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GNG Hospital review - 2 week post op

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Hello everyone! Some of you might know me from the KakaoTalk group with 100+ members wanting PS :lol: I wanted to write a review regarding my experiences so here it is!

I went with GNG Hospital for rhinoplasty (bridge augmentation, osteotomy, alarplasty, tiplasty), fat grafting (forehead, under eye area, nasolabial folds, chin) and acculift (aka accusculpt - jaw, lower cheeks). My surgeons were Dr Seong (rhino) and Dr Kim (FG, accu). I am currently day 14 post op - which means, last day of taking my antibiotics wooooo!

Disclaimer: while this may seem like a glowing review, I am not a promoter for GNG :lol: I paid a lot of hard earned money for my surgeries.

I didn't have time to do face to face consultations in Korea, so I did them all online and decided to go with GNG. If you have time, I highly recommend doing it face to face to get a feel of the clinic/surgeon since plastic surgery is no joke. (You only have one face/body, right?) Most people seem to be able to do surgery with their preferred surgeon the day after consultation (March/April isn't peak season - may not be possible during peak months) but I didn't want to risk it due to time constraints. So I sent in a deposit in advance to guarantee a spot.

Why I chose GNG:
  • Their surgeons are rhinoplasty and ENT specialists.
  • It is a proper hospital, with an on site anesthesiologist (important!), hospital facilities, sleeping wards, and great post operation care.
  • Any surgery done with them requires at least a one night stay.
  • If you secure a surgery with them in advance, they offer airport pick ups and will send you to your accommodation after you have been discharged.
  • Their English speaking consultant was great and responded to my queries reasonably quick and it was good to know I could still maintain contact with them post op in case I have any issues.
Day 0 - arrival | consultation
Since I wanted to maximise my recovery time, I chose an early flight which arrived at Incheon at 9:30am. A taxi driver picked me up from the airport and took me to GNG, where I met Hazel (English interpreter), the consultant, and my 2 surgeons. I also had my blood tested, did some scans, photos taken etc. I won't discuss pricing here as it's different for everyone, but I was able to get a discount for doing multiple procedures and letting I them use my photos/videos on their social media. I was also asked to write them a review but was told I didn't have to praise them. Just be honest. (To give you an idea, their basic rhino (bridge/tip) starts at 4.5m KRW).

Dr Seong: I had trouble deciding which rhino surgeon to choose since GNG has 5 - the most famous ones are Dr Seong, Dr Son, and Dr Hong. In the end, I went with Dr Seong because I heard he was most known for natural looking noses. When I met Dr Seong, I felt at ease because he was so smiley! He looked at my face/photos and knew exactly what "needed" (quoted because no one needs PS) to be done. My main concerns were my bulbous tip and large alars. I initially didn't want any implants in my bridge because I was happy with the height already, but Dr Seong said that without it, the nose line wouldn't be smooth as the tip becomes slightly raised due to tiplasty. He went with a 2mm ultra soft silicone implant for my bridge, and used septal cartilage for the tip. I also had the sides of my bridge shaven down as it was quite wide, and my alars taken in.

Dr Kim: she is very pretty LOL. Her skin is so nice :lol: I initially only consulted for acculift to remove stubborn fat from my jaw (double chin galore) and lower cheeks, but she also recommended fat grafting on my forehead, under eye area, nasolabial folds, and chin to fill them out more. FG can keep you looking youthful and the cells from the fat also makes your skin nicer. I listened to her advice and went ahead with it. She took fat from my inner thighs, (which apparently has a 10% higher retention rate compared to stomach fat), and mixed in PRP. Dr Kim spoke good English and was very nice, but seemed very busy (seeing me in between surgery/consultations).

Both accu and FG aren't permanent - the fats in your face will come back if you gain weight, so keeping a balanced diet/healthy lifestyle is key. As for FG, your fats get absorbed over time (not all of it - maybe 70%?) and it varies from person to person, but after 1-2 month post op, what's left is a good indication of what will remain. Some people say that FG needs to be done 2-3 times for it to be permanent but I have no experience in that. GNG doesn't believe in storing fats, so the FG is only done once, no top ups, and fresh fat will be harvested again if you need a top up.

Day 0 - surgery
After changing, washing my face and having lines drawn on them, (and waiting a bit), I was sent into the operation room just after 3pm. I got onto the table, they started putting the IV in me and I was told to breath. Last thing I remember was the cold feeling of the anesthesia going into my arm... and then I woke up. First thing I did was touch my ear LOL (I was told there was a 50% chance of using ear cartilage - luckily Dr Seong didn't have to!) They wheelchaired me away, put me in a tank for oxygen therapy, then into my room. I felt so nauseous, my throat was dry and I couldn't breath through my nose. It was amazing when I could finally drink water. The nurse asked if I wanted food but I felt sick and just wanted to sleep. (Even though I had been out for 7 hours!) I went through 2L of water that night because I was so dehydrated :lol: I'm so glad I was able to stay the night in one of their wards - I was in no condition to go to my accommodation and would have been very scared in case anything happened. (Probably would have tripped and broke my nose).

