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Asian Rhinoplasty in the U.S?

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Yes, I’m southeast asian. I chose him because he had a large amount of positive reviews on Real Self, and he demonstrated good general knowledge about the nose’s anatomy. It was my first surgery and I was very impulsive and easily impressed too.

LOL. You are spot on with the experience of being wheeled out while high as a kite. I didn’t even know such diverse aftercare options existed until after I started researching Korean clinics.
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WTF insane. TBH I don't even think his noses are THAT great?? Shiit.

If anyone else has any other recommendations, please suggest. Kinda running out of hope for a US Based rhinoplasty doctor.. :/
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^ I think I mentioned this before, but have you tried Charles S Lee in Beverly Hills? He specializes in Asian related surgery and definitely has done quite a bit of nose.

Ask him for more pics during consultation.
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Between Dr. Yoo and Dr. Charles Lee, I think Lee has much more natural looking noses. That said, most of his posted results are of PRIMARY rhinos. I have not seen any revisions from him that are convincing. I think if you are doing your first rhino, he may be okay, but I am not convinced he can do a complex revision. Plus, KCouture mentioned that she had a disastrous rhino with him years ago so that makes me concerned. I've been following him for some time and he has a reputation of relentlessly taking legal action against people who spoke out about their bad results. That also makes me very concerned, because he doesn't seem to care much about you after the check is cleared from my research.
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^Ah that sucks :sad:. I had my procedure with him and it went very well. Are you sure it's Charles S Lee and not Charles K Lee from SF? I know people have been confused with those two.
But yeah anyway, I cannot vouch for his revision as I have no idea about that.

For revision, I can think of Dr Sam Most from Stanford. He is actually great at noses in general. He could maybe help out.

If all else fails, I'd still pick Dr Yoo since he was trained under Paul Nassif...who could pretty much solve all problems. You could go to Nassif himself. But I hear he's expensive af. Like he could charge you 30 grand USD for a rhino revision or something like that.
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It sucks because I think Yoo has better technical ability, but bad sense of aesthetics. I like the recent stuff by Charles S Lee, but he has questionable / highly inconsistent technique AND a horrible reputation of hounding patients legally. I've seen some okay results by Dr. Kassir in NYC. I reached out to Yoo's office a few months back and they also quoted me $20K for a rib revision. Maybe finding a trusted surgeon with a good grasp of Asian aesthetics in the US is just a pipe dream. Sigh...
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^ Seriously, try Dr Sam Most. Just give it a shot. He's also affordable and not crazy expensive.

There's also Dr Chase Lay in San Jose. He's very famous for Asian specific surgery. He's got some solid asian rhinoplasty results and he's affordable imo:
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I've followed Chase Lay's work for a while and he has the same 4 pictures up on his website for the last few years. I remain skeptical of his work because he has very very few examples online, either on his website or even on instagram.
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:sad: Yeah not so sure then. Sam Most is known here as a gifted rhino doctor, but idk about Asian noses. He could be another Grigoryants (who is an awesome rhino Dr btw...but not for Asian rhino lol).

Have you tried consulting with Chase Lay and find out if he has like a binder of noses he's done that he hasn't released to the public?
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I don't think he is either. I didn't see a single asian patient in his gallery. East Asian (Chinese, Korean, Viet) noses are very specific and frankly I don't really trust any Western doctor who is not Asian to understand Asian beauty.
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What don't you like about Dr. David Kim? Yes I've looked into him as well. He did a pretty amazing revision on this Latino guy on RS. It was pretty incredible. But he is super expensive as well.

To be fair though his aesthetic is pretty good. He doesn't do fake looking noses like Dr. Don Yoo. If only he wasn't so darn expensive...
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Yeah...I consulted with him and honestly I think he's got a jerkoff personality. And he's super expensive. Also I actually don't like his aesthetics. My taste is different from others so I understand the difference in opinion. He's not as expensive as Dr Yoo but yeah he quoted me like 14,000 USD for primary non rib/non ear cartilage surgery.
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