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There is a lot of funny and wrong information here.

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I don't use pursewallet plastic forum normally but, I can find some wrong information about Korea plastic surgery.

Listen guys...

I know how nervous and anxious you are becoz maybe or not this gonnal be big issue on your life.

Frankly, if you don't have incurable illness or big problem on your body then you know plastic surgery is not necessity.

(ye.. half kidding, some my fren talk 'ugly' is big problem nowdays...haha..;; :-s whatever, coming back to subject)

But you have to know this first, "You are not going to small supermarket near by your house" Right?

Seoul is most of safty city as you know but it's not meaning there is just all right things, no scam, always happy.

Not two but only your 'One of Sin' is...

You are foreigner.

That it all and I also included in this stupid rule when I go out to another country from my home.

So.. as a Korean... Welcome SG people first, and from now...

I'll give you nice tip for good time in Seoul if you have a plan to go to Korea for plastic surgery.

1. Money always big problem, anywhere..

Do u know there is a big gap between Korean patient and foreigner patient price?

Maybe u heard a rough that but don't know how much different that is...

For instance, let's talk about double eyelid most of common surgery.

If I ask to any nearby Gangnam ps clinic about price of that with Korean speak as the Korean then...

the price range is 400USD ~ 700USD (Non-incision method case). And Nose job...?

I bet if I have no special problem, first time, just wanna make it high simply then it's not over 2000USD truly.

Doesn't need talk about the another facial contour or breast job becoz each of that price cannot over maximum

3500usd and 4500usd(silicon roundary implant case, tear drop is maybe... around 6000~7000 usd?)

How about you foreinger case?

Double eyelid surgery...

No doubt they called 1500usd or higher from start when you speak 'English' question or send inquiry, right?

Sometime, one of you foreigner ask to them why their quotation is higher than Korean and they are talking,

Foreigner patients always need more extra service like translator, special care, instruction of something bla bla..

I admit it but, not meaning take it as understand all about their 2times charge price for foreigner's surgery.

Then why they gave Korean price to my sg fren when I was with her. I didn't know English speak could cover

4000usd in their original quotation for breast augmentation of my fren. kkkkk ^^. English is great, huh?

Don't kidding. They just recognized me as same local people and thought I knew all about this.

Solution is...

Just try negotiate more and more and over and over, litarally use your brain spin. how about this.

There is a one moment when they open real price to 'English or Chinese speaking person'.

Be a broker. Ah, exactly.. act like a broker and ask to them.

Hey... this is SG tour company and I'm nancy~. I have a one customer who wanna have a nose job.

Can u give me some commision?

Then, 9 of 10 clinics say original price bla bla.. 30% cut down or payback after surgery bla bla...

if u bring her then skin treatment is free bla bla... (or money)


Make any Korean fren first and ask them to make a deal with clinic.

Then she or he can negotiate with them for you. Whatever, better than your deal.

ah... sleepy, This took longer than I think.

2nd is next time.

I'll keep add and edit this thread for better and new information.

I'm Korean who working for Plastic surgery clinic, over 12 years.

I think I know all about this industry of Korea plastic surgery more than any foreigner patients.

Just wanna this is going to help for you.

Thank for read and have a good time in Korea if you come to here.

P.S : I'm not a English specialist as you see and some expression and talk is weird not like you sg people talk.

You guys do know Korea stupid English education system, don't you? ^^

I'll keep add this. bye~
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In a manner of speaking, this system is awkward.. why I cannot 'continue(byEdit)' my contents. (I'm not use to this board.)

Whatever... let's go to the no.2 talk about Korea ps story.

2. The popularity is not everything, just follow the Dr's time for your surgery

In a word...

Avoid peak time or season (Jun~Sep, Nov~next Fev) this is best option to make them care of you double times longer.

Look guys...

I also really like a well-known things whenever I buy or get something but only digital or mechanic production.

Becoz this making procedure is all same, exact by machine. (Things calling failure rate is less than 0.01% or lower)

But, hand-skill method by human is not same story.

Even I know this is my personal opinion, but the best priority condition what does need human's hand skill is...

I think 'Their own situation or enviroment' not just only their genius skill or reputation.

Becoz there is a limiting probability for this 'hand making skill' of medical method or performance.