Day 1 - post op | discharge
I woke up, took a look at myself, and to be honest, I looked great LOL. I mean, I just had my face hacked open and foreign materials put into me. I expected the worst but I really didn't look that bad. Hazel came in and interpreted while Dr Seong and Dr Kim checked up on me (I think they usually see you after the surgery but it was late when I woke up), and told me that my surgeries were successful. I didn't feel any pain in my nose, but it was uncomfortable due to the stuffing. When it started to hurt later on, the nurse put more pain killers through my IV and it was fine. My jaw was numb due to the acculift. My thighs were surprisingly okay and I had no issue walking - it just felt like muscle pain (as if I did a really intense inner thigh work out :lol:)

Before being discharged, I was given a bag with my medicines, ointment for the incision areas, pumpkin juice, ice pack, and instructions. Hazel also told me to come back the next day for treatment/check up. I was then put into a taxi (after sleeping some more) and taken back to my accommodation.

Geez, I wrote a novel there didn't I? :lol: I'll post again about days 2-8 in a separate post so this doesn't end up 348234 pages long. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll try my best to answer them!

tl;dr: got my nose done and fats rearranged on mah face. So far so good. Fingers crossed I look awesome when I fully recover.
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Aha it looks like I can't edit old posts so me saving a spot just looks silly now :lol: Anyways here's days 2-8:

Day 2 - check up
I started swelling the night before (post op day 1) but holyyyy my face was a huge potato-balloon-fusion when I woke up. I'm sure I scared everyone at my guest house during breakfast. I stayed at Myeongdong which is over 30 mins on the subway to Gangnam, and with my eyes being almost swollen shut, Hazel called me a taxi. I had to pay for it myself though - so I do recommend staying near your clinic especially in the first few days if you are going to be in Korea alone.

I got there and did some deswelling laser treatments, oxygen therapy, the nurse checked my nose and pulled out the HUGE stuffing that was inside my nose... it was so painful. Probably the most painful part of the surgery :crybaby: Had my nose cleaned (also uncomfortable), and new stuffing put back into my nose (boo, I was hoping to be able to breath lol). Taping on my face was also removed. I was to keep the taping and cast on my nose on, as well as the bandaids that covered the incision areas from acculift/FG. They changed the dressing on the stitch area on my thighs but left the taping on (was told to taken them off in the shower as it would hurt too much to do it then and there).

I was still swollen, but looked much much better compared to the morning when I had lines for eyes. I think I got lucky because usually you go in on day 3 but that would have been a Saturday, so they got me to come in on the Friday. Also had my hair washed at a nearby clinic, given some more pumpkin juice (I had to ask), and left. Tip: if you have a lot of drippage from your nose like I did, ask for more gauze pads. I ran out over the weekend and had to buy some at the pharmacy.

Day 3-4
I was getting less swollen, but the bruising under my eyes started to appear. My jaw was still really numb and week from accu and it was hard to open it wide to brush my teeth/eat chewy foods. Couldn't really move my forehead and I kinda looked alien-ish because it was so round LOL

Day 5 - deswelling treatments
Went back on Monday for more deswelling treatments. Same laser/oxygen therapy, nurses checked my nose, removed and put in new gauze pads. Dressings on my face except the nose were removed. This session was over rather quick.

Day 6
Face still swollen/bruised, also the oil on my face was insane. Was told that FG causes more sebum production due to the cells in the fat, and I couldn't wash my face until stitches are out so super gross. My cast starting lifting because of the oil (I already have oily skin), aaaaand then it fell off that night while I was eating ._. like just fell off my nose lol. I messaged Hazel, who confirmed with the nurses it was fine since I was coming in the next day to get it removed anyways. I think if it comes off any early than day 6 you need to go in and get a new cast. So I got to see my new nose a day early, but it was super swollen still (plus my face was still round in general due to swelling from FG/accu). My alars were smaller, but the tip was still very bulbous from the swelling. Still couldn't move forehead much.

Day 7 - stitch removal | check up with surgeons
Stitch removal woo! When I arrived, the nurse promptly whisked me onto a chair and started my deswelling treatments. She then moved me into a new room to remove the stitches on my nose and thighs. I expected it to hurt but it really wasn't that bad. She also took out the plastic inside my nose, and I had my after photos taken. The Thai interpreter accompanied me while I had my check up with Dr Seong (she wasn't native level, but spoke decent English and I had no trouble communicating with her). He said I was still very swollen (especially from the tip of my nose down) since I did accu/FG as well.

