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Clinic consultation review, Wonjin, JK, Item, JW

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This is my review during consultation for my revision rhinoplasty in Korea.

Fairly, I should explain my nose condition, my skin is rough and thick, fat, bulbous and short. Ive done my first surgery when I was 16 and its just a silicon inserted, no cutting of fats and skins before.

I am connected to wonjin by a friend who always talk so highly about wonjin, she did help me making reservation too. I assume she is an agent for wonjin.

Somehow after reading about wonjin in here, I already knew I wont be doing it there. But I still coming thinking the agent is a friend of mine. How bad can it be.

Prior arrival, my friend said I will be picked up with the limo, and I ask if I don’t want to do it in wonjin, isnt it not nice? She said, well you can just pay for it, 100k then they will deduct it from the surgery fee. It’s the service. But I rejected it anyway.

I arrived in seoul with my partner at 10am, and wonjin put me at 11am appointment, I told them its impossible, I wont make it there, the immigrations, customs etc, then they reschedule it into 2pm.
I arrived hotel at 12 noon, checkin, showered. It was raining, I havent eaten any of my lunch and I arrived at 2.30, since I was late I was told to wait. The reception was messy, it looks like a fashion studio.

They told me the consultation will take TWO HOUR. I asked if we are still waiting, we will just go for a quick bite, they said we must be back latest by 4.
So we did. They took my passport (the only one among all clinic who copied my passport right away.)

They were saying they prefer foreigner because they treat foreigner like VIP, the president daughter which they cant mention which country do it with them and extend her stay to do it with wonjin.

They said Wonjin is the biggest and no. 1 in the whole korea.
They matched me with a doc who only take VIP guests, as what they say.

Then comes the doctor, who said my nose will be a challenge to him, he will cut my rib cartilage, put it in my nose. My ear cartilage isnt strong enough for my bulbous tip.

Before surgery I will be xrayed, ct scan. I will be put under General anesthesia. having my nose done will take 5hours and it’s a super complicated things to do.

They quote me 18.000.000 won. Yes you read it right 18mill won. Which is around 16k usd?
But if I want to do it tomorrow morning they'll give me discount, so it will be 15.000.000 won. And they can give me extra bonus like face massage.

I insisted I'll need to think about it first, as I dont have spare nose.

Continue with JK tomorrow morning...
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Consultation at JK

I saw a woman walking out from a building wearing a cool jacket and a croc birkin, she was wearing the jaw masks. Then I just realize Im coming in to the same building she just went out.

I told the reception I had an appointment, they have this nice cafe with a very friendly and smart barista.

I waited and I laughed, remembering wonjin said they were the biggest in Korea. Well in term of a building JK is waayy much bigger and way much cleaner.

Went in and met the doctor, not much explaining, he said he can take cartilage from my ear, my ear is thick and strong enough.
Sadly he didnt have much explaining, he seems bored explaining the same thing.

Then come with explaining the fee, they quoted me 7million won all typed nicely in a paper. I asked what makes JK is better than any other clinic, they said "we have 0 accident".

I find JK is a very nice clinic, it looks clean, professional, no huss and fuss, they just straight to the point, none ask if im married or how many kids etc. Sadly, the consultation was really short and kinda... Uninterested.

When I was there, the clinic was all westerners, russians, american etc. I didnt see any korean.
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I visited ITEM.

Made an appointment with them, its quite easy, through whatsapp singapore number.
when I arrived there, I saw a lady sitting with her bandage around her nose, with a pjamas kimono. hole all around. So I thought, that may be her own pjamas. Then I found out its actually items.

I met for consultation. they were explaining my nose is short, and I will be using metaphor (not sure the spelling). however they want to shorten the bridge of my nose. they said dont focus on the bridge, but focus on the tip, which is more important.
I asked them why I dont need to use my own cartilage, they said, its too much pain to do. Nose should be easy.

But talking to them, is so comfortable, I ask what about my rib cartilage, they say, its more painful than the nose it self. and why would you want to use your own, when you dont have any trauma in the nose, when you still can get donor cartilage too. Its too much to do, just for a nose.
however I can do it using a rib donor, which is more expensive by a bit.

I agree.
However what turn me off is, they were pushing me to do it right away, in the next 2 hour.

I Like how item do their job, from before and after photo. Item is more to no fuss clinic. They have a lot of singaporean clientele, which is of course, good?
singaporean is good doing research right.

apparently, item doctor is one from BK and one from big clinic too (cant recall which one but it is famous too). both used to work there, then the downfall of BK and the other clinic is when the two doctor left. at least thats what they said.
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  • 3 months later...
Consultation at JW

My consultation at JW was nice, eventually they have no slot for me. so I need to go back to my country. I did ask if they ever have any incident before. The consultant told me about the Chinese girl jaw incident, he told me that the girl was lying. So I was actually set to do with them, just I need to arrange for some other time.

I went back home and research on the chinese girl jaw incident, and I think she isnt lying.
She apparently sat down infront of JW for days to get justice. Its just my opinion so I end up didn't choose JW.
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I joined a KK group, and they were mentioning about a clinic called MIGO. and I really wish I can do it there. so I booked a ticket right away.

I was sure I will be doing it with Migo. On my way there I visited JJ, walked in. I was ignored and not welcome. I left and blacklist JJ for my whole life.

I then consulted with Migo. Although Dr kang was sweet, but His team wasnt. the translator seems not sincere. The clinic was run down too. I know not everyone afford to rent a good clinic, so I think as long as the doc is great with a great CS why not. They give me a good price, just a few thousand won to pay for the CT scan.

apparently before I made a down payment, they rushed me to take blood as they're closing. the nurse was rough and giving a tired face when taking my blood for the test, she poked me wrongly. Then goes the consultant, she took off her jacket and wanted to try to drew some blood on my hand. which I reject. She wasnt a nurse.

I then told them to stop the noises and I will rethink to do it with them, because it was a simple chaos just to take a blood. I also said its so unprofessional. The nurse then throw the used needle she used to poked me to the new needles and blood drawing kit. I was in total shock.

So I left. I was so sad because I like dr Kang. but apparently I doesnt want to get some diseases after getting a nice pretty nose.

Ps. even though I paid for the CT, they dont allowed me to take photo or take any result of the CT.
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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry Guys, Its been a while I didnt update anything.
I ended up doing it with GNG. I was once of their customers before the happening things with GNG.

how am I liking my result, I did not like my result but it was actually way better than my previous nose.
I wish I can achieve better nose. my result was too natural.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi guys, I'm all booked in for consultation at JW for rhinoplasty with Dr Lee and dual canthoplasty with Dr Kim. Has anyone had any experiences with them? I couldn't get a slot with Dr Suh (not for surgery at least as he's all booked out till after I leave Korea) so was recommended Dr Lee and I haven't heard anything about Dr Kim so I'm a little concerned.
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