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There is a lot of funny and wrong information here.

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Think what? You said "I knew something wasn't right when I first read his message. Thank you for telling the truth,"

Ask you again...

Did I send you message?

Becoz I have never sent any message to anyone from start and no talk with you on this PM and KAKAO talk.

Ask Your Federal US law enforcement father if anyone say she had a talke with someone but never have so that people ask you

when we have a talk then this is what. Ye~ 'you r father is Federal US law enforcement'. Why that is here? huh?

Again, ask your father.
Which one is problem between 'Have never talk but pretend like have talk something with someone and post in public board' or 'That people asked about when we have a talk'.
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You came on to the board, created an account and posted of your own volition. I didn't tag you when I answered the other person, yet you decided to quote me not once, but twice. I didn't engage you, you engaged me. Once after I told you to think about it before doing so.

I have already alerted the Mods to your BS posts, so I will let them handle you. Any more issues after I block you and I will send this entire thread to the FBI embassy in Singapore. For a start.
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I think there are a lot of kind people.

hmm.. My English is so weird??

This thread is start with 'What Korea plastic surgery is...' written by Korean who worked in ps field very long time.

But suddenly, one is suddenly show up with new ID who pretending like me well but I don't know her bla bla.

She is posting about 'me' like he must be plaining something bla bla suddenly and promoter have a reason why they are taking a commission.

Even I introduce myself exactly including my personal information but she is pointing me, scam bla bla...

So, I asked about it back and if you don't apologize me then let's see.

But another people just all trust her by single post and judge it all. So thanks, calculating my jail time.

The another one is nicer...

'(A text keep ripping on Andy bla bla...)'

'I knew something wasn't right when I first read his message.' <-- I asked about this, when we have talk??

'We don't need to do... my father is working in Federal US law enforcement, you need to talk careful...'

Is there any different between Korea and foreign country culture?
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Simple question. When we talked in message.

You said we have talk first even I don't know you but you said something wasn't right on me.

When we have talk?

Even I'm not a law expert but You know what?

If we have no personal talk but you pretend like we have and make a rumor I wasn't on right bla bla...

then I think that's problem. Even we really had, but if I just asked you when we have a talk.

What is problem? Without my question answer but just avoid and My father is working in Federal bla bla

watch your tongue, isn't it weider huh?

I'm Quoting your talk. 'Think'.
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Thank you Eurasian Beauty. Unfortunately for Mr. Andy he will never take on the law himself. He always leave the dirty job for anyone who is stupid enough to get their hands dirty for him with the lure of money. He is trying to brush everything aside with mockery and trivialization. Then again, what else could he possibly do? Sue me and show me how possibly rich he is, or to tangle up with me so that more of his worms can fall out of the can?
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He is a korean my friend. Also, he has a police record of threatening and actually beating up woman. So that's something we can check with the authorities, not something that i can simply lie about.? ;)
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Just report him to the Mods, block him and move on. Thanks again for speaking up about him.
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First of all, don't dear me. I'm not one of the lesser minds that would want to cozy up to a person like you.
Secondly, if you are confident enough to say I am who you think I am, feel free to post whatever private conversations you have. I have no worries because I am not in this trade and I don't care what you do. Yes and in spite of me saying this, I know you will still post because ultimately, it fits your agenda. This is why you created a thread in the first place, to eradicate of your ex-colleagues isnt it?

You can bet your neck, your neck. It doesn't matter. My posts contains more information than personal attacks. I simply explained your agenda to the users here. You don't have to use schoolplace mockery to belittle my claims. Like I said, you getting past profits from Singapore and Malaysia remains untaxable - unless I provide them. I can trace them if I want to because I know who got their hands dirty helping you. I think these people will be very enthusiastic to help me.

Also, you mentioned you are innocent and you are out of the trade. But you are only sharing how the international agents are scamming against customers. Let me define the word scamming - scamming is cheating money out of a personal unlawfully. These people already said they are agents. Like all agents, they earn a commission. Anyone who assumes an agent help you out of the love of his heart and decides to trust a "genuine saint" like you probably deserves to be scammed anyway. There are no free lunches in the world. I know you are sharing information - I didnt say anything you said are not true. Don't get overly defensive. I am saying you are using these information to reach your agenda. There is a difference. Also, I didnt said you lied about those information, I said you are a scammer - because you are up to no good.

Last but no least, let me reiterate my agenda - I am not a promoter nor a user. I have not done a single plastic surgery. I am just a media savvy person who happens to know your sad story because I am friends with people who have suffered in your hands before. Normally, I can let things go, because it is none of my business. But like a true social justice warrior, I love a good debate online, and there's nothing quite satisfying like seeing justice being served on a person like you. So, go ahead and do what you want to do, while people with decent intellects can decide for themselves who's story makes more sense.

By the way, my name is Jenna Chen. And I am just a olympiad debater who wants to find people to quarrel with to train my critical debating skills (like how you are a computer engineer sharing good information to learn English =) )
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This is going to interesting.

First time, you said I don't know you but you know, now... I'm your Korean friend.

More Funny thing is.. base on your talk... If any other are seeing this point of view in your sight...

Isn't this talking like we have worked together?? Even Korean who is still working with me cannot describe and talk like this way.

