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Awful Experience with Dream Plastic Surgery (International Travelers Beware)

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Hi Everyone,

I am writing this so that hopefully you guys have a smoother experience than I do and don't make the mistake of choosing Dream. I am beyond frustrated right now and hope that my experience will help those trying to decide whether they want to pursue surgery with Dream or not. Long story short, I placed a deposit two weeks ago and checked in with them at MANY different times to make sure the surgery date/time is right, and now, two days before surgery (and less than a day before my flight), I get a message saying the surgery time I asked for can't be done. THIS HAS NOT ONLY HAPPENED TO ME. There's another girl I read about on purseforum who paid the deposit, arrived for surgery at Dream, and was told they didn't have her down for that day (feel free to link that story down below but I will try to find it after I write this)... Then magically a slot appeared for her (how does a surgery slot just magically appear? Is the doctor she asked for actually the one that did her surgery? It really makes you wonder). I also personally know someone who paid the deposit for a day, didn't check in for a while, and then when she arrived, was told that surgery would have to be done the day after. Dream is extremely flaky, and I would highly recommend international travelers to stay away if they are there for only a short/moderate amount of time. I also have all messages saved on kakao for those who are interested in seeing just how extremely frustrating they are.

I contacted Dream one month before going to Korea for incisional des and was told that the price would be approximately 2.5 million krw (however, when I called, the consultant quoted a much higher price and said whoever answered me on kakao was wrong and told me to screenshot the price because she didn't believe me LOL). I will not be there for very long, so I decided on going with Dream after talking to a few more clinics via kakao, and asked to book a surgery date between March 22-25 so that I can place a deposit. The person talking to me at kakao said to contact them two weeks before I come because one month is too early to make a deposit for a surgery date. I thought this was a little bit odd but just went with it. Fast forward 1.5 weeks later (so ~2.5 weeks before the date I would want the surgery), and I contacted them via kakao again and noted that it's about 2 weeks before, so I can book the surgery right? Dream responded and said "sorry the earliest date we have is April but May is better." WTF? I contacted you a month before and you said to contact you two weeks before, and now when it's actually 2 weeks before you're all booked? At this point, I just decided to call them. When I called, a consultant named Julia picked up and said: "We do have space the end of March. We have space on March 23 if you want to come in then! Just place a deposit and we can talk more on Kakao." She also asked me who I was talking to on kakao because apparently all my messages with the previous person got deleted?? We talked a bit more on kakao and I went to sleep ready to place a deposit the next day.

The next day, I wanted to make sure I could get the 23rd date before placing a deposit, so I messaged them again to double check before wiring money, and the response I got was "oops there's actually no time between 22-25 we can only do the 27th now." Uh... Then like an hour later someone else responded "oh actually just kidding we do have 23." I called again to make sure and sent a deposit with my receipt. I also noted that I could only do after 12 pm on Friday, and the consultant said "ok we will let you know a day or two before." WTF? I paid a deposit, and gave you the time I could come, and now all of a sudden you can't give me the time of my surgery until 1-2 days before? Anyway, I decided to trust them because they said that they will make sure I come in that afternoon for surgery and checked in with them on Tuesday the 21st (3 days before my surgery) and asked "do you have the exact time for me this Friday yet?" YOU KNOW WHAT RESPONSE I GET? "I am sorry the earliest we have is April." LOL. Then a bit later, someone says "oh wait you made an appointment. As I've informed you, we'll let you know 1-2 days before." Ok. Sorry for asking 3 days before. But I'm flying in from the US... so I NEED to make sure the time is right. I then messaged them and said "I just want to confirm... for the third time... that it will have to be after 12 pm" Dream responded and said "yes we made a note that it'll be after 12 pm."

