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My love handles (waist) liposuction experience & pictures

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Whoa, I see lots of lipo threads these days.
Last time I searched on purse forum, there weren’t many info about liposuction.
I guess it’s natural that interest for lipo goes up during summer.

Well… I googled and found some clinics by myself. I didn’t want to go to too big clinic (afraid that they’ll be too busy and won’t be able to care much about me) or too small clinic (not much experience).
I mainly did online consultation at first and made a short list. I visited them and chose the clinic I liked best, which was TL.

I’m not overweight, and many people say I look fine, but what bothered me the most was my waist, aka love handles. Yes, I tried exercising, but these fat were very stubborn.
This is not the area that gets exposed often, but come on, I wanted to wear crop tops during summer.

So now, it’s been a month since I had lipo, and honestly it is quite painful, but I think it’s worth it.
Really, if you are reluctant to go on diet or exercise, have lipo!

Of course, I didn’t get slim right away. I was swollen up for about 2 weeks, which almost made me have a nervous breakdown… :sad:
My weight didn’t change (this was already told, but quite disappointing), and I kept bothering my consultant that I think lipo was useless…
She told me that swelling will go down faster after I remove my stitches.

So after 2 weeks, I removed my stitches and the swelling *FINALLY* started to go down on the 3rd week. Now it’s been 4 weeks, and I think I’m starting to see results!
The doctor said the maximum result comes out in 3 months, so I’m real excited.
I hope it gets slimmer than now, although I am really satisfied with the results already.

So here’s my before & after pictures.
Hope all of you here find the clinic you like best and achieve your beauty goals!

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Thanks for the review and for providing pics! We need more lipo reviews here!

I have a bunch of questions I hope you can answer:
-Which other clinics did you visit? What made you choose TL over them?
-How much fat did they take out?
-How much did it cost?
-What was the recovery like? Were you leaking for a few days? How long do you recommend staying in Korea for if you get lipo?
-Did they provide compression garments? How long do you need to wear them?
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Thanks a lot! I wouldn’t have posted pictures if I weren’t so satisfied.
I agree that we need more lipo reviews here because I couldn’t find much information here.

As for your questions:

I went to 365mc and LaPrin clinic.

365mc seemed reliable, since they specialize in liposuction and all kinds of weight loss procedures, but I thought they looked real busy and I kind of felt like I was being forced to choose them, which I didn’t like.

And LaPrin clinic was really nice. It was bit small, but they looked professional and clean, but when I found out the doctor didn’t have his license (wasn’t a medical doctor), this also made me feel anxious about choosing them.

The reason I chose TL because I felt they weren’t pushing me and respected my decision.
The doctor spoke English well and I felt we were really communicating, while other clinics, I had a translator.

For the price, I paid 3000 USD. It’s a bit costly, but the doctor promised he will also take some fat out on my tummy.
Other clinics were cheaper but they said they will perform lipo on the waist part only.
The price included compression garment that they provided (only 1 set) and said I will need to wear them 8~12 weeks for maximum results (which I will!!!!!!!!!)

There was a little bit of bleeding, but stopped the day after. I stayed for 1 week and got the stitches removed back home. The first 3 days were the worst, I felt like a balloon, but felt much better on the 4th day.

The doctor told me he took out about 250cc on each side, so 500cc in total!
Hope you find the clinic you like and have good results!
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Hi ! thanks for sharing your pic. I have similar problem areas. hard to fit into jeans. I am 45 and this perimenopose thing is just killing my waist. I do yoga and dont eat junk or soft drinks and still that muffin top would not budge. Honestly depressing me each season when I try to get into my jeans. I am slim by the way 115 # .
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I totally understand your situation. That's how it has been for me.
I've heard that menopose makes it easier for the fat to be accumulated around the tummy and waist area... I would definitely consider having lipo or other kinds of procedures.
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I consulted with Fresh and they quoted me 4.5 million won for what they call 360 lipo. which is abdomen, flanks and back , but i have to buy my own compression garments. they have someone come to customize for you for 2 million won which I think is pricey. Is there anyone out there that can recommend a good comfortable one with open crotch?
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@illray, $3k sounds very good for your entire waist area (stomach, side flanks, and back) plus they included compression garments, many places charge extra for that. I wonder how much extra set would cost?

What did 365mc quote you? Good choice not to go to LaPrin, I would only let board certified plastic surgeon operate on me. BTW are you Korean? I ask because I know foreigners are charged higher price. Thanks!
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