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Rhinoplasty with rib cartilage

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I had a rib grafting revision rhinoplasty, I can honestly say that I had hardly any if not any bruising at all, with zero near pain in the nose, the only pain was from the rib grafting area. I’m 6weeks post op, and swelling is incredibley going down, I had this procedure done in London, in Harley street I would highly recommend him. It gives the surgeon more control on the overall shape of the nose, so it’s well worth it, it’s also good if your having a revision rhinoplasty.
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In my research I did recall some shared their experiences about donated diced cartilage, but not many have done this. I believe a forummer @K Couture shared her experiences, so you can try to research her posts. Good luck.
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  • 1 month later...
Hey Shills,
Have you seen Dr Lee at VIP already? Keep us updated please.
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Which part sounds like a representative of VIP? Tinlee said before the communication was good on whatsapp but after its not. That didn't sound like a representative, more like giving pros and cons?
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I suggest looking else where for rib rhino in Korea. I was quoted about $12,000-$17,000 usd for rib rhinoplasty years ago by VIP. May as well do it in America with an expert.
There is another hospital called GNG that does rib rhino but I've never done anything there so I can't really be positive about this clinic despite all the raves about it this year on the forums and group chats on kakao.
Just keep your options open and keep researching
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I just did a simple google search "rib rhinoplasty korea" and found another clinic in Korea that specialises in rib rhino:


I had no idea that gng did rib until someone mentioned it to me to. Another post I found by searching rib rhinoplasty GNG


But then again, whilst in a large chat group in kakao someone mentioned how the consultants from GNG would say that one before and after picture was a rib rhino procedure whilst a moment later would say it was a silicone procedure. So don't build up your judgement with just photos. Also for big clinics you can have them ask them to take a photo of the rib they removed from your body so you can know how much was taken. I think this is really important. You're allowed to do this in Korea. My friend received a photo copy of the fat removed from her buccal fat removal operation.

My point is to do your research and actually ask other clinics if they do rib rhinoplasty.

Btw I'm not affiliated with any of these clinics. I actually had my rib rhino done not in Korea and I'm quite happy with it albeit I still would like to make my tip and alars slimmer. But for rib rhinoplasty, rib will be used for the tip also so your tip will be stiff and hard forever. Just remember that
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idk, she's just kind of general about everything and aren't even able to show pics or give a price. I understand her "aunt" was the one that got the pricing but how can you *not* know? IDK, could be just me though but I am a bit wary :smile:
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  • 1 month later...
where did you have your rhino done?
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İ had rip rhinoplasty. That it will stay stiff and hard forever is actually not true. It stays hard or stiff for a while, yeah but it also becomes softer and less stiffer after some months. Actually it's really not so bad. Dont go on synthetic materials inside your nose.
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  • 4 months later...
I had rib placed in my tip nine days ago, how long does it take for your smile to return to normal?
I feel strange smiling as my top teeth don't fully show anymore as its restricted and it also feels like a piece of wood has been placed in the middle of my nose as its very stiff.
Also I think the tip is a little high at angles and my nose feels elongated, will it get smaller?
I had a small, slightly upturned nose with a non existent bridge before, maybe I need to get used to it.
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I have this exact problem, I look like an idiot when smiling
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