This morning I get a kakao message. "Sorry it can only be in the morning not after 12 pm." At this point, I can't deal with this anymore. I called MULTIPLE TIMES TO MAKE SURE and messaged three times to make sure my surgery time will be on the 23rd after 12 pm. I paid a deposit and started this back and forth a month before coming. Now, less than a day before I have to fly to Korea and two days before the surgery date, I all of a sudden get a message that I cannot have surgery after 12 pm, when I repeatedly checked in with them to make sure they remember that I CANT BE THERE THAT MORNING. Anyway, since obviously there's some extreme disconnect, I've asked for my deposit back. Not sure why me checking in with them in calls and kakao messages to make sure my surgery date/time was right wasn't enough (I made sure to check in many times because of the various stories on purseforum and elsewhere about Dream taking deposits and then not honoring the surgery date). Anyway, please avoid Dream. They do not honor surgery dates/times even with a deposit, and I really don't think any of their doctors are worth the effort. I really don't have much time in Korea, and all of a sudden they can't give me that surgery time so I have to look elsewhere to schedule when I'm leaving the US in less than a day. If they couldn't honor it, they should've at least said so so I can place a deposit elsewhere with a clinic that will give me the time and day I ask for. Now, I'm less than prepared and no longer have a surgery time. Out of all the clinics, Dream has been the LEAST professional and if they cannot get a surgery day correct and lie to you multiple times to your face, how do I know they won't switch doctors or do some completely unprofessional and unethical things behind the scenes? Please avoid them at all costs and save your kakao message time and phone bills.
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This sounds aweful. I say you dodged a bullet. Can't imagine how frustrating communicating with them will be post-surgery (esp if there are questions/potential complications). Good luck with your surgery at (I'm assuming?) another clinic?
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Wow I didn't even think about this. You're completely right and I actually feel a bit better about this now. I can't even imagine how awful trying to ask a question for post-surgery would be if even pre-surgery is this terrible. I've contacted a few more clinics to see who else may have time available for me on such short notice... Hopefully I hear back soon and see but I have no idea at this point.
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Yeah... when I first read about others arriving and finding out that theres no surgery spot available even though they paid a deposit at Dream already I thought that it couldn't possibly happen to me. Then it does LOL. I think I learned to really listen to other's experiences more :sad:
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Weird, I consulted with Top Class, paid a deposit, and set the surgery date. Not only was I quoted a much higher price than online, but they cancelled on me a few days before surgery. I asked for an earlier date as I'm leaving soon, but they gave me three later dates to choose from. I wanted to cancel. They would not answer my calls. Finally, I went back to the clinic and it was such a pain getting the deposit back. Magically, a slot opened up like you said. Anyway I'm glad I didn't end up going there.
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Where did you end up going to?
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Omg that's awful... I haven't gotten my deposit back yet and have no idea what to do if they refuse even though everything was 100000% their fault.
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Update: They now have a time for close to when I asked... I said afternoon a couple times and then just changed it to specifically "after 12" to be extra clear. Now they have something for 12 but can't tell me what the price exactly will be. I will go and see to check it out and update you guys more... but if the environment is completely off or they're giving me a ridiculous price just because I paid a deposit I'm going to find somewhere else.
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omg thats awful ... i am glad that didnt happen to me . Same as you i am from North America . This early March i just had my primary rhino with GNG , and i paid the deposit a month ago before my surgery to secure my surgery time and the doctor because i only got 2 weeks off and i wanted to make sure everything was set and ready to go . GNG was very good , communication, the staff , the building , the doctors , the enrollment ,i paid very similar to what they quoted me; my experience was phenomenon . Now I am back to work after 2 weeks post-surgery ,my recovery is excellent . Any i love my result . In this case , i wouldnt let Dream do the surgery on me because they can mess up your booking , then how about the surgery ?? It is a life time thing , you know .
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I'm surprised they could be that disorganized with scheduling medical surgeries. Booking operating room time and doctors should be cut and dry. Why are they this indecisive? I would be worried about Dream overworking their docs if they are trying to squeeze people in like some hair salon.
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I'm sorry this happened to you! Personally, I think you should ask for your deposit back and go elsewhere even if they can offer you surgery on the time/date you want. They're being flaky/irresponsible before surgery even though you paid a deposit to secure a date - what about after surgery? I wouldn't be able to trust them to provide good post op care...

And like @Gats said, maybe they decided to squeeze in a surgeon to do your surgery because you are threatening to cancel. An overworked surgeon is never a good idea.
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