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My experience with hyalase and fillers in HusHu clinic

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Hi there, I thought I'd share my experience with hyalase and under eye fillers at HusHu.

First off, I've posted in several forums about my problem, which is small/ish malar mounds and hollowness under eyes. Also, I had unnatural swelling (puffiness) from fillers that migrated above the orbital socket and made my eyes appear unnatural. I even had a wrinkle created by the filler pushing the skin up. Ugh.

I will start with an overview of how I got there. I started getting fillers at 25 ,initially things worked fine, but as I grew older (31 now) I noticed that my problem couldn't be fixed with fillers . I had fillers with different oculoplastic surgeons in London. I would notice an improvement but within 2 weeks the filler was gone. I am wondering if they really injected me with REstylane or something else, as it everything seemed to disappear within two weeks.
Finally I got fillers with another British oculoplastic surgeon who injected me with Perlane, which Dr Hong from HusHu said is definitely not something that should be injected under the eye....
So I lived with the filler for about 2 years , it was really annoying, I had to take diuretics as fillers attract water and I'd wake up even more swollen than usual. The filler disappeared, and I tried another round of Restylane with surgeon number 3 last year. Still, no improvement, the filler moved up and caused a swollen, unnatural look. I was wondering whether or not I should have hyalase to dissolve it but was too afraid as I heard it dissolves your own HA .

I was thinking of having blepharoplasty or soof lift in Seoul but was told by several different surgeons who saw me (in the UK) that it's risky at my age, plus I was super scared of complications such as ectropion, not to mention the scars.....I was told things like "that would degrade your youthful features" and "for someone your age that would be a mistake" etc etc.... regardless of that, I decided to get surgery in Seoul and booked my flights and accomodation.
Few days before my flight, I consulted with a surgeon whom I finally trusted who commented he thinks this is way too invasive for me . He told me it's unlikely it will fix my particular issue as well. I believed him and decided to give up on surgery, but I already had booked my tickets and everything so I went to Seoul anyway to get a non invasive procedure.
Unfortunately one of the doctors in Korea I had decided to get the procedure with (initially soof lift, then I told them I want a non invasive option, subcision and fillers) said that wouldn't work and that I definitely need a soof lift. I was surprised as he didn't even feel the tissue under my eyes or anything. The doctor in the other clinic told me he'd use hyalase and fillers, that subcision wouldn't work, but quoted me a crazy price. He also didn't speak much English.

In the end I went to HusHu and Dr Hong explained to me in detail why exactly the filler ended up looking the way it did, and also mentioned I will need hyalase (just like every surgeon who saw my photos) . He spoke good English and I was impressed by the fact finally someone decided to give me a non invasive procedure and had a very good knowledge of my particular problem.
The hyalase injection was painless. I was pleasantly surprised when the blob under my eyes disappeared within minutes. It was a bit crazy, the Dr said "well, I can see it 's already working" and indeed, within minutes the blob was gone. Actually, by the end of the day.
The next day I noticed I had an eyebag which looked quite high up. Since I was afraid of the hyalase I had asked Dr HOng to inject a small amount (even though he suggested to remove everything) and a bit of filler remained under my eyes, so I came back for another injection the next day, quite stressed out as everything looked quite odd. Fortunately it turned out the eyebag was filler. Again , by the end of the day everything was gone, but I looked weird, my eyes were super hollow and odd looking. I have to warn you it's a bit stressful to remove filler you've lived for for years as it's unpredictable what you will look like and a it's definitely a bit of a shock to see your eyes change within hours! I always thought I'd have eyebags of fat bu t it turned out I just looked like Corpse bride, very hollow.

Finally in 2 days I went back for my filler treatment, which took around 20-30 mins and was absolutely painless. (all my previous procedures took around 10 minutes and were always painful! )
I also had subcision , which I requested. At first the Dr thought I won't need it but then noticed I'd benefit from it . The results were good, the ugly swelling was gone and the hollowness under my eyes as well. I did have swelling and bruising, so in the next days I was told to come back to the clinic for two laser treatments to speed up the healing. They were part of the after care and free of charge.

I'm 2 weeks post treatment and quite happy with the results . My problem was specific and more difficult to treat than simple eye hollowness and I can't say I look 100 percent perfect, but it's definitely a big improvement , I can tell the Dr has an excellent technique in using filler, as he injected me in the right places (not like most oculoplastic surgeons who did nothing right) and produced good results, finally.
I wasn't ready for facelifts or scars under my eyes, so I did that. I am going to have fillers until I can get away with it before I consider invasive surgery. I plan on moving to Seoul so I guess at least I finally know of a Dr who can deal with my specific issue properly.

I wouldn't hesitate recommending this Dr to anyone who needs fillers.
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Thanks for the review. Unlike using a laser, injecting filler is more of an art so it's good to know Dr. Hong at HusHu is skilled at it, another plus he speaks good English. I'll keep him in my mind if I ever get it done.

What was the brand name of the filler they used in your undereye area? Can you share the pricing? How long is it expected to last? Could you get fat graft in that area for longer lasting results?
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They used two types of Restylane, forgot the names. The price was around $1500 (with the hyalase and subcision) for 2 ml of filler . Sorry for quoting in USD but I don't remember the exact amount in KRW.
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Thank you so much for the review as I myself want to get fillers (under eye and temples)
just checked the clinics website and happy to find they offer PRP. PRP in conjuction with fillers is becoming really popular because it appears it enhances the results and durability so I would like to try that. Its nice to have a review of a derm clinic instead as I personally feel they are more trustworthy for fillers!
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Welcome. Idk about prp, does it really give good results? I guess I'll investigate :biggrin:
but yeah. I did feel like the doctor at HusHu really wanted to give me a good result .
It's been more than 2 weeks now and things are looking even better. So happy I don't have the stupid puffy filler bags and my hereditary malar mounds are camouflaged well.
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I have a problem with my eye area as well, but unfortunately Im not sure if i will be able to describe it properly:

- its definitely hollow, or depressed.
- dark (like panda's)
- crepey tired looking eyes but I have no wrinkles yet.

Do have a pic of your before and after your PS?

I wanted to know if the procedure uve done is applicable to my case.

Thank you!
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Fillers cannot help with dark circles really. If you have hollow eyes fillers can help.
How old are you? Sometimes I hear young Korean people complaining their skin is crepey , I think most of them have BDD and are obsessed with their looks .
You cannot have crepey skin without wrinkles?! It makes no sense. The wrinkles come first . Even 20-somethings have lines under their eyes.
I have pics yeah
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From what I have read people have seen really excellent results and in particular combined with fillers it works really well, of course I can't recommend it 100% as I think even though fillers are usually not as serious it is still something very personal :smile: I'm so happy for your results~ I can't wait to get mine done!
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