it. However if you only do mandible reduction I'm unsure whether it will have that same side effect.

Best bet is to send your pictures to a clinic that you're interested in or see a dr.
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For my bridge and tip, the doctor used my cartilage. I did think about it alot before going through surgery but now that it's already been done, it doesn't even cross my mind lol.
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So you cant feel it? If not... can you feel it ever?
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Its pretty risky, sometimes you could also lose sensation on your lower lips, chin, etc. Some people get between 60-80% sensation back and some do most of it so it depends on the surgeons skills and your body i guess
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