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Revision rhino for contracted nose at April 31st (caucasian, 10 previous rhinos)

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Hi everyone, I am a caucausian woman from the U.S. that has unfortunately had 10 previous rhinoplasties (YES 10). I am reaching out to anyone who has dealt with the misery of a contracted nose and the misery of trying to fix it. My story is long and painful but my first revision rhinoplasty was with Dr. Rollin Daniel in 2007 and he rebuilt my scooped out primary with Diced Cartilage and Fascia and ear. It looked good but a year later my tip started to shrink up a bit and I asked him to do another revision where he added some more ear on my tip to make my nose even longer. It look great but again, another years passed and my tip begin to shrink a little again so he agreed to do a third rhinoplasty and he added a lot mor ear on the tip and some allodermn on the sidewall. My nose pretty much looked beautiful after this third surgery.

This is where my story gets bad because you see I got beauty greed and wanted even more length on my nose. I wanted it to look like my birth nose (IMPOSSIBLE after you have had several revisions). I was born with a big nose and I wanted it to be how it was before I did any plastic surgery and I made the hugest and most tragic mistake of my life and went to a reconstructive surgeon to put rib on my tip in 2011. I did not know at the time that there is huge difference between a reconstructive rhinoplasty surgeon and a plastic surgeon. First off, they are trained in a completely different manner and many times RECONSTRUCTIVE RHINOPLASTY SURGEONS NEVER DO AESTHETIC RHINOS. I remember hearing the nurses at the hospital say re: this surgeon, "I never knew he did nose jobs.." This was officially my first botch. The surgeon took EVERY SINGLE GRAFT that Dr. Daniel put in my nose and my nose shrunk up to half its size. He also put some pencil sized onlay graft made of rib that warped and I could actually move around with my fingers and made my nose a tiny little hooked nose. I went from pretty to an ugly turtle in 8 hours. My life changed after that. I never left my house. I never went to any social activity (before I was always out with friends and family enjoying life). I COULD NOT BELIEVE A DOCTOR COULD DO THAT, I have learned. Anyway, my nose was so ugly, he gave me my money back without any question or argument but money will never buy back what he took from me. Once your nose has shrunk up, the skin is never the same and it will keep contracting and contracting unless you have really strong grafts in there and a doctor who is a specialist in very damaged noses (there are only a few so be careful)

Thus began my quest to fix my botched nose:

2012 : Surgery with Beverly Hills Doctor with rib. Took out warped rib graft, added a graft under the base of my nose, added tip graft (some improvement)

2013 Same Beverly Hills Doctor. Added rib onlay graft and sidewall grafts. Rib warped badly

2014. Chicago Doctor (NOT TORIUMI) added caudal extension graft (added 5mm of length) fat grafting and two layers of perichrondrium, took out all warped rib) Improvement. The only thing is that I had an arrowhead nose now because although, he was able to lenghten it, he could not project it. I should have lived with this nose.

2015. WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE went to Famous doctor in OHIO to get my nose projected. RUINED MY NOSE. A mean,vicious, senile, overrated, pretentious botch master. He took out ALL my grafts again, put a piece of ear dermis on my bridge, did unnecessary osteotomies and I got a staph infection from his filthy surgical center full of low class people. Now I looked like Michael Jackson pepsi commercial area.I could not believe this so-called surgeon did this to my nose. He took out every single graft including my alar rims. He reversed every improvement. I kind of think he might have had his fellow do it. PLEASE EVERYONE..A SURGEON OVER 70 that is still practicing is A DANGER. Not everyone ages the same mentally and surgery is a skill that requires mental dexterity. THE BEST AGE FOR A SURGEON IS BETWEEN 50 AND 65. That is when they are at their prime. I was devastated that I went and bought a rope. I was alone on the holidays. I knew I was in big trouble. This began the time I did not leave my house at all for 2 years. I really wanted to kill myself but I did not do it because I did not want to hurt family members. That was really the only reason.

2016. I received a recommendation for an unknown surgeon in Westchester, NY that was supposed to be a miracle surgeon. i dont know why I believed he could help me. He was a very young surgeon with only 4 years experience but he had fixed a complex case and he told me he was confident he could help me. Well he did not help me. He put in lateral crural struts, did not replace my alar rim grafts and left me unable to breathe AT ALL, MY NOSE CONTRACTED. NOW I HAD A CONTRACTED NOSE because he did not replace the grafts that the Cleveland doctor took out and every surgery is a reduction surgery if you had multiples and you dont replace the grafts with strong material.
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I wonder if mine is contracted over the rib graft I have. You can clearly see the outline of it now. I had another graft on my lower bridge that was already removed, without incident but perhaps that (no incident) was due to my rather thick skin, and it didn't show (aside from looking huge :annoyed:).
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NadineP, i am very sorry to read what happened to you. However thank you for the bravery to share your story! I am sure we all could learn from it. Do you consider revision? If you do i wish you the best and get the result you wanted.
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Yes Catelet it is shrink wrapping over the rib graft. I think it happens to like 80 percent of the people that get the stupid thing even people with thick skin. (Unless it is SUPER THICK like some people with African Origins and people with just super, super, super thick skin)
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Aw, I see. I guess it isn't surprising, since it made my nose so much larger. It's good to hear from you--rooting for you and a great result for you NadineP!
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Thank you so much for sharing, NadineP. I also underwent some hard time after a botched nose job and got my revision by Dr.Jae Kim at April!! I cannot dare to say I feel how difficult your time must have been with such history but as a person who also had suffered from a contracted nose, I genuinely felt very very happy for you after reading all your posts!(I've read all the way to part III and I haven't been that focused even when I was studying for my exams! hehe Wish you all the best in your recovery!
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This sounds like classic body dysmorphic disorder. I personally wouldn't blame the doctors who came after the reconstruction doctor. You admit yourself that you failed yourself due to 'beauty greed'. It's unfair to blame the doctors who came after and tried to fix the mess he (and you) made.

You keep saying 'I should have stopped here, 'I should have lived with this nose but I wanted more ' but you did not. Why? This more than the doctors who came after are the problem. It is absurd to just keep operating....their only mistake was not refusing you and asking you to seek therapy. The references to buying suicide tools indicate a fragile mind frame and it is unethical for a doctor to keep operating such a person. Maturity includes accountability and you must take some for your role in this...

And if your revision in Korea doesn't work then what? You can't just stay in the house and not leave. It was such anxiety which caused you to do all this anyway.

I'd seek therapy. Because next thing you'll go to April31 and then give them a bad review for nose job number 11....the doctors aren't the problem here....
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Wow, I am astonished how mean a person can be. I wish you a botched PS then you would understand how she feels...
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I just came upon this, and that's absolutely heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. I would never wish anything like that on my enemy. I hope April31 was a good clinic, I hear they're pricey but great at their results.
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I don't care what anybody says, you can go to April 31's consultation but DO NOT DECIDE ON THEM until you visit at least 5-10 other clinics. I personally don't trust them based on my consult experience with them along with seeing some bad reviews about them

Your next revision should be your last revision and the revision of your life. Going over 10 revisions is only going to do your nose more harm than good so choose well.

Please visit Kowon (코원성형외과), he mainly does rhinoplasty only and hes the only doctor

and Ilumi (이루미), famous for nose/nose revisions
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