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Double Jaw Surgery Journal

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I've brought my tickets to Korea this June
Will be visiting EU; EverM; DA and ID (just to consult)
What would be the main thing you guys think I should ask and look out for?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi guys have you seen that post lying around a girl who did surgery at The Face Dental? She seems very happy with the result and it seems more affordable than Ever-M. I am going in July to consult with them for 2-jaw surgery and generally trying to make my face smaller
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I just saw that TFD /The Face Dental uploaded a video on their website of an American girl with long face and open bite who seems to have done double jaw. her face looked much smaller and pretty good result afterwards although the video was texted in korean so i couldn't understand everything. The only thing that concerns me is that the nose seems to flare out a lot postop but perhaps that improves with time.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello everyone! I had my double jaw and v-line procedure on the 22nd of May and starting tomorrow; I am 3 weeks post op.

I decided to go with Dr. Kim from EU Dental. If you are in our facial contouring group on Kakao you already know that I ended up only going to Zeah and EU Dental for consultations. I will explain why after I tell you all about my consultation experiences.​

The first clinic I visited was Zeah Dental. I was a little late, about 15 minutes because I wasn't used to getting around Seoul yet. When I arrived, there was still a wait and the whole place was pretty full. The lobby was full and you can see many patients getting dental work as you walk towards the offices. I had both an English consultant and Korean consultant assisting me. The English consultant is not fluent, she is actually better with Chinese and I felt that she wasn't able to translate thoroughly/accurately. We talked about what I was interested in for about 5 minutes before getting my x-rays done. The Korean consultant helped me with my x-rays and she was really rough and did not take her time. There is one machine where you have to insert "handles" into your ears to keep your head stable during the x-ray. She closed them too tight on my ears and it was actually painful. I didn't say anything because before they start the x-ray, she leaves the room and she left so fast I didn't have time to act. So after my x-rays, I went back to the office to speak with the surgeon that would be working on me. I didn't catch his name but he explained that if I do double jaw, I also need v-line and he recommended botox as well. He recommended botox to make my jaw muscles appear "smaller" for that small face aesthetic. The doctor also showed me an animation of how the bones are cut and asked me if I had any TMJ problems, which I do. Because I know double jaw surgery is very invasive, pricey and intimidating, I asked if there was any other option to get the look I wanted. I asked about ASO as well and the doctor said, "no." Overall at Zeah, they are nice and friendly but I was disappointed that they didn't take their time. My consultation was about 25 minutes.

Then, I visited EU Dental, which is a fairly new clinic. I was on-time and didn't have to wait and there weren't a bunch of people sitting in the lobby. Like Zeah, I had two consultants helping me here. One is fluent in English and the other knows enough at a conversational level. It was really helpful to have someone who is fluent in English to translate accurate terms regarding the procedure. I talked to them first about what I was looking for and they mentioned Dr. Kim's credentials and history. Dr. Kim is from ID Hospital which before the consultation, steered me away from choosing this clinic. Dr. Kim was the Chief of Orthognathic surgery at ID before he left. The reason I wasn't opposed to having Dr. Kim perform my surgery is because ID has a bad rep because they are a factory type hospital, whereas Dr. Kim is the only surgeon at his clinic. So, you don't have to worry about surgeon switching and he only performs one surgery a day. So after I talked to the consultants for about 20 minutes, I had to take some x-rays. They had two nurses help me with x-rays and they really took their time to make sure I was comfortable. After the x-rays, they took some photos of my face at different angles. Then, I went back to the office with the two consultants and then Dr. Kim joined us. Dr. Kim asked me what I was looking for as far as what look I wanted and if I had TMJ issues. I then asked if there was anything other than double jaw I could go with. He told me I have three options, noninvasive orthognathic procedures (such as braces), ASO, and double jaw. He went through each option thoroughly but ultimately double jaw would give me the best result. I really appreciated him giving me options. The only downside to this consult was the time I had to wait in between each step but everyone was so nice and friendly, I didn't mind. This consultation was about 2.5 hours but I'd say an hour of it was just waiting around.