But I really don't understand why so many people waste their time to find dr's reputation. This is not meaning reputation

have never affect your psychological state. But I know this is not makes rate of surgery success becoz I have seen a lot of

case, surgery failure of renowned dr and jackpot of beginner, and this percentage difference is not bigger than you think.

And do you know when this success and failure almost have no gap each other? No doubt peak season in my experience.

Think about through carefully.. of cos there is calling genius Dr(who have a good hand-skill and sense from born) for

surgery but, it's not guarrantee 100% successful surgery result.

Ridiculous thing is... It's a random to you by Dr's condition and time.

Most of problem is... how much and long 'Your Dr do care about your surgery!'.

I saw a lot of surgery result have changed by this, not by their reputation.(a bit...?)

For example, one case...

Double eyelid (non-incision method) is takes 15~25min, normally...

The way and performing dr almost have no difference but not time in peak season.

Shortly, 10~15min (have to finish) in high season and you know the reason.

Dr's time schedule has no spot for think about each one's surgery conditions.

If you guys is not copied in same hospital and parents then all human's structure and simptoms couldn't be same.

This is meaning all each patients need their own appropriate surgery method and time.

Beside twin's surgery time is not same even one dr doing theiry job if dr do care about both of them, do you know?

Reputation... ye, 'Having is better than nothing' but You cannot imagin how many Korean promoter and engineer

(like me) can make and change dr's or hospital's reputation. You have to know this first, Dr's reputation couldn't be

first but their best body condition and enough time for your surgery makes a close to best result by many cases.

becoz if anyone could have a time.. even plastic clinic feeding dog can giving a botox shot in Korea.

Make your time in 'Not peak time'

Maybe some SG people wanna ask me back,

'SG people also don't have appropriate time for surgery or vacation on Mar~May like you Korean!'

Literally... That's not things Korean dr have to consider..?

Do they need concern for your extra time...? That is just your personal problem, none of Korea plastic clinic.

Only problem is a cycling of income how to get a lot of patients and finish job more faster for next patients in peak time.

I say it again...

Just avoid 'Korea plastic clinic peak time'.

Your schedule is important thing but I think your money and best surgery result is more important, right?

3rd is next.
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Thanks for understand my poor English first and yes, you're knowing more detail...
I saved this '5pm is Dr's final death time' for chapter 5. kkkkk (kidding, you pointed good.)
Around this time... most of dr almost has no power, very tired hour.
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I see. So timing is very important, patients need to consider the dr's condition while they do our surgery. Pick a non-peak time, ask for the first surgery your dr of choice do for that day might be good idea.
I'm sure to be here for the 3rd post, Mr.Park! Thanks again ^^
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Not a big deal. I hope It'll help to your dicision rightly.
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Oh~~~ I think we are in same wavelength. Frankly, the first purpose I'm visiting here, that's to learn English. Especially, this thread is on the PS subject line and as I'm working same field.. I need to learn how to talk about ps in English rightly. I always envy Singaporean becoz they can speak 2 more language from born. Ah... suddenly another story, you mentioned about that MVP Chinese girl who can speak Korean fluent... I know what do you mean. Maybe, exactly she is ethnic Koreans living in China (朝鮮族. get it?). But I don't recommend you learn Korean from them. Becoz they speak in dialect hardly in Korean ear. Of course I understand what they are saying but uh... grammer is good but the problem is talk way and faulty pronounciation.
Whatever... most of Korean cannot speak English but I'm computer engineer and all textbook is written in English at old times when I was student engineer in university. Funny thing is.. you learnt gangster words... I learnt English conversation from 'Prison break and bigbang theory drama'. So, my speak way is ve~ry~ polite and kind~ (damn it kidding sorry~. coz of this I'm learning English 'again' now -_-;;; seriously) You'd better change the way, learning another language.

add : give me your kakao ID to my pm. We'd better learn and teach each other. If you want to know any Korean sentence pronounciation rightly, then leave that Korean sentence on our chat. Then I'll leave Korean pronounciation voice-talk followed your sentence. My case is not English. I can read and pronounciate it but, Chinese -_-. My second learning foreign language is the Chinese. Most of problem is two, like the another country people who are learning Chinese. Writing and Speaking. I gave up 'Writing'. But that uh... so weird high to low pitch and low to high pitch even in same letter and same pronounciation. That makes me crazy -_-;;; kkkkk

Sub sentence is homework for your study. Figure it out what this is talking...

