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GNG Hospital review - 2 week post op

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@cieh LOL yes that's me!! FG and accu are not permanent solutions - so if you want a long lasting effect, then FC is the way to go. I don't feel like my jawline is too square or anything, and FC is such an invasive procedure I personally didn't want to go through it. FG really depends on the person, it might last longer on some people, and it depends where you get it done (laugh lines and chin area will absorb faster than forehead since we move those areas more). As for accu - just don't gain weight LOL

The tip of my nose is hard, nope can't do piggy nose haha
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Thanks for the response! I am leaning towards silicone!! What type of nose did you explain to Dr. Seong? Like what did you tell him you wanted? and did you bring in examples of noses you liked.
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I told him I wanted a nose that suited my face better, but not with a dramatic difference. I stressed for a natural result. I basically said "enough change that I notice the difference but not too obvious where everyone can tell I got my nose done" haha. I didn't bring any examples because a nose that looks good on someone else may not necessarily look good on me. I just trusted Dr Seong to do what was best. I don't have a small face, so a small nose would look disproportionate.
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I'm planning to go next year when I am done with school.

I pretty much see it the same way as you do, FC is a huge no no for me as its so invasive for me although I would like the results of it. I'm planning to go for accu and top up with jaw botox every once in a while.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Good luck!! I'm on holiday right now and was thinking of updating next week - sorry!! ><
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Is it true that GNG is specialized in no implant rhinoplasty? If that's the case, would it not be a good idea to go there if I am planning to get a silicon implant. I don't want to do rib rhino or goretex, and I'm okay with getting a silicon implant, but if that's the case, wouldn't it be better to go to a place that specializes in rhinoplasty where they often use silicon implants?
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Silicon implant is the most basic of all rhinoplasties - a surgeon can do it whether they specialise in it or not. No implant is harder and more difficult so I guess that's part of their selling point?
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How are you doing, in your recovery process?
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Hello everyone! A quick update now that I'm 5 weeks-ish post OP.

Nose - the good:
I'm still swollen, but much much better than before. I like the look of my nose when I don't smile haha. I think my alars still look wide when I do smile, but any smaller would be too obvious that I had PS done and I did ask for natural (aka not too obvious) result. The silicon implant doesn't feel like anything which was one of my main concerns, so this is great! I need to wait a bit longer for more natural movement - I still can't really stretch my upper lip much so that's a little weird for me. The scars around my columella and alars are still visible, I'm just waiting for a bit longer before I start using scar cream (for the incision areas to fully heal first) in hopes of reducing them.

Nose - the not so good:
So around week 3, I was exfoliating my face gently (including my nose) and I think the grains scratched away something near the base of my alar wing that's connected to my face. It left a gap, and I contacted Hazel straight away. Hazel was quite busy and it took a while for her to respond, but she confirmed with the doctor that it was probably an inner stitch that started showing as my nose deswelled. They told me not to worry, as the gap will be less obvious as the swelling goes down. You can't see the "gap" usually, but when I stretch my alar away I can see a small gap. I can also feel it. It doesn't look like it healed as well as the other side. I'm worried that this gap will be here permanently but I'm only just over a month post OP so I'll just need to be patient and wait...

I like the shape of my forehead and chin, but it's only 5 weeks and I'm worried that the fat will absorb even more/go away eventually. Fingers crossed it doesn't! I do have a small, raised scar under my chin where Dr Kim inserted the fat, but besides it being slightly raised, it looks like an acne scar which I'm not too concerned about (preferably it wasn't there though haha)

My jaw is finally starting to feel normal, I only have a very tiiiiiny bit of numbing left, but it's not that obvious. When I move my jaw from side to side, the right side is a bit tighter than the left. I can feel a tight feeling when I lift my head up too much. It doesn't restrict any movement, and feels fine when I put pressure on it, but still waiting for it to completely go away. As for the results - my face is a very tiny bit slimmer than before, however if I'm not sure if it's "enough" as I still have a double chin when I tilt my head down. If you want more obvious/dramatic results, then FC is the way to go.
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Thank you for your honest review! Please continue to keep us updated! I think i will ask the doctor for a dramatic result in my rhinoplasty, as my alars are very wide
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Hello! I have a question, im also thinking to go to GNG but for Nose+ Facial Contouring, is GNG good for FC ? Since they are known for their noses.
And does somebody knows if MEGA is good in both or BANOBAGI? Thank you :smile:
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