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Rhinoplasty Journey at April31 (Consultations and decision)

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First and foremost, I just wanted to thank a close GF of mine and everyone on purseforum & kakao group who've shared their surgery experience, tips and most importantly, support! I've gathered so much valuable input which helped me narrow down the 5 clinics for my consultations. In return I'm sharing my experience thus far in hopes I could help anyone that's in the same situation. :smile:

Ps: This is a brief entry to keep it short and sweet! I will have a full detailed blog up soon.

Aesthetic goals: Short nose correction, defined bridge, correcting the bulbous tip and wide alar.

Clinics: In 2 days, I've consulted with the following 5 clinics:

All the above clinics had positive reviews and I loved their B & A photos.

In the end, I've chosen to go with April31 as I had the strongest connection with Dr Kim and Brian ( the consultant). I really admired Dr Kim's work!

Consultation: Brian literally blew all of the other consultants out of the water. He is genuinely helpful and very honest. His English is great and well articulated, nothing is sugar coated which is very important to me. I was very comfortable in sharing whatever thoughts I had.
Dr Kim spoke English well enough to get his point across. He took his time to address all of my concerns and my aesthetic goals. I was told my alar won't be as wide once it's projected so was advised alar reduction is not needed in my case and should wait until i see the final results with the bridge Aug and tip plasty before considering because once the alars are reduced, there's no going back.
I wanted a dramatic result yet natural like it was my own nose lol, he assured this is achievable. All in all I appreciate his genuine honesty and favored his methods.

Method- Ultrasoft silicone for bridge augmentation and tip-plasty using my own autologous cartilages.

Surgery- Surgery is booked tomorrow afternoon! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you!

Yes had my surgery! Back at the hotel now.
It was successful and I feel well!

I don't remember knocking out or closing my eyes lol and suddenly I was woken up by the nurse and taken to the recovery room. Felt a teeny bit dizzy but manageable.I didn't have a dry mouth at all like most ppl experienced, funny thing is I needed to use bathroom lol.
Pain wise- 3/10, just a little uncomfortable and clogging slowly building up as expected.

All in all, I'm pretty happy so far.

gooodluck for your surgery tomorrow! What are you having done?
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How are you doing, fruitpassion? I have heard days 2-3 are the toughest.

My surgery yesterday went well. I was pretty uncomfortable until I had the packing removed this morning and now I feel much better. It's driving me crazy to have to wait to see how it looks though! Even once the cast comes off I know it won't be the final result due to swelling. I am so scared of a bad result which is why I chose a well-respected surgeon like Dr. Kim for my primary rhinoplasty.
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Thanks Catelet! I'm healing really well :smile:
The used IV Sedation(induced deep sleep) + local anaesthesia. Prior to the surgery/ Iv sedation.I was hooked on a glutathione drip to help with my healing. The whole process was absolutely painless and I don't remember knocking out! Amazing ha!
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I'm glad your surgery went well! How are you feeling?
I know right! After the packing was removed, I felt so relieved and less tension in the nose. The removal wasn't too bad I find.

I'm healing really well! Might be too early to say but I think Dr Kim did amazing. My swelling and bruising has been minimal. I can breathe and sleep more comfortably now and have been eating solid but soft food since yesterday. I can't wait to see the final result!

Fingers crossed to both us and please do update me on your progress as well :smile:
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I was also amazed that I have almost no swelling and bruising even though I had a lot done. Dr. Kim must have a very gentle touch. I still have stents in so I think I will feel even better when those are out. I'm not sure if that's standard or because I had a deviation fixed during surgery. When do you get your cast off?
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Thanks fruitpassion for the review! Happy healing, wishing you a smooth one! I'm actually concerned as to reading when you done alar there's no going back :/ my alar is wide and my nose is big.. Anyway, do you have hotel recommendation in Seoul? Where do you stay?
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Yeah same!l So amazed I'm not swelling/bruising badly as expected! The swelling moved down to my cheeks so I look abit like a chipmunk XD. Although I do find that my upper lip is sort of numb, but overall Im doing well. I'll definitely have pictures posted once I get my blog up.

I had abit of deviated septum too and I think he fixed it. I'll find out when I get the cast removed which will be on the coming Tuesday :smile: . How about you, when do you get your cast off?
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And thank you! I thought my alar were wide, but the projection of the tip may decrease the side and also note I have big eyes so it needs to be proportional. Dr Kim suggested that I should wait for the BA and tip plasty results first before I reduce the alar, incase it gets too narrow. I had 3 other drs that suggested the same and do understand that it is a case by case basis. Once you do your consults, you'll get a better understanding :smile:

I'm staying in Myeongdong which is quite far from Gangnum. After surgery I just catch the taxi for convenience which is about 10,000krw each way. The hotel I'm staying at had a sale on booking(.)com and was waaay cheaper than airbnb, so definitely use a few sites to compare for the best deal!

And in terms of accomodation it really comes down to your preference, if you don't want to travel far, convenience for PS/recovery- def stay in Gangnum
Or stay in the Myeondong which has more things to do like shopping/market foods, but further travel.Their subway system is really good too so it's easy to get around! Hope this helps.
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With alarplasty you have to be extremely careful because there really is no going back once tissue is removed. Most surgeons tend to tell patients to wait after getting rhino. Think of it like pitching a tent. When you have a higher bridge and tip, the alars will be narrower. If you do an alarplasty at the same time, the doctor may overshoot and now you have alars that are far too small for your face.
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