오... 우리 똑같은 생각을 하고 있네. 사실, 내가 여기에 오는 이유는 영어를 배우기 위해서야. 특히 이 곳은 내가 일하고 있는 성형관련 주제가 있기 때문에 어떻게 영어로 올바르게 표현할 수 있는지 배우려고 왔어.
난 항상 싱가폴 사람들은 태어나면서부터 두가지 언어를 동시에 할 수 있기 때문에 부러워 해왔지.

Add : Thanks for correct my broken English.
You know 'About SK PS bla bla', my thread is just English writing practice to me.
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Now 3rd...

I think this is a high sensitive subject calling one of inside information.

Just know a lot of promoter's advertisement in here becoz most of way is very old trick.

And Don't worry, I won't get a shock for hundreds blackmail from promoters after done this~. haha.

3. What's a promotor?

There is a two type nationality.

One is Korean and the another one is your local people.

Only difference is just a language but the way is almost same.

But, It would be better talking about your near local promoter becoz they always around you.

Basically, promoter receive an education about hospital information and dr when they are beginning.

Medical knowhow or surgery experience? Doesn't matter if they have photoshop skill, good talk way that is enough

at first time. We are calling this people, Junior marketer. They just copy and paste advertise sentence with form

morphing from basic format.

Becoz they don't know what and how to start talk about ps subject and cannot add more detail explanation.

After few months or years later, if they are not monkey, they know something about plastic surgery and consulting

technic and background knowledge.

This is calling senior and their work become increasingly complex and innovative -_-;;;

Imagine that, they are not ordinary people who had a surgery or not just wanna know about plasty even have

never thought about Korea before. But this people know how to start talk with interesting story by their experience.

Sometimes they could disguise themselves as a new patient who wanna know good special clinic with keep talking

about specific clinic, sometimes they could be a well-experienced Korea ps expert but never looks like promoter.

How do you know about them?

Very simple but just know this is not 100% guarranted way.

If anyone keep talking about specific clinic in very long time or keep asking your ID with saying help you bla bla.

Doubt it first. Not everyone but some of them is promoter... you'd better gooling their ID and email address

first then you can see a lot of their contact information with specific clinic name. If you find their facebook or instagram

then you can see that specific clinic's promotions in their time-line on sns.

This is basic of basic research way.

Occasionally, some promoter saying... I'm working in our Korea clinic as a regular member for just fixed salary.

But actually, this is impossible story completely.

Becoz, Korea gov is not allowed foreign labor officially but they given special rule to only two case.

1st... The labor must have a Korea citizenship or temporary working visa

(cannot be regular member with temporary visa and not permanant you know, but this is make a sense even

I couldn't see any legal foreign regular member in ps clinic. Frankly, most of Chinese labor is working under

illegal in Korea. No way~.)

2st... The Biz office must be branch where belong to foreign national company allowed by Korea gov.

(Ye, sound great but kidding? Why and how foreigner could make a 'Korea ps clinic in Korea' themselves. Nonsense.)

This is meaning all of them just working for commission. We are calling this people, 'Broker'.

Just know this is broker. Too Complicate to explain about this more.

Let's see how to they make money.

The commission has a diverse range. Simply, around 15~30% of your quotation. This is divided into three type.

One is literally percentage of all price. 30 / 100 rate, very simple. They Just take 30% fee from final payment.

Another one is interesting...

The clinic make a fixed price first like double-eyelid is 800usd and only get this fee from promoter.

They don't care, don't ask how much patient original payment was...

Becoz that is kind of blind-agreement.

Few years ago, I heard one Chinese paid 7400usd for eye revision surgery to her fellow instead of us and my clinic

only got 2500usd from her fellow finally in my memory.

Even this commission system seems like good for making money but they have to pay all another cost. Viral

advertisement.. flight ticket.. hotel fee etc. Income difference is case by case.

Third type is basic salary less than normal and small percentage fee from patient charge price.

For example, 1500usd fixed salary and 15~20% commission with all background support like hotel.. air ticket..

One day... exactly a week ago? I have read this all page thread (almost) and it wasn't difficult to find a lot of promoters.

