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My love handles (waist) liposuction experience & pictures

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Whoa........ 2 mil krw for compression garment? That sounds insane!
I haven't heard of Fresh PS, but I see lots of reviews here :smile: Maybe I should have visited them too if I'd known them sooner.
So in total, it was 6.5 mil krw?
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365mc was similar, around $3k, but they didn't include the tummy.
I didn't do 360 lipo, but focused on the sides and just a bit in the front tummy to make the waist line look smooth.
I'm not sure how much extra set would cost... but these don't look so expensive :P
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Yes, it is way too much... One compression garment for 2mil? about 1760 USD??? I think 200,000 KRW is reasonable price:yucky:
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It seems that the surgery went well. Good for you. Clinics for liposuction in Korea usually recommend their patients wear a compression garment after the surgery in order to complement the doctor's skills. However, you also should be aware that there might be some bumpy area caused by lack of skills even though you wear it. Only skilled doctors can perform liposuction which doesn't need any compression garment. Liposuction isn't about the laser but about how much the doctor is skilled. That's why the cost can be different according to doctor's ability. Foreign patients often get the wrong idea about the price for PS done in Korea. You all need to consider how to distinguish honest consultations and what procedure you really need to, especially for facial ones based on your whole facial balance.
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Wow, thanks for pointing that out! I didn't know that.
I totally agree that you need to distinguish honest consultations, because PS clinics are not always honest.
They will recommend you to have surgery even if you don't need it because they want your money.
As for me, all the clinics I've been to said I would need to wear compression garment, so I had no doubts about that.
So far, I don't have any bumpy area (thank GOD!). I've been wearing the garment for a month.
Due to the hot weather, I can't bear to wear them in the afternoon, but I put them on in the evening when I go to sleep.
I think if the clinic charges you a lot for the compression garment, you should tell them this fact.
It would be much less expensive to buy your own custom made garments if you really want one.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The change is impressive! Now you are about 20 days post operation. Do you find any sagginess on your stomach skin with a sudden loss of fat volume inside? Any uneven skin so far? Did you have a general anaesthesia or sleeping one? Thank you for your sharing and wish you a speedy recovery!
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  • 1 month later...
At first, I felt I was very swollen, so I didn't feel any sagginess. After awhile, when the swelling went down, I was afraid of sagginess so I wore compression garment at all times.
There's no uneven skin so far.
I had deep sedation and don't remember anything during lipo. Just fell asleep and woke up :smile:
Good luck with yours!
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  • 1 month later...
Thank you so much for the detailed post. I want to get my lipo fixed while in Seoul, but GNG only does face surgery (which I don't mind). I have to do my lipo first about a week before my face surgery. I will definitely look into TL for that, thanks to you.

You look incredible, by the way. They did just enough.
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