Thank you Eurasian Beauty. Unfortunately for Mr. Andy he will never take on the law himself. He always leave the dirty job for anyone who is stupid enough to get their hands dirty for him with the lure of money. He is trying to brush everything aside with mockery and trivialization. Then again, what else could he possibly do? Sue me and show me how possibly rich he is, or to tangle up with me so that more of his worms can fall out of the can?

I think this is looks like you are telling we were working together so I know Andy well.
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I'm not going anywhere. I won't apologise for the truth. So, where do you prefer we start? The Korean inland revenue authorities or the police?
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"First time, you said I don't know you but you know, now... I'm your Korean friend."
ok this is borderlining stupidity. I already said you might not know me, but i know you. Which means we are not friend. Or do you prefer I skip past those gibberish you post next time you try to stir up confusion?

We are not friends. I am not dumb and naive enough in the first place. I probably have to lose 60 IQ points to befriend and trust a lowlife like you.
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Second, there is two theory here...
Ok, don't make me confuse first. I'll take it.

As you know I aleady publishing my personal information on here becoz nothing I need to be shame or hide in any situation.

You are saying about you olympiad debater whatever but that's not meaing you can say about people easily right?

Then can I know your identity and which place I can check you are being as real person?

You know this situation right? Don't worry this is not for sue bla bla.

think, very simple. Believe or not, I don't sue you, second.. even I'm gonna sue you if this is all true

as you say... what do you afraid? I'm just tired about some promoter keep talking about me behind.

I officially say... I just wanna know you are real olympiad debater what? anyway.. even we don't have

any personal contact but if you don't misunderstand about me then I can solve that problem.

I was ps promotion marketer it's true and I wasn't treated my staffs whatever you say that's your free.

If I made someone sad or tired then that's my fault obviously.


You should stop it that point becoz I don't think I always made people happy and if I know about this then

I could say sorry or forgive me about my past fault. I was too harsh.. or whatever.

But, you are insulting me and keep saying... you know about me personally. Right?

PM me. I just wanna know you are really know about me or have a qualify.

Based on your talk as you said..

I'm almost trash. (mm..I dare cannot say I'm great man but at least not this line?)

Becoz first, I have never met or talked with named Jenna Chen on my life.

in No my patients list... no my fren name... literally have never heard and met on my life.

If you just know about me and write through another people then I think that's not good idea.

Keep talk. getting ineresting.
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"I was ps promotion marketer it's true and I wasn't treated my staffs whatever you say that's your free.

If I made someone sad or tired then that's my fault obviously.


"I wonder if that girl post apology statement later about what she wrote and why then what do you talk about this after dear."

After multiple threats on me and other fellow users, you decided to apologise. How unexpected. I thought you were expecting my apology first?

Unfortunately, your apology is worth as much as dust to me in the dessert - meaningless. And when I started a warpath against you, my aim was to expose you, not to have a peace settlement with you.

From a computer engineer to now admitting you used to be a PS promoter. What are the chances that you are still a promoter right now? Very good i'd say. But why are sharing information with everyone? Like I said, you have managed to reinvent yourself. For that, I give you credit. Kudos.

My real name is Jenna Chen. Are you insufficiently intelligent or are you daft? Why would I tell people where I stay on the forum, much less a person like you? So you can send people over and rough me up or gangrape me? You have a history of that you know. So I'm sorry, my parents taught me from young not to trust people of abusive nature like you.

Now back to the topic, you said you were a promoter, and you headed Singapore and Malaysia in your previous postings. (You admitted it, I didnt lie), so you earned nothing from it? And you are still not a millionaire? Perhaps you are not good with math, let me do the figures for you.

Based on what you said, all agents earned a 30% marked up against international patients. Since its a partnership, I assume you will share the profits. As their overhead, I think its fair that you earned at least half. If the Singapore side and the Malaysia side each give you $1,000,000 USD (if im not wrong, most surgeries are costed in USD yes?), both these agencies would earn you a whopping $600,000 grand total in commission for you guys to share. Now, as the overhead, you earned half - thats $300,000USD of untaxed income. Wow..... =D~~~

Lets not forget that you draw regular salary and allowance from the Korean clinic. Lets say u earn another modest $100,000USD per year from that unassuming doctor. You earn $400,000USD per annum, out of which, only $100,000USD was taxed. Not to mention, most of your travel expenses are being paid for by that poor doctor, you earn nearly half a million USD per year without much expenses in your life.

Now the big question is, how long were you associated in this venture? ;)

Now, I know what you are going to say. These are all my assumptions. It doesnt matter if I insist its the truth, and you insist that you are not a millionaire. Your contradictory nature, my logical story, only will have one outcome - people can think of it themselves. I do not have to fill them in.

I will not be dumb enough to reveal my picture or address or contact details to you. So what? You can harass me like you harassed the other ladies here? Or threaten me and beat me up like you did to yr ex-gfs? I have access to those pictures if I wish to, Mr. Andy. You know what pictures I am talking about.

"As you know I aleady publishing my personal information on here becoz nothing I need to be shame or hide in any situation." Yes, because you know I also have access to these information if I wanted to.

Last but not least, I am not insulting you. I am only saying what you have done. If you feel I have insulted you, then you should think about what you have done to these poor patients and ladies. Furthermore, I need not insult you in this forum, you have done plenty of insults to yourself by changing your words constantly.

So what do I want? I want you out of here. Anywhere that you spread your lies, I will be there. So, enjoy your wealth, and stop trying to hurt anyone.
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