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Revision rhino for contracted nose at April 31st (caucasian, 10 previous rhinos)

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OMG I don't believe what I've just read. Really?! It is your freedom to think however you want to but what and who gave you the right to judge or criticize her?! If you want to sound smart or show off how logical you can sound, please go to another place for it. You have never been in the same shoes, so easy for you to say. I had 3 nose surgeries myself in total. First one was ok, but not to my satisfaction so had a second surgery then unfortunate infection took place. Removed everything but contracture/piggy nose started happening so had my last revision. Sure, it is only myself to blame to get "greedy" after the first surgery but that is part of what and why this whole forum is made and is based on. She was brave enough to share her tragic story even when she probably doesn't even want to think about it again.. or maybe she wanted to air-out? I'm not saying you have to give fake supports. Fine if you don't want to or think you should. But didn't you mama teach you? If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything.
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Thank you for reading my story :heart: you look beautiful by the way :heart::heart:
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Thank you for defending me beautiful ladies. I always believe that the world is 90% good and 10% bad. Thank you for being beautiful stars of goodness! I don't pay attention to these kinds of people. They are just soups of foolishness.
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