Someone is pretending like a patient and start thread with decoys to lure people into dragging them to specific clinic.

Someone is running their thread over 3years with old surgery history and picture for convince people to go to specific

clinic over and over in very long time.

Someone is asking to join any group chat to use patient curiousity to scoop them into specific clinic.

I'm not talking specific thread doing that like I said but just explaining how to they doing job.

It's very old trick but still effective. Becoz plastic surgery is not common frequent treatment like daily make up.

Only just one time... or 2~3 times in your life? No time, no experience to be expert for ordinary people and this is

meaning there is a lot of newbie here.

How do I know this...?

Becoz I also was and did, trained people to make them to good promoter as a marketing sector chief.

And this old trick haven't changed yet becoz no more good way I think so.

Welcome anyone's against opinion for this if you know more than me or have a hidden truth.

add : Correcting my broken English would be great welcome becoz I started this for that purpose mainly.


4th is next.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you Andy.L.Park for such informative posts. I was willing to pay $5000USD for my rhinoplasty + alarplasty as I'm Australian-Asian so am technically a foreigner. But after reading your tips about haggling, I'm going to definitely try to beat those prices down so they're close to local prices and travel during the off-peak season
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Actually, I wanna finish this all chapter in 5 episode but I have changed my mind becoz most of questioner who

asked me through my thread don't know about Korea plastic clinic system more than I think.

So, I have changed subject from hotel and shopping story to this,

4. Consulting and Reservation.

In conclusion, you'd better avoid sending deposit easily to make 'consulting' whoever ask or not.

Normally, someone is talking to you, cannot get dr consulting or no time sound like some deep trouble going to

happen for you but, believe me that's ******** obviously.

Ah.. maybe there is waiting time but not meaning you cannot have Dr consulting. And you know what?

Stop dreaming you can have consulting with dr after you get clinic immediately even you aleady have

reservation with deposit paid for consulting. Becoz dr is not always sitting on the chair for you guys.

We are calling 'fool idot' who paid deposit for just consulting, ok?

Let me ask you guys something. Serious. I'm really curious about this. Are you guys pay deposit whenever you

go to local clinic for consulting? I don't know about your country clinic system but we are not if that is not

reservation for 'buy' or 'doing surgery' and 'real treatment'. Consulting fee...? hah.. be fair~.

Why don't you think like this.

You have a consulting with dr or consultant to know what surgery is good or need for you.

Are you paying deposit or money to hotel staff for consulting to know which room is good for you?

If you don't reserve 'surgery' or 'hotel room' then payment is not required.

You can ignore if anyone ask you pay deposit for consulting bla bla... just ignore it.

One exception is... Surgery reservation. That's really matter.

If you make your decision in one specific clinic and strongly wish have surgery in there,

then it does make a sense becoz you really going to get their biz method and the clinic also need prepare

something for your surgery with spending something else whatever and mostly they cannot get another

potential patient who want have a surgery in your reserved slot, anyway. Surgery slot is like a hotel.

I think hotel's deposit is reasonable becoz they cannot get any customer if you dib a room eariler.

Then make this simple, why they keep asking you pay deposit if you wanna have consulting?

No more Two reason in my experience.

1st, not make you research the another clinic. Do you think you can pay back after reservation cancelation?

Again, stop dreaming. I bet really not easy and difficult.

2nd, maybe your deposit will going to promoter's bank account.

Becoz this is kinda reward system for sale promotions expense.

They don't need ask to clinic for sales. Becoz now you paid for their commision, 20% deposit.

There is more important thing.

Bank Account Name.

I don't know your country banking system but we(Korea) have the real-name financial system for transaction.

Literally, Biz model(clinic) and account name must be 'Same'.

Paypal? The account name also same.

If you are talking with "(this is sample) 한국성형외과" then compare with bank account name when you send

a money if you have to pay for any reason.

If that name is not same then, 90% they are trying tax evasion or the another promoter company.

Do you understand?

Your deposit 20% (or higher) is sending for broker.

Just keep this in your mind.

Chap 5 will be next.

PS : Damn, why no one tried to fix my broken English for me, except 3 very very good people -_-;;;

Becoz 'So perfect? -_-;;;;;' plz~

You all know my purpose! I'm getting lost my confidence.
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