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Please help me decide which clinic to go to in South Korea

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Hello, me and my friend are planning to go to Korea in the summer to get plastic surgery.
I am thinking of getting breast augmentation done and my friend is thinking of getting facial contouring, fat grating, eye and nose surgery done.
Our options right now are Wonjin, ID, DA, and Banobagi.
There are mixed reviews on these clinics and we want to make sure we go to the best clinic! >.<
Can you help us out?
Any comments/reviews will be helpful. Thanks!!
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Thanks for the heads up!!! I did hear something about Wonjin having "ghost surgeries" and deaths and etc., I chose them because they seem to specialize in breast surgery, but bye bye Wonjin~~ I don't wanna die getting surgery!!! ID seems pretty big on facial contouring, liked their b&a's.. its so hard choosing the right clinic to do your surgery. Have you heard anything about Banobagi or DA?? Those are my other options. Would love any comments on those hospitals. (good or bad!)
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If you search my previous writing, you may see that i chose Banobagi for my beautiful breast.
i am still happy with the result, and it's free to consult for breast augmentation there so you can consider and decide !
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Thanks for the information! Will definitely keep Banobagi on my list! :smile:
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Anybody been to DA?? I heard they specialize in facial contouring and would love any comments on them as well. My friend is seriously considering going there and we need information asap!! Their b&as look good but there has been some bad reviews recently but would love to know if they have changed or not.
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I think I've heard good things about Banobagi, but not too sure since I didn't ever research it ! I'm in Korea rn - I arrived on the 8th, did a consult with MVP same day bc they said they only had two surgery slots left from the 8th - 21st June, which was how long I was staying for, then I did my surgery the very next day bc slots were very tight
JW also told me there was only one slot left with my doctor from 8th-21st
I thought with the whole Chinese travel ban there'd be more slots free, butnfrom my exp it has been very busy
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I booked a consult with JW but cancelled last minute - they were already expensive ahyway, but the consultant had to message me to tell me their prices went up
And she replies like three days after each of my messages
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Oh... I heard that that is peak season because most of Korean college and university start to have summer vacation. I'm thinking about fat grafting for face and breast so JW, Fresh and Miin are on my list. If you have any chance to go their please share experience with us :smile: Thank you in advance
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I hate it when they reply late. So have you done your surgery with MVP?? How are you feeling? Were their prices okay?
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I thought winter was the peak season but I guess not :sad: I haven't heard of Fresh and Miin, but will try out JW and give you a review soon. :smile: Not long now till I go to Korea! SO excited!!!! :biggrin:
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