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My mom's smaslift post op review!! (1 month)

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Hi guys!
I've already shared my rhinoplasty experience in Regen recently, and today I am going to share my mom's smaslift review in regen.
Before I uploaded my review with the fact that my mom had smaslift, I didn't know that quite many people is doing extensive reserch about it.
I received some PM which asked about smaslift result, so that I uplaod my mom's post op photo in here :biggrin:

mami bf.PNG Before mami aft1 makeup.PNG after

As I already said, my mom had smaslift in Regen, and she wanted to improve her jawline, brow, nasolabial fold.
Before that, she had a moderate nasolabial fold, her jawline is beginning to lose its definition, and she had a moderate amount of laxity in the submental area.
Now I feel she looks 10 years younger!
I didn't know regen is also good in facelift because firstly my Korean friend just said about rhinoplatsy, but she said that regen became famous through word-of-mouth about anti-aging surgery in Korea
Anyway, I'm really glad we're choosing regen for our surgery!! Thanks god!
Hope this helps for you and your mom's surgery in Korea :smile:
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My mom't doctor is dr. Oh Myungjune. He is really good for face lift and facial contouring. She did full face smas lift, and the scar doesn't matter at all for my mom becuase it is not noticeable unless very close looking at it. Do you want to have face lift too?
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Thanks for uploading her pic! I like her result. I'll definitely consider Regen for my SMAS.
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My mom looks better as time goes by. SMAS lift is amazing surgery!! lol
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