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Fat graft @ MVP and FRESH

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Hello. I'm curious to know if anyone has had successful fat graft at either of these clinics. I need info and can't find much on this forum. Whether you're a few weeks post op or months I need to know.
If you know the prices i'd appreciate it a lot too.

Also on another note if I get my eyes, nose and facial contour done how much do I have to wait till I can do fat graft?
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Oh hey, Ive seen and read all your posts. Thank you for the info as gng quoted me way higher.
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they quoted me around the same price as DA but i didnt ask if they offered PRP or stem cell FG
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Have you been there to have consultation?
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Im not going around summer tho im hoprfully gonna go around sept or oct
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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
prp fat graf sounds so good. Is it really true that it last longers?
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I met someone on this forum in Seoul last month. He has fat grafting done at MVP clinic which the doctor transfers the fats from the tummy to the face however, he is concerns about it because there's a lump on one side of the cheek. Maybe this is swelling? He also shows me his tummy. It looks scary with all the blue-black marks on it lol. Not trying to scare you. I feel like you should consult them directly.
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I've heard lumps can be side effect of FG but I don't normally hear many reports of that from Korean surgeons. Swelling would be the whole area, if it's just one lump I would be very concerned. What did MVP say about it? If he's a member here, can you ask him to post review of MVP? Bruising from lipo is common and should clear up in a few weeks.
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I have some questions about fat graft. If they take the fat from your thighs do they do one thigh or both? Would it make it asymmetrical to take from one side? I am a little bit skinny and worried it would be noticeable if they only took from one side, but my thighs are my only area that has a good amount of fat.
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Hi there, I’m very skinny and underweight. They extracted fats from both my inner thigh and unfortunately the deep purple bruises took about slightly more than 1 month to resolve - I am slow to recover from bruises. Donor site was aching and quite painful to move about the first 3-5 days. After bruise is gone, I don’t see unevenness on my thigh.. no lumpiness or pain on my face. Just to add.. They stored my fat and I went back for top up about 2.5 months later. I’m now about 9.5 months from my first FG... lost some fullness on forehead. Just realised this thread is about Fresh and MVP. I did mine at April 31.
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