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Clinics in Korea that specializes in reducing wide nose

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I've noticed that a lot of Korean clinics do not really address the width of the nose. Instead, they focus on making the nose taller (which helps of course, but it seems like many of them try to avoid alarplasty). I on the other hand don't really mind the height of the nose being flat, but I really care about the width of my nose.

Popular youtube stars have been getting their wide noses done in Korea like Edward Avila https://www.youtube.com/user/mrpanda101 and although there is an improvement in the nose, the width is still not to my liking.

So in terms of aesthetics, I find Dr. Yappy from the Philippines to have the same taste as me: https://www.instagram.com/docyappy/

He focuses a lot on making a flat wide nose a bit taller and less wide, more proportioned to the rest of the face. I haven't found the same aesthetics in any other doctors/clinics (unless I missed any, please link if you recommend any!)

But the problem is that I'm kind of scared of going to the Philippines. I feel that in terms of technology and hygiene, Korea is better.

Does anyone know of any doctors/clinics in Korea that does good work on wide flat noses?

Thank you!
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That's horrible! I should have read the comments on their ig before posting. But now I'm positive I won't be going to that clinic for any work...
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To do that many procedures on her, to perform them so late in the day (they were still operating on her at 2:30am), it does show highly questionable ethics. You don't ever want a fatigued, sleep doctor performing surgery on you. It's a shame as I do agree with you that his IG pics showed nice rhino B/As to treat the width. I would want to see closer untouched pics though as I'd be concerned about the type of scarring left over, on some pics you can see it.
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Hey there! I was actually looking at his clinic too before I went to korea. I was skeptical to go to the Phillipines too but I liked his dramatic results. I don't remember what clinic this YouTuber went to, but she also had wide nostrils and her results turned out pretty. I'll come back to link the video once I find it :smile:
VIP is also good with fixing width, in my opinion. The results aren't pinched which is always a good thing.

Have you tried looking around on babitalk? I know its geared mostly to locals, but if you find results that you like and then contact them on kakao, they ALWAYS try their best to communicate with you in English (at least in my experience) and when I actually consulted a clinic that I found on babitalk, I was surprised that the surgeon spoke perfect english! So yeah, I suggest looking at B+A pics on babitalk as well. You never know :smile: You could save tons of money on costs too.
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I agree, it seems as though he uses a technique that cuts the outside of the alars and leaves holes/stitch marks up and down the sides of the nose. I wonder if that's why the noses look better and not pinched though? Because rather than just reducing it at the base, he reduces it along the length of the alar so it looks more natural. I wonder how the scars look after 1 year :huh: I wonder if any other doctors use a similar technique with good results?
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Thanks for linking the video! That is really helpful! Her result looks really good, though a bit too slim/dramatic for what I'm looking for, it's good to know that there are clinics that can perform dramatic width reduction in Korea! :smile:

I've never tried out babitalk before, but will give that a shot! Thank you!
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I had the same issue of a wide, flat nose with a low bridge, and I had my rhinoplasty done at Garosu Clinic by Dr. Kang a little over two weeks ago. My wish was for a slim, tall nose and for the base to be made as small as possible. You can see my results for yourself, although there is still some swelling especially at the tip:
(after pictures first, and the last three are before)
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Thanks so much for sharing! Aside from an alarplasty and tip plasty, did you also have bridge augmentation and if so, what material was used?
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Thank you kindly!

Overall I have to say rather than being nervous, I couldn't wait to have it done. I've had a complex about my nose for as long as I can remember and the psychological benefit of no longer feeling self-conscious every minute of the day is intensely liberating.

As for the implant, I wanted a taller bridge and a more elegant slope which could only be achieved with some sort of augmentation. Goretex is difficult to correct/remove if something goes wrong and I was not interested in supplementing with rib cartilage either which left silicon as my preferred choice.
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Clearly you made a excellent choice. I know exactly what you mean about the physiological effect of something bothering you. I hate my nose! I like my face, but my nose is just so unattractive in my opinion. However, I am really scared about using an implant because I do not want to get a infection or for the implant to extrude.
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I can definitely sympathize with your worry. The nose is such a central feature of the face and even a tiny tweak can completely make or break the whole image.

One thing to consider: even if you choose to forgo an implant, the risk of infection is still present. Personally I chose the whole shebang as I set aside such a substantial amount of time and money; I didn't want to compromise on my dream nose only to be potentially displeased afterwards and require a round two.

The benefit of a silicon implant is the relative ease of removal or adjustment if any complications occur. A major factor of my ease towards my decision was the trust my doctor was able to cultivate. I spent two days visiting five clinics, and all but one recommended an osteotomy. Dr. Kang was the only doctor who took a CT scan and informed me that my nose bones were actually quite small despite my deceptively wide nose and that no osteotomy would be required. He also pointed out my (previously undiscovered) deviated septum. Because of his thorough diagnosis and understanding of my preferred aesthetic, I felt comfortable going into the procedure.

As always your choice of doctor is the most important one you'll make. You're putting your physical and mental health into his hands after all! A skilled surgeon will greatly minimize the risk of any potential issues.
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