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My V-line at the Face Dental

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Hi guys,
I'm currently only one week post-op, and I hope to continue updating everyone as time goes on.

Before everything
I was really concerned about all the well-known problems of facial contouring - sagging, nerve damage, foreign materials in the face, etc. But I still really wanted the result of a V-line, so I consulted with Dr Lee last summer when I was in Seoul to do other procedures.

The pictures on TFD aren't photoshopped, and you can definitely tell. People who have had their square jaw angle removed definitely had a weak jawline. I think a lot of clinics photoshop their pictures and you can tell when someone gets a ton of bone removed, but somehow has no sagging/weaker jawline at all. Where does all the tissue go? [​IMG]
This is a picture of square angle reduction B/A from the Face Dental. See how now she has excess tissue underneath her bone? Not really getting the small face effect right?

I also saw Sunnydahye's plastic surgery journey and I wasn't too impressed by her V-line results either, as I personally felt that she didn't have a nice side profile. But then she uploaded another video months later of her getting facial liposuction, and I thought she looked good after that.

So I mentally prepared myself for the possibility of getting facial liposuction - something that I wasn't against, as I felt that I needed facial lipo to get a tighter jawline anyway. I posted these photos on realself and all the doctors said I was a candidate for facial lipo. Note that these photos are all before v-line, and I actually had a small jawbone but excess fat/tissue hiding it.

In the photo on the left, that's me normally (photo taken at eye level). On the right, my finger is showing where my jawbone actually is.

Because of this, I felt that V-line was actually a possibility for me, so I consulted with Dr Lee.

Why did I choose Face Dental?
It seems people tend to gravitate towards types of clinics - some people like the big ones that take up an entire building, where you can basically do your whole face/body/skin there. For me, I prefer smaller clinics that are exclusively dedicated to one area, as I felt that such a clinic would have more experience doing jaw surgery. I know now there are names like EU dental and Zeah dental floating around on PF, but last year they weren't really on anyone's radar. So I didn't consult with them.

I also liked that they had an in-house anesthesiologist.

Later, I found out (like a few days before my surgery) that Dr Lee was formerly one of the directors of ID hospital, which was a big factor for other people choosing them.

First consultation

My first consultation (remember, it was a year before I did my actual procedure) wasn’t the most useful because I didn’t do much research and didn’t really have much idea about my concerns. I knew that I wanted to make my chin smaller and asked for mini v-line (which is basically shaving down the chin only). Dr Lee advised against this, saying that after the chin was smaller, there rest of the jaw wouldn’t be proportional anymore, and instead suggested V-line. The conversation then turned towards my concerns about V-line, which were basically sagging, nerve damage, etc.

For sagging, he said that the patient always has to be realistic. There will likely be some sort of sagging to an extent. But since I was young, I shouldn’t have any sagging at all. That didn’t fully alleviate my concerns because I wanted a tight af jawline (like Ariana Grande who is ultimate face shape goals).

For nerve damage, he said that the main nerve would always be avoided. However, doing surgery in the area and the resulting swollen tissue will always affect the smaller nerves that branch off the main nerve, which is why patients may experience numbness or difficulty speaking/making expressions for the first few months after surgery. These issues should be minor, he said, and the speaking/expressions issues is more like not being able to enunciate certain words as clearly as you used to, and not like full on not being able to talk properly.

Prior to meeting him, I did a CT scan (which I had to pay for, I can’t remember how much though… like 20k won? It wasn’t too expensive) which Dr Lee referenced throughout the consult. He told me I had nerves lower than normal which means he can’t remove as much bone, which was okay with me since I didn’t want that much bone removed anyway. I was concerned, however, that my nerves being lower would increase the chances of me getting nerve damage, making the need for a very skilled doctor even greater.

All in all, I was impressed by the consult. I thought Dr Lee was very nice, informative and honest about the side effects of such a major surgery. I also found the clinic very high-tech and clean looking.

Making the decision to do V-line

During the months after, I became more and more aware of my large chin and asymmetric jaw. I felt like I didn’t look as good from a front-on view for that reason. So I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I kept going back and forth between only doing jaw liposuction versus V-line, but after a while I realised that as long as I didn’t do V-line, I would always be slightly dissatisfied with my face, knowing there was something I could improve. I felt like this was the final procedure that would make me as pretty as I wanted to be.

My aesthetic concerns and expectations
  • Large chin, especially when smiling due to the muscles tensing
  • Non-smooth face line
  • Heavy jaw from side profile
However, looking natural is very important to me. For example, even my own mother and close friends couldn’t tell I did rhino. Some people might think undergoing all those procedures and recovering from them for such a small difference is pointless, but what I hope is to make small adjustments to my face to increase the overall harmony of it. I still wanted to look like myself.

So I kept telling the dr that I wanted a natural shape and not to make my chin too V. I also asked him to remove very little from my jawbone since my jawbone was already small.