I was supposed to see Dr Kim as well but she had to take a sudden day off so they offered me the choice of coming in the next day to see her, or have another doctor see me. I chose to come in, so I booked an extra appointment with Dr Seong as well.

Note: Hazel messaged me about half an hour past my appointment time asking me if I was on my way (I was already there), and it turns out the nurses didn't inform her of my arrival. I assumed that she couldn't interpret for me because she was busy but that wasn't the case. So make sure to contact your interpreter before you arrive just in case!

Day 8 - final check up
I got an extra day of laser treatment/oxygen therapy since I couldn't see Dr Kim the day before. (Usually you don't come back after day 7). Dr Seong checked my nose again, cleaned it up for me, and answered my questions with Hazel interpreting. I was told that the final result can be seen after 3 months post op but it would take longer for me since I have very thick skin lol.

Dr Kim came to see me in between surgery and consultations (what a busy woman!) and spoke to me in English. I remember asking her when I could start wearing skinny jeans before the surgery and she said maybe after 10 days, but by day 5 I had already ditched my trackpants. The bruising on my things were fading well. She said the swelling on my face would subside 1 month post op, but the numbing would take a bit longer since there is slight nerve damage from removing fats from the face.

I also asked about scarring gel and saline solution for cleaning my nose - both are not prescribed by GNG. You can buy scar gel from them but it's not necessary. I ended up not buying from them but changed my mind and bought some from the pharmacy later on where it was more expensive hah. They gave me 2 bottles that I could put saline solution in to clean my nose with. I need to buy the solution myself. (I was told to keep using the antibacterial ointment they gave me for a month post op)

Then I bid farewell to GNG and headed off to travel around Korea for the next 3 days. I heard that they also send you back to the airport on the day you fly, but don't quote me on that as I didn't use that service. (I flew out of Busan instead of Seoul).

Day 9-15 (current)
I met my friend right after I got my stitches taken out and she said she couldn't tell until I told her :lol: That's probably because my tip was still super swollen at the time. For some people that might mean the change is not drastic enough and it's too natural but I wanted my nose to be as natural as possible.

Nose: tip is getting smaller but it's still quite round, I'm hoping it'll slim down even more. Alars are smaller, but they still look quite wide from the front and I'm not sure if it'll go down or not. I'm a bit conflicted about this - on one hand, my nose is obviously a lot nicer yet the change is very subtle, on the other hand, I wonder if I should have asked for a slightly more drastic change since I paid so much money for surgery? Maybe it's too early to tell. I was told I couldn't blow my nose too hard/sneeze out of my nose, but I have been doing both and everything seems okay :lol:

Acculift/FG: I'm still waiting for my face to deswell to see the full effects of accu. The numbing is strange, I only feel it when I touch my jaw, and when I do, it's not very pleasant. As for the fat graft - it's most prominent in my forehead, and when I raise my eyebrows it's not very natural as you can see that "something" is there. I'm hoping it'll look natural when the fats settle a bit more. I can feel the fats in my under eye area/nasolabial folds, but it's not as obvious as a week ago. As for my chin, I really like how it looks now, subtle yet it ties in my features really well. I just don't want it to absorb anymore, but since you move the chin area the most, that's bound to happen... The bruising on my thighs have cut down by over half, and I don't feel any pain there anymore.

Overall, I am very satisfied with GNG. In the beginning, it took a few days for Hazel to respond, but once we had a conversation going it was really easy to talk to her and organise everything. Their surgeons are nice and professional, I like their facilities, and their post operation care is amazing! As for the results, I'm happy with everything so far, just need to wait a bit longer to see the full effects.

Feel free to PM me or ask if you have any questions - I'll try my best to answer them!
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Have you used saline solution at all? I'm trying to find some that doesn't have Benzalkonium Chloride as I read that it can kill cells in the nose lining.
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Congrats on your surgery! I wanted to know why didn't you opt to use your own cartilage for the bridge of your nose?
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I'm really glad your surgery went well.
Not sure if it's you, but there is a girl from gng facebook who also underwent fat graft and accusculpt. I'm definitely interested in rhinoplasty, but I'm hesitating on fc or fat graft/acculift. I wonder how long fat graft/acculift will last...
Also, is the tip of your nose hard? Can you do a piggy nose?
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Thank you! I hope yours goes well too :smile:
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The no-implant method is where they harvest cartilage from you (or if you don't have enough, they use donated cartilage) and diced it up finely to create a bridge. There's a lower chance of infection because it's your own cartilage, but because of that, it's more likely to absorb. I wanted to avoid any unevenness. Silicon is fairly safe, the easiest to remove if I require any revision in the future, and I barely had enough cartilage for my tip from nose. I didn't want to use rib (invasive), nor donated cartilage so silicon it was :smile:
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