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Can we go to ID hospital now?

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@jacobjarred30 They only post their best pics on instagram, like any insta famous would do. They also only share good reviews and good things about them, I mean that's legit
They do have happy patients, but they also have unhappy patients, they just don't show it
Everyone is not as careful as we do, a lot of people still don't check forums, reviews and all that stuff before getting surgery. And because ID is so popular and very on top of the search engines... you can imagine how mesmerized they can be just by looking at the b/a pictures. People just go straight to ID and get botched

I wouldn't recommend going to ID since there is a bunch of other PS clinics (in my opinion way better than ID in FC, rhino, etc)
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Stay away from ID hospital. They botched my face and body and made my face paralyzed. Their service is horrible. They push you around to get surgery that you dont need and just for the money. Im suffering and there are so many patients struggling in hell.. the side effect is so severe that its even hard to do revision. I've seen patients doing multiple revision spending so much money and years but still couldn't get fixed. The korean law prohibits any bad reviews even though its true. The hospitals sue patients with side effet for so called 'defamation'. So if you are korean living in korea, you cannot post anything on web even if you became a disabled person after PS. ID is the worst. Rumors are not rumors. They dont take any responsibility, all they want is money, they don't care about destroying patient's face and life. They are like so what?
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