My inspo pictures
The page on the left where results I didn't want (I think they're pretty, just such a face shape won't suit me). Page on the right are the results I wanted. I unfortunately didn't print out the pictures, but I highly recommend that you print your photos out.
I photoshopped my own pictures (excuse the yellow boxes. I'm so paranoid of people I know finding out I've done ps I try to hide my clothes too lmao):
Left is before, right is after
Notice how one side of the jaw is bigger than the other in the below photo.. :/

Second consultation

I was much more prepared for my second consultation. I talked about how I wanted Dr Lee to be conservative and to always err on the side of removing less than more.

We mainly talked about the specifics of what he would do:
- T-osteomy to make my chin more V, but I asked him to keep my chin length
- Cutting of the jaw bones, with more being removed on my left side which is the bigger side
- Additional resection using some sort of electrical grinding(?) at the mandible area on the left side to make it even smaller
- Botox on massmeter muscles
- Botox on chin muscles (specifically, the depressor labii inferioris muscle which was responsible for my large chin when I smiled due to it tensing too much)
- Grinding away of the horned projections on my chin that caused it to have that rectangular shape
I wish I took a photo of the scan at a better angle to show off the projections, but you can kinda see them in the red circle (the green lines were drawn by the Dr, that's how much jawbone he suggested to remove).

I mentioned that I didn't want to do botox because the results would wear off after a few months. I also read that botox was particularly complicated when used on the chin, since there are a number of small chin muscles very close together, it is easy to inject the botox into the wrong muscle. With each muscle being used for a very specific purpose, a wrong move can cause you to speak weirdly or smile weirdly for months. It is also possible, due to the small margin of error, for the botox to spread to other chin muscles, creating the same side effect. In response, he suggested the electrical cutting of the muscles which would be permanent instead. I did a lot of googling after the consultation but I couldn't find any information on this procedure at all, despite Dr Lee saying he had done this for over 10 years. Although I trusted Dr Lee, I didn't feel comfortable with this specific procedure. So I decided to go with the botox instead - I figured despite the downsides, at least it was temporary.

After seeing him, a nurse took my blood for blood tests. We had previously arranged on Kakao that my surgery would be 2 days later (I asked for a next day surgery but they weren't available).

I think the consultation went very smoothly and I was happy. However there was one hiccup - on Kakao when I asked, they said I didn't need to place a deposit on that day. But then after the consultation, the head consultant told me I needed to give a deposit of 200k won. I didn't have that amount on me and I had to hurry to Myeongdong immediately after to exchange the money and return to the clinic before they closed. That was quite annoying. However, I think this may be due to the fact that most of the Kakao communications is with Dr Lee directly, and up till recently they didn't have a policy of deposits. So perhaps he wasn't up to date on this matter? But that's okay because that's not his job lol.
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Day of the surgery and after
I arrived at 9:30AM and had some time to talk with Dr Lee and finalise exactly what procedures I wanted. I also paid in cash (some clinics allow you to pay in cash in exchange for a discount).

I signed the consent form which was pretty terrifying (it said some of the side effects of GA is death lol), but Dr Lee didn’t go over it with me together. I wish that doctors here in Korea would go over the consent form with you, as none of my doctors (for other procedures) have ever done that. I know it is a bit redundant to talk about the side effects of GA or whatever when most patients would have probably researched about it in advance, but I think this is an important aspect of obtaining informed consent, which is the whole point of the consent form.

I then went to the operating theatre. The OT was big and fancy looking and they had 6 nurses which made me feel better. Then the anesthesiologist showed up and asked me if I had any health issues, which thankfully I didn’t, but I mean.. if I did, I would imagine that such a question should be asked much earlier, right? I did fill out a form before my first consultation, but that was a year ago. Although my health circumstances haven’t changed since then, they could have, which would have affected the GA. But I still felt quite calm (I have a tendency to become frighteningly calm before my surgeries lol) and I was happy that the clinic had an in-house anesthesiologist so I figured I was in better hands anyway. Plus there’s only one surgeon in this clinic, so I don’t think the anesthesiologist would have any other surgeries to attend to at the same time, unlike in some of the bigger clinics.

The next thing I knew, I was on a wheelchair leaving the OT. I felt like crap for 4 hours because the GA made me nauseous and gave me a sore throat. I hated the effects of GA so much I kept thinking to myself that I wouldn’t do any more plastic surgery again (but lol nah). I also puked a few times until the doctor gave me antiemetics in my IV. Dr Lee came to see me twice briefly after the surgery. I didn’t really have anything to say to him cause my throat hurt so much haha.

Anyway, originally they said I didn’t need to stay overnight, but I asked if I could and they agreed. I believe the room I stayed in was the biggest and nicest one on the floor which was very nice of them. There was only 1 other patient staying overnight but 4 nurses present, which is an amazing patient-nurse ratio. They were very sweet.

The next morning, Dr Lee came to see me again and asked me some typical post-op questions and then said I was free to go.

This is what I looked like on day 0:
Not as swollen as I thought I would be.

Day 1 post op:

Day 0 and day 1 were the hardest because I still had a sore throat from the GA but a blocked nose for some reason, which made it difficult to sleep. People usually say day 2 and 3 is the hardest but thankfully that wasn't the case for me.