So, the estimates I got from both places were actually very similar and very expensive. Zeah barely budged when I tried to bargain, I even told them my budget and it was way off from their price. All they gave me was the 10% you can get off from almost all clinics when you pay all cash. At EU Dental, I also told them my budget and although I didn't get them down to my budget they were a little more generous than Zeah. I was really confident in choosing EU Dental but my other consultations were not until 2 days later. My other consultations were supposed to be with EverM and The Face Dental but I was not able to move them up. I wanted to move them up because EU Dental was willing to hold a surgery date for me but only for a day because Dr. Kim is really booked up. My stay in Seoul is from May 11th to June 15th. The only dates EU Dental had available for me was the 22nd and the 26th of May. For double jaw surgery you need a minimum of one month of recovery before going home. So they held the 22nd for me even though the 22nd is kind of cutting it close. It was a tough choice since I felt like I needed to go visit more clinics but I just felt very comfortable at EU Dental, so I ended up choosing them!​
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Day 0 | Pre Op
Before the surgery, they had to make sure I was healthy. I was taken to a different hospital, they took a urine and blood sample then, I had my chest x-ray'd. I also want to mention that I pigged out and I recommend that you do so too because you're going to miss eating food so much, I promise!
Day 1 | Surgery Day
My surgery was set for 9:00am. For double jaw surgery you need to stay in the hospital/clinic for a couple days. I needed to stay for 2 days so my consultant showed me around the room I was staying in. There were two beds, lockers, mini fridge, and two little TVs. The mini fridge is for ice packs. Having a TV was great because after the procedure you need to stay awake for 6 hours. The bathroom was steps away from my room. While she was showing me around I had to change into different clothes they provided: loose pants, a loose button up top and slippers. I was not nervous at all. One of the consultants asked me how much sleep I got, I told her 7 hours. She was really surprised because she said many patients don't get very much sleep due to nerves. I was asked a couple times if I was nervous by more than one person..and honestly, them asking me actually made me nervous. I had some black nail polish on and they made me remove it, which I didn't mind at all, it's mandatory and they provided me with cotton pads and nail polish remover. Anyways, after I was shown around, we made our way to the surgical room. Before I entered they check my weight, I was about 105lbs and I have not checked my weight since. When I entered the room, my consultant was with me and there were about 3 nurses plus the anesthesiologist. My memory is a little fuzzy here but I believe as soon as Dr. Kim entered I was put to sleep. I've been under general anesthesia about 3 times already so I wasn't nervous. They pricked me and I was knocked out in about 5 seconds.

Upon waking up, I remember the nurses telling me to wake up and I believe Dr. Kim was asking me if I could walk. I was very groggy and everything was kind of a blur but I recall lying and saying "yes" when I definitely could not walk on my own. They put me on a wheelchair and wheeled me to my bed. With some help from the nurses I was able to get into my bed. Dr. Kim was there and he told me the surgery was successful. I was thankful but at the same time I was so out of it, I didn't think too much about it. I was not in pain but I could tell my face felt like a balloon and I also had a compression wrap on. I also had some gauze taped to my chin for the drooling/blood. I had a tube that went through my right nostril down to the entrance of my throat to help with breathing. They told me I need to stay awake for 6 hours which I was expecting. There was also this beeping noise, coming from a machine that was hooked up to my finger, that was probably not as loud as I was perceiving it but it was annoying me so much. I asked my consultant how long it would last and what it's for. The machine is to check my oxygen levels to make sure I was okay. There is a nurse who pays close attention to the machine and I for the first 30 minutes post op. After that, there is a call button which sends an alert to the nurse via a watch if you need her. While in the hospital, they give you an IV to make sure you have enough fluids. I couldn't talk so they gave me two papers that said phrases in Korean/Chinese/English that may be useful such as; "I'm cold" or "I need to go to the bathroom." They also give you a dry erase board. My throat was super dry and it was really uncomfortable. I wasn't given water until about the 2 hour mark. They provided me with a syringe and a cup of water. You can ask the nurse to get more water for you anytime. The water really helped relieve my dry throat and encouraged me to drink lots of water. It was actually quite difficult to get used to drinking water without choking but eventually I got the hang of it.

So when night time came, the nurses changed. I started having trouble breathing because my tube was getting clogged with saliva/blood from my throat. I tried beeping the new nurse to help me and I waited about 15 minutes and she didn't come. At this point, I started freaking out so I threw my dry erase board at the door and she came. I was really upset by this because something could've gone terribly wrong and maybe I wouldn't have had time to think about chucking something at the door. The nurse came and I was obviously having trouble breathing because you can hear that when I breathe there is a weird sound, the same sound you hear when you're at the end of a juice box. She asked me if I wanted to have my tube cleaned and I nodded yes. She quickly pulled the tube out and washed it. It felt really strange but it felt stranger when she put it back in. When she was done helping me I started clicking the beeper to show her and it turns out that the watch that she was using was broken. I told my consultants about the mishap and they were really sorry that it happened but at that moment I was still really pissed. The hardest part about the first day is staying awake for the 6 hours. I was tired but I ended up using the TV to keep me awake. There were only Korean channels but it still helped. I never had to go to the restroom because they actually attach a pee bag to you so you don't have to get up for the first day. I didn't even realize I had one attached to me until my nurse detached it...I was wondering why I never had to pee even though I was drinking so much water. Besides drinking water they also provide a Korean nutritional drink called Well Life. It tastes like soymilk with a weird after taste. I didn't mind it but supposedly most patients don't like it.

The 6 hours were finally over and I was allowed to sleep. Even though I was allowed to sleep it was difficult to do so. I had to stay upright. If I did sleep it would only be maybe 30 minutes at a time because my throat would get so dry, I'd cough and it'd wake me up. I'd drink water when that happens and then try my best to fall back asleep. This cycle went on until the next day.​
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey! How are you doing, thank you so much for posting this.
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  • 1 month later...
How come they said no to ASO instead of 2Jaw? Did you ask for ASO for protruding mouth or?

Thank you :smile:

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