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Revision rhino for contracted nose April 31st (part II)

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So there I was, in the worse possible situation with a CONTRACTED NOSE. How many caucasian people have you heard of with a contracted nose? I was just so fed up and devasted. When you look surgical like this people treat you like a pariah, like garbage, like some mentally ill person that did it to themselves. It is the most painful and lonely life. 6 years before I was a vibrant ,one-of a kind person, married, with a great, high paying job, a great education, working very hard and socializing with accomplished and talented people ; bascially living a fantastic life in a world class city where I was born and raised (L.A.). I could not believe that I had such a downfall. Let me tell you what happened to me: I did not leave my house, I got demoted, I got divorced, I refused to see my friends, I gained 45 to 50 pounds, I got Rosacea from the incredible stress and suffering that I was going through every single moment of every single day, I spent all my savings. It was truly a hell on earth. I was sick of everything but something switched on in me and I became determined to get this fixed and I started to do my research about contracted noses. When I say research I meant I read everything on the internet, including academic papers. This is what led me to Korea and contracted noses. Some of the most important things I read on contracted noses were by Dr. Kim at April 31st. It was important for me to have an academic doctor with A LOT of experience in fixing contracted noses so this is why i decided to reach out to the April 31st Clinic. I had written VIP and Oh and Young as well. VIP straight up refused to see me because they said I was too complex. I was worried about Oh and Young because they do not have very much experience with caucasian noses. I started writing to Brian and Henry (the in-house surgery consultants at April 31st). They asked me to come in for a consultation and that was when I made my plans to go to Korea in July.I bought a one way ticket because I sort of had it in my mind that if the consult went well I would book surgery because I needed to get my nose fixed as soon as possible in order to start living again.

On July, 21st, I went in for my consult with April 31st. I was really scared because I do not speak Korean and this was really the first time I spent this much time outside in two years. As soon as I checked in , I was greeted by Henry and a little bit later Brian joined us. I was really scared but the both made me feel comfortable as they speak perfect English. Brian is very upbeat and elegant so it gave me a lot of reassurance that I was dealing with someone who was very experienced and easy to communicate with. We went over my complete history, including all the materials that had been used in my previous rhinoplasties. This was a good sign for me as most US docs dont even look at your op reports, let alone ask for a thorough report of your previous surgical history. Another awesome thing is that they do a CAT scan. I have never been asked to do one of those by any of my previous surgeons. The best thing though is that after I had my CAT scan, Brian, Henry and another surgery consultant (I think the Head consultant) came in and asked me what I was hoping to achieve. It was awesome because they are really good and getting you to articulate what you are seeking to achieve with the surgery. At this point it is really hard to say because for example. I like a defined bridge but I like a full bridge and they were like but that is contradictory lol so I had to explain and show pictures. Anyway, this was great and something that is NEVER done in the US in such an extensive way. We continued like this until Dr. Kim was ready to see me and then they all went in with me (Thank God). Dr Kim speaks good English but it was good to have Brian and Henry in there because they are native English speakers so everything could be clear. Basically Dr Kim started off with my CAT SCAN. He said my nasal bones were fragile because of the osteotomies. This is because the Evil Surgeon in Cleveland gave me unnecessary osteotomies. He said that he would be willing to do my surgery and he would do dermafat on the bridge from my butt (sacral area). I was concerned about that because how do you sit in recovery but it is completely painless as I have found out because it is not in the area where you sit) and reuse the rib that was in my nose and maybe what was left of my ear. He was conservative on what could be accomplished because i have had so many traumatic surgeries and my skin is bad. I really wanted my nose bigger, my nose more projected and derotated, fuller and more volumetric and not surgical looking and I would like the ability to breathe again. He said that he would make my nose more volumetric, derotate my nose, try to project it, try to help me breathe again and bascially try to make my nose look normal again which is the most important. Dr. Kim is nice and polite and took the time to explain things to me. Not salesmen acting at all and not overpromising which is a good thing because I have been tricked before.
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I'm not sure why the above post of mine only shows the quoted box ? but I wanted to say, I think we may have some of the same issues (or did, since now you've had surgery and hopefully don't have those issues anymore! :smile:), but one of the main differences is that my nose is still too big (where the rib graft is that I want out). Your story inspires me and especially your bravery, and I'm sure many others beside myself feel the same way, so thank you. :heart: We are all rooting for you!!!
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Thank you Catelet. Again, it means so much to me. I don't think the rib on the bridge is a good idea for anyone. I had the same unfortunate experience where A: you could see it throught the skin. It did give me augmentation which I wanted, but it looked ODD, FAKE and unsightly. It is probably the same for you. B. It warps. I know many people who have had the same exact experience and had to get it taken out. Yes, your skin is wrapping around and the rib and you can see it. I don't know this is successful on but it must be people with very thick skin and when I say thick skin, I mean people who have African origins that kind of thick or people who have skin as thick as that. Do you still want augmentation? I think Diced Cartilage wrapped in fascia looks the best and provides the most augmentation. Yes, I think the main difference between is I need a lot of augmentation and you need well thought out and conservative reduction. I hope they put soft tissed covering on your bridge after they take the graft out! I will keep you updated on my progress. :heart: N
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Thanks for sharing, Nadine. You obviously understand what I am talking about then... "a thoughtful and conservative reduction" :smile::smile: Yes, you nailed it. I can't wait for that graft to come out. I don't think I'll need any augmentation unless my bridge was scooped out w/o my knowledge or permission before the graft placement.

Btw, you seem very knowledgeable. When you have time, I'd love to know your thoughts on why you think soft tissue coverage on the bridge would be beneficial after graft removal? I'm very curious about that.

Again, happy healing and I hope all is going smashingly well for you. :heart:
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