I used ice packs and fasted after the surgery until 8pm of day 0, and then after that was liquid foods for 2 days. The compression garment was only uncomfortable on day 0 and day 1.

Day 2:


Anyway, on day 3 I had my first check up with the Dr. Just your typical routine stuff. He also cleaned my mouth with some stuff.

Day 4
Note the slanted lips (they'll go away) and the uneven swelling. My left side has been continuously more swollen than my right side every single day, which is likely because more cutting and resection has been done on my left side which is more traumatic to the tissues. I can speak easily and and it is understandable, but my voice is different from my usual voice. I also showered on day 4.
Sorry for the oil spill. This is what I look like with my compression garment and heat pack on. After the third day, the dr told me to switch from ice pack to heat pack (but their post-op care instructions sheet they gave me said after the 4th day? Maybe my swelling wasn't that bad I guess.)

Day 5

Some bruising, but no pain at all. My side profile still looks bad, but gotta be patient..

The clinic gave me laser treatment which is supposed to help you deswell but I disliked it. It smelled bad the entire time (like burning metal) and I felt some intermittent sharp pains (3/10) afterwards. Dr Lee said it was normal though when I asked him. To the treatment's credit, I did think the swelling went down faster after that.

Day 7

Very happy with the chin so far, but I'm curious how it will change as swelling goes down. Hope it doesn't change too much as I like it as it is now.
I look normal from front profile but slightly chubbier than my before. But strangers won't notice, which is why I no longer need to wear a mask. However, I still choose to because...
[​IMG]I look chubby from the side. Not as bad as before though. Lip assymmetry now gone, but not sure why my lips look kind of weird in this photo...

Overview of first week
- Aside from the first 2 days, pain is literally a 0/10
- Doctor encouraged me to eat soft foods and talk a lot, so it would exercise my face muscles. But I realised that the post-op recovery instructions vary greatly from clinic to clinic. For example, I know someone who went to tlps who was told to be on a liquid diet for a month! Whereas I only had to go on a liquid diet for 2 days! That's a huge difference. On day 3 and 4, I didn't feel ready to eat soft foods/solids and I told the doctor that, but he told me to try my best to.
- They said I didn't need to wear my compression garment 24/7 (actually after day 5 they told me to limit it to 10 hours a day only). But when I walked around for the initial few days without it, I felt my tissues literally bouncing around which is not that pleasant.
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Here are some random photos I took:

Left is before, right is after. Little was removed. You can also see the main nerve. Agh my front teeth are so ****ed up lol. (Also I asked about whether I can get Invisalign after the surgery, and he said yes after 6 months).

This is the medication I took for 7 days post-op:
Some antibiotics, deswelling stuff, etc..

The post-op care sheet (but every clinic has different post-op requirements, so don't expect that your own surgery recovery will be the same!)
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Would I recommend The Face Dental and Dr Lee?

All in all, yes. I mean, it really depends on the final results which are not visible yet, but I am currently very happy. One of my main reasons is that I feel no facial numbness at all. My lower lip was numb the first 2 days post-op, but that's completely gone now. As nerve damage such as facial numbness were one of my biggest worries, I'm really happy about that. I also feel that I have good control over my expressions and speaking considering I am only 7 days post-op, which makes me have high hopes for the final result.

I also think that he perfectly understood my vision for a natural change - I really think my chin is perfect. I unfortunately cannot comment on my jaw angle as it's not visible yet due to swelling, but looking at the CT scans, I think he took off a good amount. Not too much and not too little.

During post-op appointments, I never feel like he is rushed in answering my questions, and I am happy that I can see him rather often (I've seen him on days 3 and 5 post-op so far).
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That's awesome. I look forward to seeing your results from now on please keep us updated and thank you I really appreciate it
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I was initially quoted 5 mill won. But if you pay in cash, it's 10% off.

Edited to add:
All the 'additional' procedures like botox were included under that price, which was very nice of them, as the price was actually agreed upon before the procedures were finalized. Because of this, I felt that all of Dr Lee's suggestions of which procedures to do were purely orientated around giving me the best result possible, as opposed to doing the bare minimum of only bone cutting or trying to upsell me.
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Very helpful, really look forward to more updates! Your cost is very appealing too since TFD quoted me more than double for the same. Always good to know there room to bargain. Thanks again and happy healing!
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Wow that is so high! I'm surprised. 10+ mill for only V-line??
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Where was your accomodation? Was it near the hospital or was there an inpatient ward in the clinic? I'm very interested in going for the same procedure and I would like to find out more about the costs of surgery. Did the 5mil krw include teeth whitening or additional procedure done at the face dental? How about your costs of accomodation?

Thanks for the review, it was very detailed and insightful!!
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There's an 'inpatient ward' but that's only for 1 night post-op, unless you have complications. Accomodation is 10 minutes walk away, I booked an airbnb for 20USD/night. My price doesn't include any additional procedures besides the ones I mentioned.
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